Thursday, 31 March 2022

1st day of the month

April arrives 
And with stillness say your prayers
Follow your heart with a true spirit
And love those who are feeling challenged and don’t simply ‘get it.’  

April arrives 
Love doesn’t need to be resisted,
We all need more of it
Let’s show with our hearts the beauty of our existence.

Love through a prayer
Give with wanting and care ,
You know the devils defeated right? For he shan’t dare.

Fight with love
Pray with hope
Hold with boldness ,
Show maturity by turning away
The pride of the devil wants you to stay.

1st April 2022

Unconscious fighting

A limit is a limit 
Enough is enough
And you won’t stop pontificating 
But then again, you sternness can become deliberating.  

You don’t want to hurt
But the nature in others shall test,
Killing with kindness is important 
Avoidance to anger, is where you manifest.

Learning to stride forward
when you run away,
Don’t looking at it as being hard 
Your emotions should be addressed and never barred.

Be kind to you
Be kind to the situation you are in,
You have done nothing wrong, yet this is a test
Prayers to God, from where you are ultimately blessed.

31st March 2022

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

You need to reflect on the positive

Seasons past
God shall forever last,
Some people can be toxic 
And Nasty in their delivery
They lack human spiritual, and serenity.

I could say f@*k them
But I prefer to pray,
What’s the point getting annoyed?
Yet I get when they get underneath your feet, your infirmity gets toyed.

Nothing lasts forever 
And sometimes you can’t see a way out,
Do I have the answer? No
Then stop, reflect and see the good in you
Praying to God is where I ensue.

Blame culture serves no point 
It focuses on negativity which others surmise,
Stay focused on heaven and turn away from the ignorance and lies.

31st March 2022

That’s all it takes…

A simple hug
Simply one a day,
Yes there’s time for banter, come what may.

In times for impatience 
People marginalised with a single point of view,
They need faith in God; and defeating the sadness we take on as glue

Live your life
You are wonderful and kind
And if you say you are not, their’s a spirit who shall lead you to unbind.

We all look towards love 
And if you don’t, you should
The world is in the state it’s in because others are getting blamed 
Start with you by praying; a humble start to be sustained. 

30th March 2022

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Don’t be too hard on yourself…

There are many occasion we are often put down,
People thinking they are funny, when really they are not.
A moment of madness is often a tame shot.  

No one is perfection
And if you say you are, then you are fibbing
I prefer praying for others, that’s my humble giving.

An act of kindness 
A moment of lunacy is often around the corner,
Praying each day in a world that needs love
Others refuting; when others we pray for need to see the Father above.

We can all be hard on ourselves;
And when others try to control your views,
You can always be seen as offensive, even though you have no intent to hurt
As long as you pray for those who despite oppose your thinking
And humbleness shall refute your sinking.

30th March 2022 

A world that should never stop caring

How can you deny your fellow man or woman?
People who are frequently struggling? 
Aren’t we suppose to show love for one and all?
There’s a father in heaven who refutes any of us to fall.

We have become cynical 
Dislike people more and more,
For the reason we have lost patience and kindness
Over talking each other; where egos lead to blindness.

What’s going on?
Yes, learn to challenge divide and rule fates,
The purpose is love, there’s no need for fickle debate.

People wanting to strain 
But not prepared to train excessively at the gym,
I suppose we live in hostility times
Where the Father blesses us during impatient lines.
Learning what your body does
Every step of the way,
People know they need to live healthily
But for us with Type 1s, our diet need to be attained wealthily.

It’s a challenge to live healthy
Yet hypos are the nastiest form,
Struggling to keep it together when others think you should be okay
I rather get rid of this auto immunology condition, that reminds us it stays.

Be good to your body
That’s common sense,
Living with this condition you are intricate, learning and aspiring 
I now go to the gym… now I am firing.

Stern and never weak,
Closer to God… this cure we all aim to seek.

29th March 2022

With a prayer

Haven’t we all acted in a moment of madness? 
Regret soon follows, and moving forward should not lead to sadness.

Think what we’ve been through in the last  2-5 years 
A pandemic!
Dividing others with moments of party politics attack!
Now this lunacy… so we need to take a gracious step back.

People capable of good 
Yet humans can be hit close to the bone,
Not thinking for a moment 
And not having the skills of a warrior Sloane.

No one needs to attack 
But words can press the heart so close; 
Situations escalate with no calm behind 
Pray for all concerned as no love is blind.

29th March 2022

A day in the life of…… someone with diabetes

Learning what your body does
Every step of the way,
People know they need to live healthily
But for us with Type 1s, our diet need to be attained wealthily.

It’s a challenge to live healthy
Yet hypos are the nastiest form,
Struggling to keep it together when others think you should be okay
I rather get rid of this auto immunology condition, that reminds us it stays.

