Monday, 15 November 2021

Generation to generation

Time passes is always guaranteed 
Wisdom passed onto youth is done with good intent,
Working through generations is a passage from which God has sent.

Patience and time 
Relax and work hard when you need,
There are troubled souls having children
Blinkered to what they have created 
Yet the spirit in the Father should not be berated.

Encouragement and motivation is the inspiration to our souls,
Looking out for others on this time we need to reflect,
No shame in crying that needs to be released
Not this nonsense of ‘sternness’, that doesn’t tame the beast.

Love! Kindness and encouragement fills the heart
Never lose your direction, nor should it part.
Be kind to generations soon to arrive, 
they fill your dreams only if they want to see with your eyes
Uplifting words… a place we all need to reach,
And our children one day will reach our stage, through there own children they yearn to teach…

16th November 2021

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