Friday, 20 March 2020

Be vigilant and considerate

Times of humility required
Others need to eat through times of consideration.
This should not become times of anarchy
More like moments of civility.

Love of one another is needed,
Not this soppy, soppy stuff which can be overwhelming 
Supporting each other during times of uncertainty and helping.

God bless you....
Words which need to be frequently said,
Action is the way forward 
Considering others needs to be a natural trait
You never know when you need support 
God will provide the answer, this is what he has taught. 

Humbleness needs the action of love,
It’s not about one person or a group of people,
It’s Gods children we need to support, and hold
The message here, don’t just think of yourself or family during this unruly test 
The hope is for EVERYONE during these times of unruly duress.  

“Support each other. It’s not about media and the belief what others say.... it’s the word of Faith and God which will overcome uncertainty... faith and not by sight...”

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