Tuesday, 30 November 2021

A new start ❤️🙏🏽

Good morning my queen 
Stay strong with love
And smiles will arrive
The Father loves you so much
He knows you are alive.

So hold it together
Our time shall soon come 
It’s that awkwardness for what you see as glum.

Live wins 
It always shall 
Your humbleness in the king 
Will always prevail.

Love you Di x 
J x❤️

If you know better… ???

If you know better
With what I got,
Diabetes isn’t a cold that I’ve recently got.

The pancreas decides to stop working
And others think you can reverse it,
Yet the type 1 condition is often deficiencies within
No more insulin, therefore externally insert 
Those who understand are those who are worth.

I’ve struggled daily 
People looking through my pain,
This isn’t a spirit of understanding 
It’s s long game, which is decided by your standing.

Stay strong 
The system ms are out there,
Keep fighting this fight for others to live a normal life,
Unlike me, fighting for diabetes justice, which often comes with strife.

J x
Type 1 Diabetes and proud  

30th November 2021

Diabetes… It’s Work

This condition
Is more than a constant rendition,
Going through hypos and hypers time and time again,
Am I scared? Yes to a point, from there I transcend.

We all know people have there problems 
Our bodies are not built to last,
Yet with this condition of insulin deficiencies 
There is a consequences when facing extremities. 

A person with type 1 faces daily struggles, and constantly needs to aligh,
 Especially when others put there dramas on you
And your face to them appears to be fine.

Yet when sugars drop
There’s this feeling when focusing is no more,
Feeling very vulnerable, yet others emotions does not sore.

Be the best person of you 
You will overcome the angles which arrive,
The art of managing this condition 
Is for you to be true to thyself, and revel the feeling of being alive ❤️🙏🏽.

Type diabetes since 13th April 2003

Forever an Angel

Praise, I am at peace
I love you my children 
There I release.

The joy and no longer suffering 
Going to be with my daughter who arrived at the Kingdom sooner than I,
Yes, I am sad but I shall no longer cry.

Love you my children
Those are the words I hold close to my spirit and mind,
Yes, I am sorry I am leaving you
Yet the Father wants me to pursue.

Love will overcome the struggles we all face 
There is a time and now this now my place.
I shall never be far, that I truly promise to you all
I am going to a peaceful place, a place I shall never fall.

Didi and Hadassah
J ❤️🙏🏽


You fall in love 
And the restrictions hit
Not just once, but several times over
Looking for a solution to meet the one you love
Feels like hanging on the ankles of a fleeting dove. 

You are there
And I am here;
I can only pray this will soon pass
And with prayer I am sure it shall
I know we love each other forever and a day
God’s children will constantly stay.

You bring out the light side of me
And I genuinely know you care,
Fearful people of God 
Our words prophesies in order to share.

I can’t say sorry enough 
The distance is a struggle everyday
It’s only through God’s humble grace 
We know one day our time together shall be fixed
And we shall share a chocolate bar called a twixt. 😉x

“It it all be alright x x”

30th November 2021 

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Generation to generation

One generation think they know better than those who live in the past
When children live in the present and haven’t experienced their elders time, which has lapsed
It’s all comes with experience, as humbleness is the attribute we should all have.

Saying to your children “this is how we use to do this” especially when times have formidably changed 
Leaving home for starters is a obstacle that may come across as unforeseeably deranged.

We offer advice
Only when it should be asked,
People stepping in with the yelp “what shall I do?”
Then logic steps in “hey, here’s a cup of tea,  now tell me what’s happened to you?”

We all think we know better when we experienced the same situation in the past, but may be different  experience now
Especially when the present is phenomenally fast 
Put your hands together and simple pray for the encouragement we “all” need,
Encouragement is the word that our children must feel, and eventually intersede.

29th November 2021


A new edition will light up your hearts
God looking over you
This beautiful Angel is protected from the start.
Bless your family
And bless the kindness it shall receive
God’s is alway present at this time, and I know you believe.

