Sunday, 31 December 2023

Mr Andrews

My Dad, what can I say? He was my mate
Yes he had his flaws 
But don’t we all occasionally stall. 

He was a funny git 
A laugh
A character that’s larger than life,
He took people’s problems on as his determination overrule their strife. 

He was funny 
Sweet and charming,
Yes, he liked a drink, but stopped when it became alarming.

No matter what they thought of him 
He was my Dad, also shared with two great brothers 
I always thought about his presence that of a shining light
He was too from the East End of London … and knew how to fight. 

‘Love you Dad’ 
31st December 2023

Saturday, 30 December 2023


The word is ‘Beloved’ which in Hebrew means ‘David’
And humble to release a wonderful sound
Looking out for people, and so profound.

He is loved 
He has two children which he needs to guide,
The love he has for them, is nothing compared nor derived. 

He remains prayerful each step of the way
He is trying his hardest, the battle he shall overcome one day.

He is loved 
He is striving and hopeful,
He is looking to capture the break for when he prays 
there is a father in heaven, where his head shall stay.

30th December 2023

To a beautiful friend

To a friend… you Claire 
I love you my sister I pray for you to receive nothing but the best,
You are inspired by God’s strength, who has brought you through countless tests.

You are humble and wonderful, a person I love to be around,
I feel very humble when prayers towards you are so powerfully sound.

You have two wonderful children in Michael and Sophia,
The love you have for them, can draw out a happy tear.

There is great hope for you
Aspirations to catch,
You are more than enough, a sister I would love to match.x

‘To my wonderful sister Claire’ xx
30th December 2023

Hello 2024

What a year 2023 has been..
There’s no looking back from others pursuits, 
It’s been a year of chaos, and plenty to rearrange  
As the new year beckons with a couple of things to change.

There will be new jobs to secure 
So there shall be old ones to leave behind,
As long as you get tasks complete, and most importantly of all is simply be kind. 

There shall be sporting events like Tennis, snooker and other events to entice your attention
plus there is plenty of information to manage retention.

There will be wild celebrations like Chinese new year,
And there will be humble beginnings….so please do not fear.

Whatever 2023 has brought to you, stay at peace with God, 
As humble beginnings shall elevate towards great success,
I leave on this note simple note ‘be kind to yourself’ as prayers come with an abundance of zest.

31st December 2023

Friday, 29 December 2023

The year

Well want can I say?
I have many things that need to sway,
My dad has went to heaven
As I prayed from the time from when I was seven.

Many people we saw have left
Yet they are in a good place, so we shouldn’t ought to bereft.

I held you with a prayer
As I struggled from losing a loved one, so there…

I say Lord Jesus protection today
I look to others, yet all I need is humbleness to stay.

The year 2023 is finally over
As I pray to the Lord almighty from when we are ready to leave
And stay humble… now please believe.

30th December 2023

Miracle prayer

God doesn’t do miracles
It’s simply when the Father offer when he provides,
Praying for a financial blessings is something that tries to stem the tide.

But staying with God is the honour, 
The honour is to keep it real
Blessed are those who are truly humbly attained
Prayerful words are always retained.

Miracle prayer I give to thee 
Humble hearts, hope for all to see,
Give the miracle to God, he knows truly best
The power of a blessing has a tremendous power, from my hearts he does possess.

I love you Lord
I pray for the world to see the light,
We are coming through from a prayer, that is humble and within your sight.

29th December 2023

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

I love you each day, everyone of you

When I said I love you
It’s because I wanted to stay with you… through God,
Your heart is present and truthfully ruled
By the faith held within, that doesn’t need to ever be fooled.

I loved you from the moment we all met
No entice or wanting, that kind of thing is reset.

I love you, because God said you can through him
Yet it’s through him you are no longer misconstrue nor dim,

I will always love you
Your words are purposeful as mine,
Thank you for humbling, when I do refine.

28th December 2023

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

I Love each of you..

Don’t leave me father
I know you wouldn’t allow me to leave,
Stay, pray and therefore believe.

I love you
Embrace your thoughts each day,
You congeal our feelings 
As our thoughts are not reeling.

