Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Start the day with a prayer

Start the day with a  prayer
A humble feeling where your time with the lord is held, 
May peace be within
And love move inside 
Cynical people can “do one” as praying to the spirit 
Shall lead them to see.... and eventually thrive.

There is a great love through encouragement in prayer
Means goodness heads your way
And humbleness is there to always stay  x

Think about it? 
Love is key to life, 
if you don’t believe in that, then struggles shall arise,
Praying to the lord through brokenness....that enters inside 
Never be ashamed 
many have faced traumas to lead them to break
You are always worthy 
As goodness is never late.

If you encourage 
then  pray is far way infront,
Moving towards love which gives you perennial hope 
The pivotal of life’s dramas will lead towards an unruly slope. 

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