Saturday, 13 April 2019

Patience with thyself

One of the biggest challenges anyone faces
Patience with anyone will always pose a task,
Either listen and try not over talk
A fashionable trait through an inpatient walk. 

Listen! Take heed what is said
“I’ll forget if I don’t say it now”
I prefer to be patient and remember what to say
Makes my heart much calmer.. “now inpatient one, go away”

Everything is now fast 
A click here and click there and bam!!! An outcome achieved 
I rather be humbly patient, that doesn’t deceive. 

God gives you gifts
And says “be slow to anger and quick to love”
The heavens above, brings out the best if you remain calm
Angst is so common, and not available on ones palm. 

Synopsis: patience is key, even when deadlines are set x 🙏🏽

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