You provide me with a sniff of hope
Where I am not spiralling down a rope,
I make things work through you
From there… I am fickle or bemused.

Today I love you lots
Tomorrow I move you more,
Remember there is guile and humbleness forevermore.

27th December 2023

The Lord exalts

Birthday Blessings to you Jeremiah on this day
The Lord exalts as this message shall gloriously stay.

Love you young man
Stay blessed through his eyes,
The message coming through from God has never come as a surprise. 

Your face so handsome
Your smile so wide, 
Actually humbleness is an asset through diligence and pride. 

Stay blessed 
Angels shall guide you with almighty love,
Jeremiah, yes you… a message exalted on this day
Birthday celebration which needs to arrive your way.

26th December 2023

Monday, 25 December 2023

Blessed are thee

You are blessed on this day
The arrival of the King is here,
No more to worry about, nor anything else to fear.

The child has arrived
He took on our sins….and won,
We are no longer in peril, nor we need to feel numb.

There is a protection in our hearts
The blessings from the Father has arrived,
We are here today and gone tomorrow
Give your heart to the Lord, as there will be no more sorrow.

Today has arrived
It’s a dawn of a new day,
Stay focused within,
There’s a saviour born at this time
Blessed are you, and there’s plenty more to define.

25th December 2023

Saturday, 23 December 2023

I prayed… I never left you

I prayed 
Yet the father never left
Despite my angst, yes, perhaps I felt bereft.

I tried to keep sombre
A little aligned, 
I held myself together, yet it’s through the Father I feel refined.

I prayed for my condition to go away
Yet my fear will not out do my humility, where the Father won’t allow me to stray. 

Keeping it together 
Keeping it focused and attained,
Yes I have my flaws and perhaps connection is not through us all
Yet the Father we do pray to, who shan’t prevent us to fall.

24th December 2023

Taking care of one another

It’s about life
It’s about taking ownership for what you do,
There are always prayers to fall back on, from where we look to ensue.

It’s about you
You are important, no matter what people say
Speak positively about yourself
Those who are toxic definitely need to stay away. 

You are in my prayers 
You are in my thoughts
You humble my presence dear Lord these are the feelings that needn’t be bought! 

Stay with the Father almighty
You are facing a world through blighty, 
Stay here and love and be kind 
Show an act of kindness, is that too hard to find?

23rd December 2023

Friday, 22 December 2023

Bless you today

Love you my child 
A saviour born,
You shall have the protection from the Lord 
From these battles from where you are torn. 

Staying blessed is humbling 
Thinking that man and woman are stumbling,
Give your life to the Lord today
He shall never leave you, despite the chance you may possibly sway.

Love is kindness but also endureth 
Love is your gear to strength through the Lord,
Holding us together when we pray, so we can never become bored. 

No shame in crying, but leave your life with God
The drive, the force and overwhelming guile
All through a a child born on a saviours day 
And that one day we shall embrace eternal life that shall never go away. 

22nd December 2023

Thursday, 21 December 2023

A saviour born

He saved the world
And unfortunately not all of us acknowledge,
Staying blessing is a light, 
as I say these words through a world looking to become bright.

A child held us together
And stayed for thirty years
He took away the pain as we fought through the tears.

By staying with the Father holds us close 
A new dawn brings us to love,
Never lose yourself despite the challenges around, and above.

A child, a saviour, a humble mercy and grace of God
There is always a prayer closing us to see the new born king
Thank you father, from these words that I sing.

22nd December 2023

A time to encourage

A time to encourage each other through the light
The prayers are a blessings and overcome the Devil’s fight.

You may fight in silence or unnecessary aggress
Stay with a blessing through a prayer, 
As humbleness isn’t that far, actually quite near!

We know the world is struggling
So pause and take a breath,
You are humbled in spirit and deliverance through a picturesque wreath.

The point is that I love you
Love you more than you know,
I may not always get on with you, but indeed through prayer we shall grow.

Encourage our hearts
Encourage and free your minds,
The father is always with you, as he sees the goodness that is kind.