Be good to your body
That’s common sense,
Living with this condition you are intricate, learning and aspiring 
I now go to the gym… now I am firing.

Stern and never weak,
Closer to God… this cure we all aim to seek.

29th March 2022
Diabetes Hot topics 

Kindness is all it takes

Hate is such a fickle word
Looking at negativity is somewhat absurd.

Love your neighbour 
Be at peace with God and then that falls to you;
Know your limitations, when recklessness arrives 
You are part of his glory, as it’s more than just a survive.

Powerful love
Powerful words defeats sin,
Really think evil works?
When prayers reaches a struggling past, and evil no longer lurks.

And did I forget that word Love?
If I remind you “love is there”
It’s a simple pattern which blessings shall share.

“Love God, you and all around”

Love you all
29th March 2022


The word is an art
A skill which is of not human form,
You learn to be balanced but others are nervy and control a storm.

Pray and trust
We are liable to make mistakes?
But don’t just say “we all make mistakes” and  then try to control, for others to break.

Trust is a gift
A power to manage,
Allow others to own their work
Otherwise you could make them go berserk.

Learn the art of empathy 
And refuse to capture that annoyance of an apathetic burst
Otherwise, may God be with you as his intentions comes first.

29th March 2022

Monday, 28 March 2022

Praying, staying and the rest falls into place

What does prayer mean for you?
A demand?
A request?
A guide of God’s loving best xx

God is your master 
he makes you see humility within,
No more vexatiousness, and no more devils sin.
Pray for people who don’t get you Is a strength and testimony in itself,
Abiding through his perennial love
There is a winning ticket you cannot fudge.

Love God first 
It’s the way forward for us all,
Believing in hope, love, kindness and godly answers 
diligent, hopeful and an enhancer.

“Love… need more of it..”

28th March 2022  

Gods blessing

Embracing this occasion
God transends his endless love,
Your prayers are so worthy 
And from his grace you shall receive his humble mercy.

Love of God sits you high
Love of your birthday occasion
Tears of joy you sigh.

God bless you
His hope is so high,
Need to keep active and praying on this merry day,
The Father knew you were coming around from the time he wants to say.

Birthday greetings 
Blessings, hope and kindness thrown in the mix 
The wonders of the Father who loves you so
And humbleness of grace he evidently shows.

28th March 2022
Happy birthday Marisa 🙏🏽❤️

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Tears of a joker

There are these melee of words
Not always necessary at the start of the week,
Yet it’s therapy for me, that’s where I choose to seek.

A tear rolls down
Yet moving forward is my light,
Acceptance of new beginnings is half the battle of a difficult fight.

You can’t help to love
It’s the way the body, heart and mind is made
Do we always need to be in a tortuous tirade.

Remember God loves 
No matter how low you feel,
Picking yourself up with an almighty prayer
Will mean the Father shall protect by bringing you someone there.

28th March 2022

I really need a hug

I really do need a hug,
No, I don’t mean an awkward shrug?

I want to cry and then pray to God
Trying to fathom what’s happened here,
This is a poem, when I thought there was nothing to fear.

You release your angst
With an almighty prayer,
This is there for a reason where their is a  God who genuinely cares.

Don’t be embarrassed 
Cry and pray from the heart,
This is only the beginning to re-commence a brilliant new start. 

27th March 2022

Love is your best friend

Love is your best friend 
A signal of hope, where you can totally depend.

Love is genuine 
Love brings out your strength 
Love has the harmony, with enormous length.

Love is your sight
Makes you see the light,
Love brings you patience 
with ever such amazement.

Remember love is the real deal
It’s harmony is surreal.
Never say goodbye when anyone shows their love
May the love of God inside of you rise towers above.

27th March 2022

Love is…

Love is so powerful 
Love is so real
Love has an answer for what is surreal.

Support one another 
During times of strain,
It’s been a difficult few years, where’s it’s difficult to sustain.

Love with kindness 
Life is all you need yet there are other struggles to understand, from transcripts you read.

Love one another 
It’s a difficult world out there,
Try to learn empathy; it’s not only you  that has to share. ❤️🙏🏽

27th March 2022

Here’s my hand

I give you my hand
And there is a hug in there too,
Tempestuous times exist that’s where I rather not ensue. 

I recalled the time I cried
Needing a maternal person to hold,
You taught me there was kindness out there, and also to become bold.

You don’t know what gift you have
An Angel ascending to protect my heart,
I can’t thank you enough, and that just the start.

I can’t thank you enough 
Your kindness is clearly unmatched 
May God protect you always and our hearts never detach.

27th March 2022

Yiayia a beautiful mother

Hello everyone 
Love that woman in your life,
Sometimes, hard to accept their choices
As God echos love through their humble voices.