Humbleness with God provides you this baby to cherish,
He will be protected by God’s kind words for which you take upon and embellish.

So pleased to hear your uplifting news during indifferent times
May you be blessed during this journey you are on
And the humbleness in your hearts are like Angels singing a perennial song.


Pass the struggles

I’ve been there…
Wanting to hit the horrid said to I.
“How dare you say such nasty words…?”
Yet you pray for them, then the anger turns into a glorious cry.

Why me…?
Yelping with anger relayed,
Working through the difficult challenges 
You are his to hold, you shall no longer be sad but BOLD.

Those who like drama,
Where your anger is then released,
Vexatious said against you,
But before the Devil, the Father shall protect you from the beast.

God has his angle 
God has his way,
Pray for him for mercy
His revelation shall evolve your stay..

“Anger inside your heart, needs an outlet. Stay blessed and loved by the Father…”

28th November 2021

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Bless this Sunday morning

Bless this Sunday morning 
Start it with a smile,
God’s humbleness inside of you lady’s for a long while.

Praise your life
And Praise others for which you are around,
Remove negativity within the soul
That’s not part of your day, the Father wants you as a whole.

Love this day
A day of rest and peace of mind,
Yes it’s cold out there 
Wrap up warm, the prophesy is to share.

Hope and glory
Love and kindness whatever challenges you face,
These are simple words which we all know,
May blessings lighten your day which will lighten the flow.

“Stay blessed”

28th November 2021

The simple things❤️🙏🏽

It’s hard to comprehend when many words hit the deck
You look towards rationale and the way that shall works,
Simplicity without the hesitance shall make it worth to lurk.

The work of happiness 
The work of joy,
The art of simple creation 
A gift from the Father, a tribute of sheer dedication.

Keeping life simple in the chaotic surrounding we live 
Standing still and do nothing 
Is a stage we find hard to digress 
These are simple words from the Father,  functional zest.

A basic function comes from God
Chaos has no place on this earth, yet it appears a constant trend
Humility in functionality has solace which always blends.

27th November 2021



Energies waning 
Never easy to regain,
Yet with prayers you learn to sustain.

Go to the gym 
Meditate, relax and flow 
Channeling your strength towards prayer 
There is a Father inside of you who truly cares.

Release good energies 
Especially at the start of the day. when you feel weak
Endless struggles where you look to gain
Gods prayer is what you shall capture and regain.

It’s source 
It’s vibrancy 
A place to reach through the Father’s son’s eyes 
A beauty to capture and one you’ll be surprised.

27th November 2021

Thursday, 25 November 2021

When all gets lost

Understand your Faith
I am sure you do
It’s when you get angry is when you start looking for clues.

Don’t look far, the answer is right there
Especially when you try to understand how you reach this far,
Blaming others when prays hold you together 
Intelligence isn’t the answer, especially when you think you think you are being clever.

I pray to God
I know his house, is the place we all shall reach
Believe in the Father, that’s the word I prefer to teach.

Humility is brought with Faith
And the anger which I once had, when wanting to lash out the pain,
Believe me, when you reach out to the perennial sky
The anger soon shall be a banished and the glory I touch with my cry.

25th November 2021


Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Auto immune

Automatically, when something attacks you need something for it to defend,
Above your head? Then Google the word “immune” system, from there you’ll depend.

You learn to live with a condition
Diabetes, that’s type 1 between you and I,
I no longer produce insulin, does that mean I have to cry?

Well at the start I didn’t know where to turn so I did
Needing to learn a new system, when looking to manage a normal dietary life
Bringing strength into our bodies, when there’s insulin produced, from there you are into a little strife.

You learn your condition 
You observe what you can and cannot achieve,
By all means you are not incapacitated as testing bloods and injecting insulin becomes a part of you,
You will eventually possess the strength in God and Faith, and from there I shall ensue. 