21st December 2023

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Constantly analysing

This diabetes lark is a bit of a bind
And those who say to stop saying that I have got it,
Silly that!! when the fact is that they only notice you having a hypo fit.

So you can’t deny the vunerable side of a hypo
When you have blood sugars shot down 
And the people you thought who would care
These attributes are pretty limited, to be fair.

This is a condition that has diligence and guile
The type 1s with the condition are feeling the sugars drop… for a while. 

You will have others that do not consider 
That is part of the cause.
Surround yourself with people that don’t hold your hand, but they are there when you pause.

20th December 2023

Great counsellor

A child is born
And a saviour has arrived, 
Blessed to be with us, to capture the hope for all of us inside.

A child
A champion
Words to follow this humble path
Blessings from this saviour, who took on any wrath.

There is hope 
And there will be chaos too,
But the hope for eternal life, is offered to me and you. 

A blessing on this day
To all that pray and embrace the story of hope,
An abundance of care is held by his grace
And a merciful deliverance, on this day and place 🎄

“Merry Christmas everyone”
20th December 2023

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Tomorrow does comes.. but enjoy today

What can you say about tomorrow?
It has its place, especially when it’s clearly in front 
Learn to be humble, and that’s to be perfectly blunt.

Tomorrow will face its tribulations 
And so will today,
Pray to the almighty Father, that certainty shan’t go away.

Tomorrow will pose its problems as planning is not a bad thing
Yet today will possess its’s trials, from the goodness it shall bring.

Love one another
Actually start with a humble prayer,
Keep God close to your heart, as the spirit isn’t too far to give a glare.

20th December 2023

A prayer to God 🙏🏽❤️

Angry? Spend time with God
Upset? Spend time with God
Struggling? Spend time with God
Show kindness will bring out your best
Yes, work hard we must release our utmost zest.

Perplex? Spend time with God
Confused and unaware? Spend time with God
If others have an opinion of you, spend time with God.
Remember, do your best and send out a prayer 
It’s the start to show others you do care.

Fickle in mind? Then spend time with God
Ruthless and not kind? then spend time with God,
Decisions need to be made?
Humbleness needs to be God driven and relayed.

God’s prayer is the only way
God’s love for you is handmade,
Show guile and feelings to encourage others in what is laid,
So give a blessing and hold each other tight
The Devil is a liar and has already lost this lengthy fight.

19th December 2023

Time with God

Time with God keeps you still 
Time with God  can also keep you chilled,
Time with God keeps you attained
Time with God can sometimes keep you a little entertained.

If I said I love you God
Does that mean I can stay?
I know the answer is ‘yes’, you do keep my spirits at bay.

When you relax me, that gives me the chance to reflect
And how do I keep calm you may detect?
It’s because you are not hiding behind a less fortuitous mask
Prayers are humble,  that’s the question we do need to ask.

So honour your time with God
And speak to him daily,
When you humble your heart with a prayer 
Just keep him close and acknowledge that he is always there.

19th December 2023


Thank you Angels
You were there in my darkest hour,
I didn’t feel I could pull through; where doubt entered the fore
Dear Lord thank you for these people for whom I truly love and adore.

I struggled through the pain
I struggled through the hurtful words,
I am no less innocent yet your faith is in I 
Removing the worry as I start to cry.

To stay ‘thank you’ simply elates 
You helped me through the trials as I can now manage a healthy debate. 

I pray for everyone
To love and remove hurt which you didn’t deserve
Just focus on the Father in heaven, the one we should all serve.

19th December 2023

Monday, 18 December 2023

If I said….

If I said I love you, would you leave me?
If I said I could humble you, would you believe for all to see.

If you lost faith, then where would you go?
Where I believe in God wholeheartedly, as sometimes my heart can turn slow.

If I said: “don’t tell them what I said” would that encourage the gossip?
May I pray humbly for you where the devils plan has always lost it.

If I said I care would that be small chat from me?
Actually I am God’s child unconditionally, as I am blessed for all others to see.