You know where today has gone
A good woman in your life shall always belong.

Strong in will, despite if they feel they need to question
A decision so God driven, through this maternal confession.

May the Father see your light
And your strength bring out your best
We know you have the hardest job, yes through God’s heart, you are simply the best.

26th March 2022

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Keep us together

Time drifts 
Time lifts 
God loves your heart
The day is ready to prophetically start.

Keep praying
And find your soulful passage to embrace
No one is better than others
Are we not suppose to support sisters and brothers?.

We live for today
Tomorrow we cannot control,
What will come from this?? Your spiritual soul.

Bring light to the fore
An open mind, without judgement to cause havoc to the state  
As long you find your faith to bring comfort, that is never too late.

26th March 2022


You do your best 
Yet it’s not good enough?
It’s an argument where you have been told you have  lied
That isn’t the truth, yes I am a big man, but all I want to do is cry.

Why am I hurting? 
You know why? It’s because I care
Someone has got beneath my skin
And it is love, not that tyrannical sin.

My heart hurts but with prayer that shan’t last long,
We can hurt each other, and eventually you shall become strong.

Oh Father why am I not believed?
Is it them? Or have I not received?

I want to love 
but I want my flaws to be accepted too,
How much I need you right now, as I feel humbled by your clue.

26th March 2022

To those who care ❤️🙏🏽

To those who care
To those will always want to be there,
A special quality not frequently seen 
Their love for you is everso pristine.

May the light shine on you
God’s gifts has humbled your hearts,
Beauty within, and that’s just for starts.

They are looking over you when they are not there;
This is a poem to all Mum’s who have shown tremendous love when there child’s back has been against the wall
They are your rock, to prevent you to fall.

Love will protect you
And the kindness you’ve shown always  perfect you,
Thank you to all the Mum’s out there
And the tenderness we once thought wasn’t possible to share.

“Mother’s day poem”
27th March 2022

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Wake up to the weekend

Start with exercise
Burn those muscles until you stop,
Pray while you are doing it, where the mind and heart says you have an excellent shot.

Love with your heart
Push weights with the inner strength of hope,
You cannot fail, there is always an Angel that cares
The love of driving forward means you are virtually there.

Keep trying 
You are not designed to give in,
Remind yourself you have the greatest encouragement from faith
The devil is already defeated, along with his wraith.

You try and keep moving forward
You strive, and he look towards us,
You are strong, forward thinking, willing and possess stacks of guile
These attributes from the Father means you shall sustain for quite while.

25th March 2022

Why blame?

We live in tempestuous times 
Where arguments lead to blaming,
If you don’t solve the problem, you rather be taming.

I hear “If there’s a God why is there pain?” 
Hard question to answer but part of the problem is trust,
We now in a position where we look at politics, and that isn’t a godly must.

We once use to smile
Once asked how each other were.
Now we have this blame culture,
There’s a Father in heaven, and he rather enhance your nature.

Love is love 
It’s more than becoming gentle or being a delight,
Love comes with love, yes, there’s a spiritual fight.

Embrace God first
He is your guidance, hope and guile
You can’t do this alone; if so you’ll be waiting a while.

24th March 2022


Bless your heart
Bless your mind
Bless your Father who has all the answers to find.

Do with blessings comes hope 
and with hope comes love,
And with love shows heart
And with heart shows us power
God is all these things and more 
Never shall blessings be seen as a bore.

May prayers move towards you
Don’t be angry, equalise with love
Nothing lasts forever, from showers raining above.

Love, kindness, hope and wisdom 
Words often said and said do simply through a humble heart,
Where times were once so fast, blessings towards you shall forever last.

24th March 2022

Life calls

No money shall meet happiness
And a new life shall give you a lift;
Embrace this new path from you seek
All the achievements you’ve seen through an almighty feat.

I am sure you will
Wishing you all the best for the times that await
Relishing a new page in a great mind to state.

Stories to be written
Memories flourishing with pride,
Now a new day arrives 
And blessings heading in your direction where you no longer need to surmise.

May prayers be humbled 
And new conquests take you to an elated path
a new page unfolds from this exciting episode which lasts. 

“All the best Stephen. God bless”

24th March 2022

Why do we believe?

Press your hands together
Or put them in a ball,
Just pray…
He never leaves you and teaches you hope that your freewill will stay.

I hated…
I despised…
Others did not care when I thought they would;
Then the tears lead to breaking 
And his love is so magnificent, from the Father there was no foresaking.

Those who do not believe, are never forced
Those who do not understand let them learn the theory;
It’s only a matter of time that word “God” is yelled and you’ll feel more than a bit teary.