“The hardest thing in the world, living with Type 1.. people thinks it’s easy. It empathy is an art of emotion and hypoglycaemia attacks are dreadful…”

24th November 2021

Tuesday, 23 November 2021


It's that time of year

where weariness reaches a stage,

People you have lost as well as gained

A fight to win, should be left in the Father's hands

so splash water on your face and simply pray

There is nowhere else I rather stay.

People will say things

let them, they don't walk in your shoes,

your humbleness will overcome

it's your kindness that will deflect any evil stun.

It can be 'all or nothing' some people are made that way

your find a will to achieve the impossible result;

Rather focus on that, than looming over an insult.

The Father's word is final.. it's that simple

Other's think they know you better than you..

That's not true as the higher source reflects your mood

Angels are your source to deflect any 'pointless' feud.

"Stay blessed and loved"


23rd November 2021

Monday, 22 November 2021

Victory and peace

Isn’t this the feeling we look to strive?
Yet as time goes further we look for a balanced life, 
Yet there always comes a competitive edge we need to sustain
Don’t overkill, learn to contain.

Be kind to your body 
Especially during time of rest,
Looking towards new challenges 
Where there’s consequence of damages. 

There’s always a challenge 
We can’t avoid that fact,
Conflicting views, those who look for a debate 
Some put others into a rigorous state.

Every loss comes with a win
The ultimate victory comes from the light of God,
There is hope in our hearts, especially when he gives us his nod.
“Bless you all..,”

22nd November 2021

Sunday, 21 November 2021

You’ll find a way

We all need support
No matter where you are,
Their is Faith inside of you, from a source that isn’t too far. 

You look to the future
You look for help, in which your own are unable to provide,
So what do you do? You break down and open up
And you then run with the tide.

Others say “I did this myself” 
Did you not think someone was was looking over you?
Faith is perplexing like that 
You are more to this earth than a number crunching stat.

You continue to fight
It’s through Faith you finally believe,
And miraculously you shall receive.

22nd November 2021 

You can’t explain it

Well.. you can’t explain it
Trying to find the words,
Do you walk in my shows?
Or does that sound absurd?

Looking for parental calm
Which is never received,
So you look elsewhere 
From there, God is who you will eventually believe.

I remember the moment, I tried to end my life
140 units of fast acting insulin, and failed,
Looking towards hope, where the Father never allows you to curtail.

Feeling betrayed 
When the words from others “you made your bed, so you lay in it”
Negative words you wash away, 
From the Father, he’ll have the final say..

21st November 2021

Rolling with the punches…

What can you do?
Keep going on until you fall on the floor?
Learn that negative elders, will wash ashore.

A childhood needs nurturing from a parents love
Wisdom needs to encourage the eyes from what we see
A negative turning into positive, shall set you free.

I was once fractured through harmful words 
Thinking those people who love you, had your back…
Yet prayers to God, you’ll never slack.

A mother who lack patience 
When there child is at need,
Possess a struggle when “making their bed” doesn’t feed.

21st November 2021

Saturday, 20 November 2021

I am right here

Believe or not 
He has you always in mind,
You cannot never lose the Father
When he needs you, you soften rather than become harder.

He provides you gifts
He breaks the chains you once couldn’t remove,
He is your saviour, the one who shall soothe.

He speaks to you each and every day
But you turn away from his truth,
Until the time you are broken and hurting 
A quivering wreck who once was blurting.

Then world opened up
The tears were breaking a new path,
A father in heaven loves you
Continual belief, when one day you’ll capture the clue.

20th November 2021

Open heart

Open heart 
Is obvious and shall never part,
Prayers for a person to share,
A blessing from heaven for you, and to bear.

I love to love
A powerful emotion to embroil,
A moment of humbleness needs to hold
Prayers for your loved one, from which we have been told.

You are strong
Beautiful and have grace,
Clearly a child of God we look to face.

You are mine through God’s direction
In my eyes you are wonderful perfection,
The day we become one God will approve
My love for you is my comfort, which I soothe.