18th December 2023

Simply encourage

It doesn’t take much to release this wonderful word
It’s a great endorphin that removes anything absurd,
It’s a simple word, a place we deserve to hear
The devil plays others against you, leave this with God, you have nothing to fear.

In a world surrounded by negativity 
In a world where people are simply struggling to be nice,
Train and pray hard, these are attributes I rather entice. 

I am hear Lord, saying these lovely words to sisters and brothers,
Yes I do have struggles with the environment we are in 
Yet perception is leaning towards God
The Devil has lost this battle, now you need to spar the rod.

So I end on this note; Encourage and love 
Pray and empower,
Stay close to the Father in heaven 
The devil shall eventually scowler.

18th December 2023

Needing you Lord

I love you Lord 
That’s not too much to say,
Please keep me when you are here 
I near you close and very much near.

Please keep me close
I need you through the word what you’ve said
Hold me close God, but I now shall go to bed.

I need hope 
I need to be also still.
Hugs are humble, that’s what I feel.

I love you Lord 
The words are inside my heart and mind,
Keep me balanced, love is powerful and kind.

17th December 2023

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Beyond the doubt

Staying with God provides you with hope
Walking down the righteous path, is clearly not the same as dangling from a rope.

So love God first, and others thereafter 
I stay with a light in the sky,
and talk to God to defuse anxiousness and wave that emotion ’goodbye’.

Like I said before, pray to God first 
And at the last thing at night, 
Stay with him wholeheartedly, as one day the world shall return bright.

Don’t burn your bridges at both ends 
Balance with prayer and train real hard, 
There is strength within through a harmonic verse 
Move beyond the doubt, as my love for each of you shall never burst.

16th December 2023

Friday, 15 December 2023

I simply pray

I simply pray
For love
And for peace 
To also love God, and flip away the politics, which is the beast.

I pray for an honest answer
Not this current world that’s full of lies,
Are we waiting for corruption, well that’s a surprise!

It’s about picking yourself up
Fighting your way through,
Yet we do get tired with this unconsidered angst, from where the devil doesn’t have a clue.

I pray for love 
I pray for joy,
I pray for the time my dad picked me up, when I was a little boy.

I pray for wisdom
I pray for internal peace,
I pray for the realisation, at the time I once was the beast.

15th December 2023

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Why do we pray?

Why do we pray?
In order to fight off the devil, to keep him away.

We avoid gossip
Nonsense to cause an unnecessary fight,
Rather than having a solving conversation to lead to a healthy light.

We pray for peace
We pray for love and calm,
We pray that others do not lead their senses or cause any harm.

I pray for encouragement 
I pray for the word ‘all my God’ stop being said
I pray for optimism, as I say ‘night, night’ for now as I sleep off to bed.

15th December 2023

Peace and joy

Through the winter you simply want to be warm
And through the summer, the heat in England doesn’t appear to be very norm.

So when the light arrives, pray to the heavens 
The blessings received arrive through the glorious light,
Calmness through the elation 
Celebrating humble adulation.

That you Lord, you comfort my heart 
I pray to you for forgiveness, the grace is about to start.

Thank you Lord 
Look after people whom I love and care,
You provide us with enough through the heights we are able to share.
14th December 2023

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Angels looking over you

I am here looking at you and my daughter, your mum
Praying for a time we shall return together and be as one.

Sentiments are there 
Love will always win the day,
I am not far away from your hearts, these are the times when we stay.

Love will win
Hugs will be restored,
You are my spirit my friend, and you are also very much adored.

I am watching you every single step
Stay blessed through the prayer I now say,
God is watching over you more than you know, as this is a prayer I wholeheartedly rely.

“For Charlie and mum”
Matthew’s friend
13th December 2023

Being there for a friend

You can be there for someone
Trying your best for a dear friend,
Humbleness in our hearts joins people to the very end.

Pray to God for kindness in others 
A natural thing you may think,
Yet times of austerity can be decisively take you to the brink.

You can be humble with prayer
Fate is an option when you look to care,
Stay with God each step of the way
Words which have always been repeated, a humble message that never sways.

Stay with love 
Stay with God’s great news,
The presence of his glory we shall never refuse.