For some it’s about power
For some it’s about being at peace,
For me? I just want to get to know him more
No matter how many obstacles are in the way
I know the Father shall always hsve the final say.

24th March 2022

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Systems control

You can’t get stressed 
You can’t let it over take,
Humans without prayer tend to always break. 

We struggle with love 
And sometimes we embrace others fault,
Yes others are controlling 
as all you want to do is your best 
It’s not personal because in the Father’s eyes you are no longer a mess..

Be at peace with you
You can’t control the uncontrollable foe, 
Let them fall on their face, they shall eventually find peace
Say your words, avoid gossip and let perception go over your head
You know your worth, wasn’t it Jesus who fed us fish and bread? 

Humble your heart 
Others perception can leave your mind,
Yes it’s hard to digest 
All for a season… nothing more or less.

23rd March 2022

I know he will pull us through

Why do I believe?
He keeps me strong when I feel weak
He gives me hope when there’s other places to seek.

I pray for those less touched by Faith
And when they become vexatious, he has a way of putting them in their place. 

I know he protects and gives you gifts
He also provides answers that you’ve been seeking for long and wide
And when I am connected to him there’s credence to find.

This journey was never meant to be easy
And he’s love for you is there each step of a long, long path 
Yet through prayer and struggles amidst  
There is a great end goal that shall shine with sheer bliss.

23rd March 2022

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

A Beautiful milestone ❤️🙏🏽

You are here
A special time where you have arrived,
God protecting you with love, wisdom and mercy 
And humbleness which is beautifully worthy.

Half a century 
Yet you look and act like a child of the utmost high,
Glorious beginnings as these words shan’t make you to cry.

You are blessed 
Uplifted and worthy of this milestone, and time that belongs to you
And prayers and warmth for whatever you choose to ensue.

Blessed at birth until this pinnacle moment now,
The love of this poem shows mercy and an uplift for thee
And that this special day for you, shall provide a celebration for friends and family we shall see.

“Happy birthday Eva,
Bless you in Jesus’s name”

Jason and Divine xx 

Monday, 21 March 2022


A place full of life,
Never sleeps 
No time to weep
And if you do, you quickly move on with consequences Which are steep.

You are not a slave 
Nor are you tirelessly working through a cress of a wave,
It’s praying that’s keeping you together,
Perhaps not from you, 
yet others you have harmed want you to pursue.

Pursue what? You may ask
The father in heaven, that’s where I bask,
You think I could drive my smile without his love?
Tell you something, his wants for you tower far, far above.

Simple words 
Words of hope and passion,
People look at realism, intelligence as their saviour 
Yet it’s praying to a humble and integral God
That shall forever move us forward in humility, that’s where I shall gently nod.

“Be still, pray and love”

22nd March 2022

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Monday starts

Look at this day
Yes it’s start of the week,
New challenges await
Even if curve balls nip in any creek.

You drive forward
Yes, you may start a little slow,
But haven’t we had too much speed recently
Rather than an relaxed approach of any decency?

It’s an era of change
So let this day reflect,
Pray each morning 
A blessing from a higher calling.

I start the week at the gym
I don’t say “I’ve got diabetes, I can’t do that.”
I pray and try, and even through the strain I rather not cry.

So bless you
To start this week well,
When things calm down, which they have done
There is always opportunity to see whatever through and have some fun.

21st March 2022

You need Faith

Why do we pray
Because we want to humbly stay.
Knowing humility is following hope
And falling down a spiral is ashame for others to gloat.

You know it’s right
You know it’s tight,
Guard your heart with God’s love
No one else can ever tower above.

You lead this walk
Show him you are there,
A place he wants you to follow
Rather than the Devil wanting you to get  swallowed.

Be kind with your needs and others too
Show the example that Faith has drawn you close,
More importantly the love of his humbleness means to us the most.

20th March 2022

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Whose said I am not in that place?

Whose said I am not in that place?
Looking for answers or humility to grace?

Being gifted
Forever lifted through struggles
Humbleness in any type of conflicted muddle.

Do your best
Give it a go,
You think I haven’t been where you were before?
Or are you less empathetic? with blindness to your own core.

I have been to that place
So don’t talk to me with the little understanding tou have digested 
As Faith inside has elevated and contested..

19th March 2022

Protection in the Father’s love

I love you
Your daughter
The situation which manifests 
This isn’t from God, but it is a test.

I love you
I know you love me
Let’s stop this bickering 
Let’s stop this war of arbitrary words
Is t this about love, so from that, whats absurd?

The devil will fight
Yet we are far stronger,
He makes an attempt with trickery and the cause of distress
Ultimately Father… we all know you are the best.

You win the battle
Relationships shall be restored,
Loving to the Father, and for the two of us to stay humbly adored.