20th November 2021

Friday, 19 November 2021

Nothing to lose

You have nothing to lose
Everything to gain,
Prayers are the benchmark
And quite easy to sustain.

It’s that hope
That fills you with joy,
It’s that kindness that intelligence has no place
may prayers  head towards you, a spiritual riding taste.

No arguments, simply love
No words from a genius, just a humble soul,
Where are we heading? 
Prayers are not just for show.

The heavens open
The eyes fill with tears?
As long there is humility 
God (like you) has nothing to fear.

19th November 2021

Thursday, 18 November 2021

His love

His love is amazing
His love is sheerly king,
His hope is mesmerising 
And all the goodness for what he shall bring.

His love is merciful
And his grace is wanting for us to hold,
For his presence is exceptional 
To saviour and for you to become bold.

His wants are humble
And you shall never fumble,
His lifting your spirit is everso great
As you seek a beauty which is more than just fate,

His touch is without question genuine and real
There is life in the Father through his son, that’s surreal.
May God hold you close
And from there you mean the most
You are his perfect creation, for his son wants you to boast.

18th November 2021 

All will be fine

You won’t lose
You only capture hope with God’s grace,
Struggle as you might
You will find he has his time and the place.

Faith will lead you
Love with forever intercede you,
Try as you might 
There is community inside of you to support your waning sight.

Your struggles do not always stay,
We simply want them ‘now’ to go away… 
Looking to hope shall never refrain,
Struggle with the day, tomorrow shall remove the bane.

The Father has your back, he always has
Blessings and direction will move you to a place you may contest,
Just like the old saying in the bible, “if you confess with your mouth and heart Jesus is Lord”
Then you will move forward, through the spiritual sword,

18th November 2021

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Always have Faith

We blame
We struggle
We are human after all,
There is the Father all around who shall prevent us to fall.

Bold words?
Or slightly unbeknown?
I know all shall be ok.. for sure
Prevention is never better than the cure.

The air is misty
And you can’t see through the fog,
We all try to overcome struggles
As prayers are part of the fighting slog.

The strength will arrive
Nothing always stay the same,
The goodness will prevail 
As the devil’s wishes are forever tame.

J x D 
17th October 2021

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

A story of a type 1 with diabetes

Emotional intelligence you may have
Accepting others with a underlying condition can pose a challenge,
Then again, you turn wrong into right with a strong iron will
This condition you need to be on your  A game’ then there is other things in life, so the ai, is to chill.

Calculating food, injections and there is this thing called ‘life’.
No calm when a hypo hits the fore,
And then you have to manage this immunology defect, and that could be quite sore.

My partner says this will be removed from Faith 
And I agree, but the challenges still infests
And praying to the Father is real, where you must profess,

Do I like the subject of this condition? the answer is of course ‘yes’
Do I like living with it? Of course the answer is ‘no’
Yet with life as it stands, you need to embrace it as hopefully one day it shall pray fully go…

“ Living with type 1 diabetes.”

16th November 2021 

Monday, 15 November 2021

Generation to generation

Time passes is always guaranteed 
Wisdom passed onto youth is done with good intent,
Working through generations is a passage from which God has sent.

Patience and time 
Relax and work hard when you need,
There are troubled souls having children
Blinkered to what they have created 
Yet the spirit in the Father should not be berated.

Encouragement and motivation is the inspiration to our souls,
Looking out for others on this time we need to reflect,
No shame in crying that needs to be released
Not this nonsense of ‘sternness’, that doesn’t tame the beast.

Love! Kindness and encouragement fills the heart
Never lose your direction, nor should it part.
Be kind to generations soon to arrive, 
they fill your dreams only if they want to see with your eyes
Uplifting words… a place we all need to reach,
And our children one day will reach our stage, through there own children they yearn to teach…

16th November 2021

Sunday, 14 November 2021

My love

I want you morning, noon and night
You are my beautiful partner within my sight.

We give each other honour 
And never ending love of God,
Moving forward together 
Is God’s plan, which is more than being clever.

