Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Almost perfect to me..

God spoke to me 
He said. “Write this poem” that I am about to recite,
“About your yiayia” he continues to add
That beautiful person who always had your corner
When feeling low, the thought of her made me feel so happy and warmer.

She was my world 
An Angel  that arrived at a time to always be there for me, 
A calm woman who oozed love 
The world would be a better place if they had more people like her,
“Missing her” would be a words too loose,
Her presence was my every boost.

She never wanted me to give up 
I can feel the presence of her inside,
A wonderful person, where politics did not exist 
Missing her is a permanent fix.

We all lose people in life 
We are not meant to be here for too long 
Yet it was her strength and spirit that kept me alive
The sheer thought of her past presence, would make me want to strive.

“Love you yiayia” Nan in Greek

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