Tuesday, 10 March 2020

A Time for Distance

Distance sometimes need to take place
Nothing personal 
A fountain of words can be information overloaded,
A prayer always transcends your way
My presence and voice  is no less far from what I now to say.

I can only say “it’s been nice to have known you”
Rather than say “good riddens you are no longer there”
My humble heart wants peace in God up high
And from that I know you want to share and not cry.

Distance is a good thing 
And has a balance from where people are at,
Some are less sensitive to this feeling
Rather than become an angel from what you are dealing.

Love is there, and so are the prayers 
Some like to say a lot with texts and speech,
Thank you for trusting me from the concerns you have reached.

Distance is key and plays a part in everyday life 
Some have trouble, which they need to air 
I pray to god and sometimes the fellowship we share.

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