Friday, 27 March 2020

A ‘Now’ Prayer....

Dear Lord
Thank you for your protection during this time, 
And praying for those suffering 
Holding them in your open arms 
This derivative shan’t cause any more harms. 

I pray for my enemies 
I pray for them to have peace,
I pray for a cure to soon be found,
God you keep us together 
Humbleness fights back this viral weather.

Never encountered such challenging times right now
Perhaps a wake up call for most,
Dear Lord, our Father you shall defeat this devil  who surrounds,
Therefore Father, we know it’s YOU are keeping our feet firmly on the ground.

A prayer to defeat the negative 
A prayer to have our spirits to reach a new high,
Strength with Love 
In unison, this infection shall be nudged. 

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...