13th December 2023

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

I thank God ‘always’

Think about it? It’s a blessing 
Life is challenging enough, the Father isn’t messing.

He brings you gifts 
He takes home the ones you love,
We can refuse his presence, yet the eyes are focused above.

Stay with love
Stay with joy,
Stay with the harmony, the pain is refuted from which the devil deploys.

Hold onto him close,
His love takes place everyday,
Here is my hand and heart, where prayers are heading every step of the way.

12th December 2023

It’s about trust and faith..

Love you Lord 
Through the times season's come and go,
Tears running down my face 
I know that heaven is a glorious place.

Thank you for loving me,
My thoughts sometimes are difficult for even for I to understand 
But at least I have avoided any source of contraband.

I love you God
I love you more than my own life, 
Staying close with you, removes angst or any form of strife.

The day begins with love
The day ends through the midnight sky,
As long as we pray for one another, that word of peace shall never be told ‘goodbye’.

12th December 2023

Monday, 11 December 2023

A day at a time

Start with prayer
And through that start with love,
Too difficult for you to do?
Please…. This weight on the heart is like the flu.

Leave me alone people 
Only for a day,
The batteries drain your spirit through propaganda and negative news
This debate inflicted on others, which doesn’t amuse.

Yes, be a pessimist
Leave me alone my friend, 
I shall be praying for you afar
Your negativity is the devil attacking, dimming out a star.

People will come 
And people shall go,
If you are remembered for negative arguments, then I rather you take stock and be slow.

11th December 2023

Safe place

Stay with God
He is always at the end of a prayer,
As vexatious attacks could come from anywhere.

People will fallout
Yet wisdom is around the corner, 
Pray for that person whose childlessness shows
Remember you are part of the Father’s kingdom, where the strength shall continue to grow.

Stay with God 
Actually do more… grow,
The safeguards are with him, especially when there’s nowhere else to go.

The season will light 
The past shall stay where it is, 
Humble prayers is the call of the day
From where God’s love is, there is somewhere to stay.

11th December 2023

Sunday, 10 December 2023

It will get better…. Pleaae pray

Take your time 
And please pray
Angry, okay…??. These words are not mean to lead you at all astray.

I believe 
Perhaps this is a suggestion for you,
Spirit rises as that’s the Father who imbues.

I am not running away
I want to stay with you, 
I want to stay calm, yet the devil wants that to refute.

Please be calm, and if you are, that’s great!
If you have plenty of politics to discuss; then leave me out of it, that’s your debate. 

10th December 2023

You have always stayed with me

Father in heaven
Hold me close, 
I am learning to move through this pain
You are my light, my beckon, the one that shan’t allow me to refrain.

Expectations can be achieved
And stay amidst the light
No need for aggression 
Kindness shall encourage a loving confession.

Thank you for your love
Thank you for protecting me when I couldn’t see the light,
The humbleness through the 3 in 1 
This has overcome the attack, when initially I thought it was fun. 

Stay with me close Father 
The worship you receive is a release to devoid our pain,
Thank you for your kindness dear Father
Balance and humility shall be consumed forever after .

10th December 2023

Praying for a new start

We all need a break
Call it calmer, or calm it fate.

Dear Lord, I do pray to thee
Someone is reading these words,
Lord I pray for a new chapter for others as I just want to be heard. 

I am no longer shouting, but the struggles still do exist
People can help by putting a roof over my head,
I want to pray to you God as the tiredness needs to be put to bed.

Lord I pray for my friends, as I love them so
Homeless struggles and where food in the belly required,
I pray to the Father for diligence and care, 
As the calmness is released as I refute the Devil’s stare.

10th December 2023

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Praying for you on this day

Despite the days that pass
The passion for prayer should always last.

It’s good for you
It’s good for your soul, 
If you need to relax, then do so through the heights with a prayer 
Holding it together, goodness shall be shared.

Hope is there 
Hope is held and close to our chests,
The gift of love shall embed your thoughts and are the best.

I know times are hard
Struggles are more obvious today,
Angst is an attack which needs to go away.