I love you my Di
You are the eyes of my open heart,
Yes, I stand true in what I believe,
But it’s you that I want to receive.

Here is my chest 
Lay on it throughout the night,
I love you so much my darling wife,
Well… one day we both have that honour through God’s grace 
And through something glorious and beautiful to taste xxx

Love you Di
Your Jay xx❤️🙏🏽

14th November 2021

Our time

This shall happen
Overcoming pressures of life,
These derive in a season or two
God’s passion is what you need to ensue.

You can’t lose 
You can only gain with a prayer inside, 
The spirit does work, ignore others who contrive .

Capture hope 
Learn through prayers 
Looking to a new dimension 
Blessings who are always there.

I need my love
I need the essence this portrays 
Time with the Father are the positives for which look to stay.

14th November 2021

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Getting closer

How can you refuse?
I was crying and so so bemused,
Looking towards hope, in form of man
I prefer the essence of prayer, that’s where I stand.

I cannot move away from the Father
The protector and my build,
I am praying to you from a broken spirit
Now I am filled.

You provide us with gifts 
And the love no one else can provide,
You are his greatest creation
From there you have captured the glorious prize.

Pray, especially when things get tough
There is a Father in heaven who knows what you’ll do,
Yes, free will in ourselves, the prayers come with the humble clue.

13th November 2021

Negative into a positive

Try as you might 
Negativity always loses,
Yes you have a choice 
From which you endeavour towards the ones we then chooses.

Walk the path with Diabetes
A passage endured day to day,
The hypos (lows) is the struggle 
There shall be a positivity to capture through this treacherous muddle.

I have embraced the subject
The condition has made me look towards being fit,
And there is also my prayers to God; where my eyes shall formidably lite.

God speaks to me in poetic voice 
His children are there to serve his will,
May this be condition be eroded 
Yet at this time my sugars are balanced, and veins are no longer loaded. 
13th November 2021

Tried spirit

I believe..  do you?
I truly want the best for you
Therefore the prayers I direct and want you to ensue.

I hope
I cry with joy,
I want you to reach that spiritual inclination
From the Father there is repair in anyones demarcation.

It works,
Yes there are days you felt you have lost
Yet your are on the winning team, and sometimes there is a cost.

I brace you
I want to give you an almighty hug,
There are prayers arriving your way
I love you my friend, and yes there could be more to say.. (with love ❤️)

“Protection and guarded by spirit”

13th November 2021 

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Staying blessed

Staying blessed is never earned 
It’s an opening when calmer hits the soul,
You pray and pray to make wrong into right
It’s more than fight of flight.

Brace your welcome to Faith
It’s the only way to go, 
Believe me I felt it and knew I didn’t deserve 
I was lying to myself, fake comments I no longer reserve.

I belong to you
And that babes it right, 
Kindness to your heart is through a power which touches love
Looking onwards and everywhere above.

God brought me peace when those rejected my wanting wanes, 
Loving of one true hope is a delight to anyones grasp
For he is at peace with the Father at a timely pace.

11th November 2021

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Never leave you

Make that rare,
Looking towards the spirit to rise
Humbleness shall never allow you to demise.

I have hated
I have also loved those I once hated,
The chains are broken as I am free
Let his spirit hit you, at the time you least expect to see.

Simple solutions that touch
No politics which normally rile the soul,
No soap opera to cause a frackard to bemuse
You are humbled as well as ensued.

You can’t lose your hope
We simply won’t allow,
The best battle are the one’s that feel like sorrow 
There is always today, as well as tomorrow. 😉

10th November 2021


Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Open minds

Working through today’s political judgement 
Avoiding intense people that want to dispute…
The maker in the Lord is where it ends, and he won’t refute.

Working towards your faith
Staying at peace when others are losing theirs,
Calmness in humility and love so high
Pride from your sins? Please…the devil shall cry.

Here is my hand 
Here is my soul
Here is my love to the Father
Politics I rather not show.

