Saturday, 12 March 2022

Humbleness that is all that takes..

Need a car 
Or the very best?
Say when you achieve purchasing that are you looking for another tests.

Say if you pray
Pray for the best to come out if you and others?
It’s that a priceless gift
And a humbleness to provide you a lift.

Isn’t it god that lifts you up?
Your brokenness when you feel weary,
You restore yourself with a humble non-materialistic prayer
Then something so humble shows others are there.

In a world full goodness but never shown
Mindless attacks through political groans,
I prefer to pray and go to the gym
A huge amount of humbleness where’s the father is within. 

“Buy the latest, but it’s the Father who is the greatest. A birthday poem to me and my lovelies”

12th March 2022

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