A friend x
19th March 2022

There’s a God

There’s a God in heaven that sees 
There’s a son who arrived to earth to also set us free.

Words not understood?
Or fully embraced?
He’s  the first and the last, and the patience he never wants us to be unbearably fast.

The life’s we live
Are with him all of the time,
He gives as chance to go forth and stop the constant wine.

Remember this!
Whatever path you walk 
Whatever anger you possess
There is a love emerging from the soul
And humbleness inside of us has nowhere else to go.

19th March 2022    

Birthday joy

Bless you on this beautiful day
May your dreams and goals await from these words I am about to say.

Loved by many and more importantly by God
There is hope in this future where the Father gives his approving nod.

May life lift you up
May this day bring out your smile,
And may the Lord rest his hands for you, for quite a while.

May Dante be blessed on his birthday spree
And that humility and Love from his family be evident for all to see.

“Happy birthday Dante
Love from Jason and family xx”

Diabetes lifestyle

There’s those who know your condition
For you it’s a constant rendition
And fighting to balance bloods each day
The issue is? Diabetes won’t go away.

It’s a lifestyle
A natural art
And there’s the carb counting
And that’s just for start.

Yet the way of life has a clear mind 
Do not eat rubbish , junk food and all that tat
But once in a while gave a cheat day, but that stays as that.

Free advice from someone who knows
You need to stay positive and aligned,
Difficult when experiencing a low
One thing for certain, start today and learn with this condition to grow.

Type 1 with diabetes
19th March 2022

Friday, 18 March 2022

A new dawn

Peace and quiet 
A thing mostly known of the past
these days most things are escalated and rapidly fast.

With speed comes with good vibes
Yet harmony needs to be instilled, 
You need to fight when required
Not argue over the smallest thing, that’s never desired.

Where adults act like children with children
Where children need to be shown love and guidance
And calmness in God’s should be the aim
The balance is within him, that’s never tame.

So relax
Chill we are not in a race,
Learn the art of patience
From that, there’s no hastens.

18th March 2022

Thursday, 17 March 2022

A prayer is strength

We are strong in spirit 
Yet we start off by being weak,
There is a nurturing thing we look to aim
We start slowly and then the strength builds,
Looking towards humanity normally fills?

We look towards hope
And kindness to all things that need love,
Even when you feel zest with God inside 
There is a humbleness which solidifies the tide.

Think about this journey we endure
Too cautious leads to paranoia, 
Or accepting the goodness of the spirit that lives within us all,
Like I said before, the devil shall fall.

Take this day 
Avoid gossip or drama, they do not align
Then again, prayers to Gods are the essence that we shall define.

17th March 2022 

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Working until the end

We moan when we work..
We moan when we are bored…
So when balance is captured, will you be unhappy then?
Or will you voice your aim, at a challenging goal
Learning to splash water on your face and decisively not to go slow. 

God is your balance 
He gives you gifts when you feel you don’t deserve,
So when you pray for hope to overcome 
Isn’t that suppose to be a challenge that is eventually won?

You work, exercise and sleep 
Learning to find balance to avoid to weep,
Isn’t it good to release a level of stress 
By exerting energy and then achieving nothing less.

Love is your balance 
It isn’t complacency that takes you off track..
One thing for certain, exercise your faith in God that path never loses,
As it’s free will that has the option for all that chooses.

16th March 2022

Ways with time

Time is important 
but you can’t own it,
A famous person said this once
Living for the moment has consequences which has a hunch.

People controlling their futures 
And it’s good to save for a rainy day,
Yet stay humble and try not to contradict by saying “I do or I don’t”
I rather hear an affirmative and steady “won’t”

Don’t live life on the edge
It’s all or nothing for some 
Finding a balance is always needed within 
And knocking away the Devil is an undeniable win.

Try not to over think, yet that can be easy to do
Sometimes you need silence to hone and balance the pumping heart
Yes face challenges, reflect, assess and phased in
And try not to overwhelm yourself, for questioning a question  with an overwhelming sting.

16th March 2022

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Diabetes… the never ending story 😉

You train like a soldier 
You can’t take type 1 diabetes away,
The feeling of a hypo is truly awful
And you feel buried under the sand, so you attempt to be resourceful.

Yet we are Perennial triers 
A champion of great examples,
Yes there are days you wonder what’s going on
And others who don’t have it, and announce you’ve done wrong.

I say this to them
Try living with this every day,
Yes there are other conditions that imminent end
Diabetes of this nature is an education that transcends.

You learn about your pain each and every time
Not everyone can care for you, but you analyse and become sublime.
Working through numbers to inject and make sure you have a nourishing meal 
And when you overcome then there’s the next one to deal…

“Keep learning and moving forward. Message to people with type 1 diabetes and their carers.”