“But it’s everywhere”
Yet it’s not part of my game,
Not looking for solutions, perhaps a friendly light minded talk
Yet in this world of struggle, there is a passage in the line of the Father’s walk.

“Bless the love he has for us all”

10th October 2021

Monday, 8 November 2021

Try as you might

You are that good
No matter how tired you become 
Words to push you towards many small wins
Looking for inspiration from the motivation that rings.

You try with your heart
And you encourage you, like you’ve never done before,
Yes you may feel delicate and possibly a tad little sore.

The moral is, no matter who speaks negative of you
Even if you crave their love 
The power of God is a testimony to your heart
For your belief in him, is simply the start.

You may say “why me?”
Yet the father gives you free will 
Tired as we are, we need to grow in strength
A greater responder, a higher cause 
You have time to breath but not always time to pause.

8th November 2021 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Precious times

Those precious times to make awkward things work
Peoples social awkwardness could make situations go a little berserk.

Yet it’s not their fault 
It’s stress in the system,
Moving forward with methods to make it right
Your harmony does come through a prayerful fight.

To remember the times when conversations were heard
Now we over-talk each other, isn’t that a little absurd?

needing to take the small wins to reflect the good times await
Now the speed of life through an app removes the harmony from the times we are late.

So relax
Stop arguing for the sake
Yes, I tell it as it is,
Well common sense should not be per-missed.

“Peace and love, peace and love”

8th November 2021 


Life starts today
Whatever you are worried about
Only prayer can make it go away.

Only with prayer you can focus on the light
You have humility within your sight,
Enforcing words, trying to argue a losing fight 
And yes there is anarchy we need love to defeat its might,

There will be challenged souls
And there are plenty of those around,
Remove vexatious words in you
That is where I look to be profound.

Relax, love your enemies with hope
Yet empathy is a growth we look to learn,
The devil wants us to challenge each other 
From there I pray, hope and most importantly love you… my sister and brother,

“Start the week on a positive…
8th November 2021 “

The beauty of three in one

Here is a saying
“Live each day for our God
and humbleness will eventually arrive”
In your soul you shall escape the poisonous hive.

Kindness will overcome hate
Hate shall no longer be a part
Prayers for everyone, derives from the very start.

No more sad tomorrows
Joys for each and every day,
Keep moving forward
Negativity shall become defeated and eventually stray.

Love is peaceful
Love can hit a voluminous voice,
Prays to stay tuned when said with love and understanding 
There is humility from all that is good, which we shall constantly see as outstanding.

7th November 2021

Hate arguing with people you love

People may like to argue 
Others sincerely do not,
Some get off from a debate
I rather be polite and try to be sedate.

So loving a person inside your heart
Moving forward and trying not depart,
Difference of opinion causes a dispute
Through the eyes of the Lord you stay calm and not refute.

Love wins over each battle,
A stampede of a thousand cattle,
Through the tirade there is a fight that needs to stop
Otherwise the words throw out in an turbulent rot.

Struggle with the argument 
As that side you try to deflect,
I love my love profusely 
Endless journey never meant loosely xxx

7th November 2021

When you love someone

When you love someone
You’ll hate to fall out; 
Difficult conversations hard to address
And internally you feel a utter mess.

You wonder where you stand
Asking questions all of the time, 
Yes, I did wrong and my hands are up
Yet I am light minded as God proceeds to fill my cup.

Love is the winner
Not this dispute we have with each other?
I love my love, I cannot help that
I rather stay humble and brace that love from where we are at..

Bring peace to you with prayer
No arguments as they hurt the heart
Need to stay with God all of the time 
Without him you cannot reach your prime.

“God bless you all”
7th November 2021

That four letter word

Yes.. that word  love !!
The conqueror of dispute 
The winner of impure words
The overcomer of anything that can be considered absurd.

It wins over evil
It wins through conflicting angles.
A direct hope for love 
A hope from the conflicts tangled.

Loving is a winner
Anger is a sinner,
Bring yourself a pray to rejoice,
God’s justice is a pivotal voice.