9th December 2023

Friday, 8 December 2023

Peace with God

I could blame
Sometimes I feel alone and a little tame.
The word is Love 
Shows pouring without rhe noise above.

I am refusing to feel sorry for I
I need to pray first, and to the father in heaven through my fall
blessings I shan’t be at all surprised at all.

Love only love 
To all kind, man and woman alike,
There is an epiphany of hope 
Through these combination of words which I’ve wrote.

Hold me close God
I can’t be arguing all of the time, 
Humbleness in the approach 
Words of love I rather stay present with and encroach.

8th December 2023

Thursday, 7 December 2023

We can’t do this on our own

God is there
Brothers and sisters shall look to care.
Tears roll down our cheeks 
aa life is the motive, from where we seek.

God has told us to join
As his message is to go to the source 
Rather than fight any form of remorse.

We can’t do this alone 
The king is looking at us from the throne,
Pray for those you have lost, and those who now grieve 
The world is beautiful, but it’s God is whom I choose to believe. 

The hope is there 
Simply don’t stop and simply stare, 
People do want to love 
People do want to help  
Yet it’s the harmony inside us all, which has its wealth.

8th December 2023

Idle chit chat

Gossip is a fickle cause
Speaking about others ‘about the latest’, sometimes there needs to be a pause.

Wouldn’t it be better to pray for them
Rather than getting involved with ‘hollow chit chat’
I rather be more spiritual, but then again? that remark comes at a drop of the hat.

Gossip is blind side 
People discouragement, from when prayers need to be said,
The fickleness of others needs to be put to bed. 

Stay with God
Prayers are on their way, 
Humbleness is a rested level of peace
The devil delves into gossip.. that’s in the very least.

7th December 2023

Prayers for the ones who this year went to heaven

It’s been quite a year
People loved and also lost,
The ones left behind felt they have been denied at a cost. 

The end of the year has seen so must happened, 
People taken to the kingdom of glory,
Their pain is no longer, as their loved ones can no longer say: ‘I love you’, from that there is a perennial story.

Staying humble 
Saying prayers to set us all free,
People shall get hurt, but through the Lord their blessings shall be. 

Thank you Lord for protecting my friends and family alike, 
Their prayers shall be answered, when the pain inside is removed as creation is within sight. 

7th December 2023

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

When calm is needed

If you can’t calm down…. Then please pray
I suppose we are all different inside our thoughts, when the angst is overcome by the Father by defeating the devils stay.

Experience of stress 
Experience of love 
Experience to find focus
The anxiety from others when you remove lust

Love for your hope 
try to stay calm at all times,
And stay concentrated with the Lord’s might
As the nightmare shall be confronted through a spiritual fight.

Say goodbye to stress
Say hello to love,
Say hello to optimism 
And arid that awful word mentioned, called: ‘pessimism’

7th December 2023

God can hold you together

Pray and stay
Continue to hope.. and if you need to, sleep, rest and lay.

Move the passage to something new 
Through his timing, you’ll find a clue.  

Pray and love
There is a spirit which is freewill and cannot shove.

Show me the way dear Lord
I am holding it together and commence like reading the beginning of a book, 
There is humbleness which is inside of you, as you need to look.

6th December 2023

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

We pray then need to move away

Some people are not good for you
You love them, yet you can’t find the clue…

Pray, and then move away
Hold onto the heart of God, he shan’t ever stray.

Don’t be angry with me..
If you you need to, then that doesn’t solve 
As I pray to God that an answer, he shall resolve.

Hold me close my friend 
I truly need a hug 
If I made mistakes my friend, then if others hold that against me, then I’ll need to shrug.

6th December 2023

Monday, 4 December 2023

Love to love

You shall see through the light
Without going through the dark,
Yet the life you look towards, shall truly embark.

Sorry for those I hurt
Sorry to those who I thought I could contain,
Yet I am not sorry for those who didn’t regard me, and decided to refute me as I drain.

I love them regardless 
I know perfection only comes through the Lord,
I am here fighting from a damaged brain
Yet its prayers through the father I am able to sustain.