15th March 2022

Monday, 14 March 2022

Focus on love

The world was designed to love not hate
Those who have a healthy discussion leads to a thought provoking debate.

The idea is to learn from each other 
Listen, learn and move forward.
If arguments sake comes to the fore
Learn to respect others opinion  moving forward forevermore. 

Remember love is more than being wishy washy or being soppy
It’s about how you can move on with hope
Holding back to anger for what you do not understand
Why would others talk to you, rigidity simply disbands.

It’s been about love
Nothing more nor less
I believe in you, therefore flourish through all tests.

14th March 2022   

What’s the point

People understand love
Or has hate become the new fashion?
The art of loving each other doesn’t come as a ration.

We learn to live
Not take others lives away,
It’s about humility, or this lunatic has no logic, therefore strayed.

You heart provides hope
Your love of God needs to get closer,
Pray for those in Ukraine
And that mad man finally refrain.

God loves us all 
It’s the only place that shall win,
This Nutter needs to realise this is wrong
And the people affected need to be settled and belong.

“Prayers to those in Ukraine”

14th March 2022

Sunday, 13 March 2022

My diabetes journey

The road has been long 
And the heart has learned a lot from this condition,
I have been adaptable and learning 
I am also looking for a cure that is often discerning.

I walk this road
But you are never alone,
Peer support is there
And humbleness is for what we shall share.

Having a hypo and hyper will face it’s challenges 
As long as the nerve endings don’t face any damages.

Be kind to your heart
Be kind to you,
This condition won’t be around forever 
By believing in yourself, should never contain the word ‘never’.

13th March 2022


Thank you for the kindness
Thank for the free advice
Thank you for being me this wonderful sister
A wonderful human being and a great listener.

Bless her journey every day
Stay with her with no harms way,
To say she is brilliant brings is understating the facts 
God protect Layla with nothing to retract.

Keep her close
Keep her protected 
Keep working on her Lord, she will be perfected.

Praying every day
No judgement portrayed through any whim, 
Hands together and pray for her to face a wonderful week
You are God’s child, a brilliant creation to see
And humbleness together, we are truly free.

13th March 2022
 “Thank you Layla”

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Humbleness that is all that takes..

Need a car 
Or the very best?
Say when you achieve purchasing that are you looking for another tests.

Say if you pray
Pray for the best to come out if you and others?
It’s that a priceless gift
And a humbleness to provide you a lift.

Isn’t it god that lifts you up?
Your brokenness when you feel weary,
You restore yourself with a humble non-materialistic prayer
Then something so humble shows others are there.

In a world full goodness but never shown
Mindless attacks through political groans,
I prefer to pray and go to the gym
A huge amount of humbleness where’s the father is within. 

“Buy the latest, but it’s the Father who is the greatest. A birthday poem to me and my lovelies”

12th March 2022

Friday, 11 March 2022

All the colours

All the colours in the rainbow
Clearly neither are the same,
A door closes and another lights up
A new start awaits as prayers arrive your way
A joy, a delight and the chapter unfolds today.

You brought out the colours 
You supported with heart and guile, 
A wonderful message arrows in your direction
where colours of the rainbow glisten with a warm embrace read
Another chapter are like colours which are embed.

We shall never forget you Laura
Colours of the uplifting rain and blue sky
This isn’t an excuse for you to take a deep breath and cry.

Memories never forgotten 
Efforts achieves as fast as the next, 
This moment to wish you a great day and life
And thank you for everything, like a rainbow beautiful in grace 
And the world of the NHS with its forever ending pace.

Bless to you and your family Laura
Hugs and blessings 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Continue as you mean to go on

Do you exercise?
If not…, why?
You rather sit there limbering and put the world to rights
I prefer to exercise my demons, those I can keep out of  my sight.

Why do I train?
It releases that chemical in the brain to strive you on,
When you sit there sulking and asking what have I done wrong? 

Yes this is a “kick me up” the bum poem 
Words that say “don’t leave off for tomorrow when today has arrived” 
You are blessed with strength, now go out there and feel alive.

Keep moving 
And rest when the time is right,
These are words I prefer to reflect 
Rather than sitting still, which I refuse to detect.

“Motivational Friday”

11th March 2022

What we had…

When we had uplifting songs
And when we cried when sounds deeply hit,
When we were lifted by revelational music
And there was an excellent beat, for what we ensued it.

Listening to George Michael
And the brilliance of the artist formerly named as ‘Prince’
And there was Cat Stevens, that genius with an angelic voice which carries
And the amazement of Elvis, who humbled and made excellent music to marry.

A beautiful harmony
A sound enriched with deep soul,
Going forward during these times where little became a lot
A prayer to the father, from where we begot.