Love is champion 
Love is strength
Love is protruding hope and a salvation in the perennial love that is sent.

“Thank you lord.. we all owe you x”

7th November 2021

Need to

You need to keep moving 
The path of Faith lays on the premise to strive,
Looking for peace on earth
We need to remain pray-fully alive.

We look to peace 
And we look for a challenge which doesn’t always  involve peace,
What do you want in your heart?
The forward drive of Faith?
taming the devils unworthy wrath. 

Yes times have changed 
Peoples dynamics have severely been worked through,
Unaware of this change still?
Pray in your hearts of others, the devil has lost this deal.

You drive forward
One day the change of pattern will release and be glorified 
Humility in each of our hearts shall remove anything which is horrified.  

Friday, 5 November 2021

A time to be at peace

Some need the chaos
Love wins all the time,
Finding hope with a prayer
this means you shall have your time, you don’t just look and stare.

Love is king 
And The King is the only way,
People feeling down when they need to move forward with guile and grace,
Look to the stars, time elevates the warmth of a soon hot place.

Balance is hard
That’s why the devil lurks when he appears kind,
Believe in the goodness of prayer, they no longer bind.

Looking towards kindness of God
He holds you close when no one wants to know,
And when others do, it’s his demonstration which fills your heart and soul.

Prayers work all of us.. 

5th November 2021

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

With us

How many times you can face rejection?
Only through faith you can find
For those who cannot see are no less blind. 

The fight is inevitable  
The fight could become long,
Yet with spiritual growth 
There is love inside you where he wants you the most.

Keep learning the battle 
The victory has already been won
Victory places a little part for what we know
Glory to the Father is where we show. 

Love for hope 
And kindness is right in-front of you
Where there is power in God, there is a chance to pursue.

3rd November 2021

Winter dew

Cold air
Silence in the night
hugging a warm pillow 
Looking towards God’s sight and perching on a willow.

Belief in yourself 
Working through the darkness still,
Lifting with all signs of positivity 
capturing hope.. everso surreal.

Humbleness in kind 
Find a place to live 
Think of those out in the Cold
Praying for them to have a hot shower, to unfold.

Love of prayer
Keep moving when your joints don’t rotate
As long as you praying to the highest of high
Humbleness in your heart shall remove any negativity to sigh.

3rd November 2021

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Once you realise

Wisdom with spirit
Facing challenges you do not need to face,
Or is it finding a balance 
When you have everything in place.

There is hope 
There is silence,
The hostility with the world at this time,
Leading by the Father’s example is far more than a nickel or a dime.

People thriving on speed
Pace to challenge the soul,
It’s when you lose focus on yourself, you wonder where it starts?
God’s attachment shall never ever depart.

Fractious when speed arrives your way 
A blessing from the Father when you pray each day.
Not knowing where to go when all seems lost
There is hope in the spirit, especially when you think others have caused you a cost.

“Faith in God”
2nd November 2021

Law of attraction

You feel you don’t deserve? 
You feel anger inside?
Who says you should?
God inside of you is alive.

People putting you down 
And comfort in yourself no longer exists 
Who has that right 
The Father through his son has abundance in sight.

Who understands faith ?
We need it to stay alive 
Giving you that hope 
From there you shall continual to strive.

No stone unturned 
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones,
Yet through that law of attraction  
The hope does not arrive in fractions.

Tuesdays poem 
2nd October 2021

Monday, 1 November 2021

Reaching towards

Some may know me
Some may not want too,
The fact I am here 
Is the sign I am the Father’s that fears his tears.

Kindness of hope 
Kindness when you achieve
Never lose focus from this time you shall receive.

There is love for you despite what you believe 
A high power of amazing wishes that turn true
As long as I pray in my heart, then the strength shall ensue.

Conquering battles 
Knowing the battle is truly won
There will be others to make you think there is no such thing 
As long you believe in the higher source 
There is a Father in heaven that shall protect you with an undeniable force.

“1st poem in November 

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...