Sunday, 29 March 2020


It’s not about I, it’s about WE
So before I commence this poem
There are factors I need to address,
We will pull through this, and pray fully and learn about from this mess.

We pray for our nurses and doctors
We pray for the volunteers who add to the care
We pray for our loved ones
The people we want to continue to share.

We pray for this chaos to be tidied and instructions obeyed,
We pray for the guidance provided 
And stay in a safe place,
We need to be an example during this trial
As this may last for a quite a while.

We, not I, need to continue to love
We need to pray for those in need
We pray for this moment to soon pass
Praying for strength, love and guile 
The movement to serve God will continue for quite a while. 

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