The sounds were rejoicing 
And loving conquest of voicing,
Embrace these past times which we may have not appreciated due to our mere age
Now looking back, these pieces of art were a magnificent stage.

10th March 2022


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

We belong to him

Struggles, pain and endureth love 
We belong to the highest spirit there is;
and your day starts with prayer and love for him until a tear drops
His drive never stops.

No matter how defeated we feel
He is our fight, the ultimate deal.
No point facing anger towards each other 
There is hope, my sister and brother.

This is great news 
News you never quit because the war has already been won,
The son, father and Holy Spirit the humbleness from which he has come.

Do what did I say? ah yes, we belong to him
And whenever you feel down or pushing away,
There is his never ending benevolence which finds a way to stay.

10th March 2022

50% of arguments

50% of arguments are not worth saying
Nothing original about anything fraying 
I prefer humility and a need for constant praying.

Bickering and prodding for a reaction
Humbled heart and learn to minimise distraction.

Politics is the new sport
When sports aim is for a triumphant sound,
Gentle hearts and endlessly astound. 

Why argue?
Wind up merchants shall always be there,
As long you turn the other cheek from the pointless statements I do not care.

9th March 2022

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Day to saviour

Being treated on this day that belongs to you
Yes you, special I the eyes of God
Each time you wake up, you receive his approving nod.

The day you ascended on this earth
Not asked to be here, but you haven’t given it a go
Prayers and blessing in where you want to flow.

Yes, it may have been a struggle
But that past needs to go to rest,
Say your prayers daily that us what you need to profess.

This day is yours 
These words come from God, your protecting hope 
Remember you are special from these words that have been relayed
As this moment of kindness shall never be dissuade.

“Happy birthday to those born on the 12th March”
9th March 2022

Looking at the good

In a world that’s sprayed with politics 
People wanting control, when they say they don’t
No one talks about films, culture and what you dearly need to embrace
Rather stick to the bureaucracy which doesn’t have any taste.

Films that relate to the spirit
Joy from a song last heard,
Now it’s all about politics, isn’t this rather absurd.  

People revealing into drama 
Needing a kick out others misfortune,
Then saying aww, what a shame,
I think it’s gossip upside down, I rather refrain.

When does politics pick a person up from the floor
When does politics make it right to see an end goal,
Give me a comedy any day of the week
A cup of coffee and piece of cake, that’s where I prefer to seek.

9th March 2022

Some strive off

What I am about to say may cause a pause
A clever array of words which might offend?
Drama queens are an acquired taste and often never refrain..

They make drama out of nothing caused
Needing to stir the situation when it’s not life or death;
They do not humble, they say a lot and often mumble.

In a world they escalate, and do not calm down
The essence of these frantic types are never at ease
Proper theatrics and nothings is a breeze.

I said these words possibly offend 
I never relate to these passionate types
I look and stare as their nerve endings are rather ripe.😂

8th March 2022

Monday, 7 March 2022

Write freely

Write with your heart
Provoke a sound relief,
Poetry which derive from a story to tell
We were all once broken, hence the poem I tell.

People thinking others don’t care
Stop reading now….
Emotions they rather not share, and lead to scowl.

People holding back
Yes, it does benefit to be guarded,
There is love in us all, need no to feel tarded.

Words that I say have a balanced feel
They can provoke, but it’s meant with no harm
They are aimed to open the mind and explore findings.
If you stagnate, then there’s the possibility to delve into the blinding.

8th March 2022

Running towards

What are we suppose to do?
If I were to touch you
Would this situation stick to me like glue?

I prayed and run
I didn’t care what personal best I would make
The Father in heaven proves humbleness for me to take.

Struggling for each breath 
Making each stride count,
My closeness towards the Father was about to mount.

The pain to get closer to God 
Released the most amazing fear,
Once I prayed and run each prayerful glide 
I knew this time to achieve wasn’t only about pride.

7th March 2022 

Sunday, 6 March 2022

19 years and counting

It’s been a journey 
For those with type 1 diabetes can tell,
A moment of reflection and attempt to get away from auto immunology hell.

You face each day with a struggle to overcome 
Monitoring your exercise and food intake
as you love your pancreas to one day secrete insulin from the prayers I make.

My story is strong
We with this condition are so attached to the earth,
And we keep moving forward with strides to embrace 
Looking to remove ourselves away from any undue haste.

We all receive health concerns 
And the important thing is that we acknowledge we are not alone
We keep fighting and preparing for this endocrinology fight
One day a pancreas will reform and insulin shall be an oversight.

“Living with type 1 diabetes”

7th March 2022

Love to the one I truly love

I get attention 
Yet I want to love one person and one person alone,
My time with God, that’s signed up for real
I gave my heart to him, the ultimate deal.

I love my true love 
She is so beautiful to my eye,
Yes we have views that may differ
Yet my love for her shall never dither.

She is bright, beautiful and ultimately kind,
I wonder why on earth she chose me?
Perhaps it’s my literacy? Kindness? Or wit?
I don’t stand on the fence, that’s where I sit.

I love you Divine
Yes the world needs to know,
Created by God, shining his light
And there is me… yes your Jason… who knows how to write…

Love to Divine

6th March 2022

Simply brilliant

If it weren’t for you two I would be dead,
Yes, strong words, but they always need to be said.

Others would have left me to rot
I heard “you have made your bed, so die”
You allowed me to live, especially when my heart was full of lies.

I love Matthew and Nikki
Angels I adore,
Different in nationality but together where we were to wore.

Love needs to be said 
Where hate has often arrived,
If it weren’t for these two Angels, I wouldn’t have survived.

“Everyone has Angels, I was blessed to have these, thank you Matthew and Nikki xx”

6th March 2022

It’s all going to be ok…

You take your time 
You stop, listen, reflect and then later decide
Sometimes the advice you never asked for can sometimes become wise.

You look towards hope 
Sometimes from your parents,
Sometimes a guardian who is always there
Ultimately you need to talk to God; who shall share.

He never let’s go
But you can, especially when things go right,
Money is now in your pocket 
It’s his lead that took you to that fight,

Despite the pain
It never ever lasts
I try to be light-minded and easy to speak to
But the devil will attack,
As long as you focus on him, I am pretty sure you won’t ever slack.

6th March 2022

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Life can be simple… but

It’s when you want more than you can afford to have 
Yet you desire to crave for materialistic claim 
Put your faith first, never allow others to tame.

You strive, you love, you apply and try
You blink, think and perhaps drink and then wonder; 
Glory to your inner faith, like a rapturous thunder.

Life is fairly simple equation
Especially from the mistakes we forego 
And the balance we capture
In the heart to simply go.

Bring love forward 
It’s a simple way to look,
Why do we complicate things and think we can learn?
You have this wonderful life, a life to love and cherish  
The devil has always wanted us to perish.

“Fat chance…. Haha”

5th March 2022

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Love has never lost a fight

How can hate overcome Love?
No such thing,
Politeness wins, from turning the other cheek
Focus on goodness, the pinnacle what we seek.

Hate can’t win?
Why, it’s soulless, aggressive and vain,
It has no place on this earth 
Hence a prayer to the messiah who should us our worth.

To be angry serves no place
Perhaps you do need stress which makes you move,
But you cannot compare that to Love
The world needs goodness, not a vexatious tug.

Love will win through prayer
Through hugs,
Through kindness 
And do you know why Evil won’t prevail?
The Father has the final say, from which his children shall yell.

4th March 2022

Wednesday, 2 March 2022


A poem a day 
Releases the tension on this very today,
A word of opinion
Can often offend
Depends what you are saying and avoidance of swaying.

You learn through the arts 
You learn to express inner most feelings,
We are not designed to be robots 
Nor are we emotionally stealing.

Freedom of expression is a good way to evolve
learning to say what you feel..,
And that word “there’s the problem” what solvency does that deal? 

You see the problem…
So write it down,
Safety writing a pen or typing on a keyboard 
Expression is the way forward each and everyday
Especially the day I had depression, no professional had the empathy, do here is my confession.

3rd March 2022

Seasons future and past

Morale of this poem 
Nothing lasts forever,
Despite the season
And despite the drain
Live for today your life shall attain.

Looking at the past 
Reflect a point in your life which has gone,
Despite possible mistakes, in faith you do belong.

Don!t drain..  simply fly
You have plenty to live for
Remember you held my hand
When no one wanted to, or defend my stand.

We all have something to give 
Make this situation work,
We are all broken in one way or another 
Here’s my hand and here’s my heart
Goodness will prevail, now today is where you start.

“We don’t need negativity in life, that’s obvious… just accept God in your heart”

2nd March 2022

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Endless journey

Living with auto immunity deficiency always makes you aware,
Needing to be on your A-game makes focus when sometimes you just want to stare.

You go the gym
Focus like a warrior Sloane,
Never giving up through this endocrinology which looks to dethrone.

The fight never finishes
Analysing blood sugar readings each and every hour,
Especially if you are like me 
Going to the gym and refusing to ever scower..

Technology has grown 
Once diabetes was a short fight that you thought you could never win,
Now the community has grown and shouted to get the functions in place
The policy behind it is hard to get to grips
You are the seed of this killer disease
But when you think about it, once you master this art… it’s  virtually a breeze.

“Shouting out to all diabetes patience out there… you are brilliant.”

2nd March 2022

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...