The prayers are there
They help one and all,
Yet please thank the Father in heaven, he shall prevent you to fall,

5th December 2023

Staying calm

Looking for calmness 
Looking for peace
Looking for the busiest, from there, there is a release.

Looking for love 
Looking to be sustained,
Looking to be humbleness in your heart
Eccentricity is momentary as it does eventually depart. 

Pray for a new life with God 
He is the light, the first and the last, 
He knew you before you were born, as this life you have could have used very fast.

Stay still 
Treat others how you would like to be treated,
The father in heaven is humbly loyal, and through him you are retreated. 

4th December 2023

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Time has it place

Take your time
Please be good to yourself,
The problem and the fact shall seen inside your health.

I take my time 
Calmer has its divine aim,
Yes, be eccentric but learn to refute being fickle or tame.

Be at peace with God
The prayers are held close to thee,
Lord I love you, am I able to see?

My eyes are closed
That’s wise from what we should ought to do,
May you find prayers through your heart
Your hope can’t leave, nor depart.

3rd December 2023

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Take your time… then pray to God

A bold message, that I do know
God manifests the day ahead, regardless how fast or slow.

He knows what you are doing
From the time you wake up and before you go to sleep,
He knows what you are feeling inside, regardless how intrinsically deep.

The truth is, he loves you more than words can express
Yes you may be facing challenges and possibly not feeling your sublime best.

But do one thing for you… simply pray
The devil shall attack your spirit, but soon God shall make sure they will not stay.

“Praying is staying”
“PS - 1000 poem this year 🙏🏽”

Diabetes… the art

Like all conditions, diabetes has its tests
Yet it’s constant monitoring, words I am just about to confess.

You can’t lose your rage, even if you want to vent
The temperament is attained
a balanced heart is what is contained.

You test your bloods, assess and inject without a second guess,
The balance is analytical, and that is just part of what you manifest!

And there are the hypos and feeling totally crap
And others erratic behaviours, which you pray to avoid as that’s energy which can sap.

“Living with type 1 diabetes, and speaking UP”
2nd December 2023

Thank you for praying

There’s a time to preach 
There’s a time to teach,
There is a time to stay humble 
The words are through the Father; so do not mumble. 

There’s a time to reflect 
Pray to God FIRST, that’s where your path is set,
Live for today, tomorrow may not arrive
Say the words: “I love you”. Those words can never be contrive.

Stay with love
Love always wins,
Love has a passage of hope, as glory to God is what we all should bring.

My hands are closed together 
I close my eyes and focus on God,
The blessings are magnificent and go through the Lord.

2nd December 2023

Friday, 1 December 2023

No matter

No matter how much you love them
Brother, sister, lover or hater
There shall always be disagreements 
And a lead from a perpetrator.

You need to love you initially 
More than you can ever do,
Pray to God first, He has the words for you.

No matter who does what
No matter how they sound,
Stay with God wholeheartedly, he shall resound.

Live for you
God holds your hand because he has abundance of love,
There is no demonic spirit he isn’t able to shove.

2nd December 2023

God brought us together

God said these words “love”
The desire to transcend from the sky above.

I love you
Love open doors for us to walk onto this wonderful path,
You are my world, the skies has its dreams 
You bring my spirit out and all that it seems.

The day belongs to us
Thanks to a source who brought us together,
We have been through trials that have taught us to become clever.

Prayers are towards you
Love has always been there,
This is your journey, for which you constantly share.

Flora & Mario to say to each other x 
2nd December 2023

You know I love you

You know I love you
Yes, the pain is felt engrained in the heart
I am looking to get closer but situations did make us depart.

I know we fell out 
Sorry that was the case,
I need to taken ownership of the situation as the argument wasn’t meant to be part our fate.

I love you
I have never stopped,
Egos do take over, 
as discussions are meant to blossom like a clover.

I’ll never stop loving you
Despite what others think of me,
Yes, I am attained humbly, and through God I am of course set free.

1st December 2023

Years ago…

Many years ago we lived without phones
“Apps” wasn’t a word, as we didn’t feel compelled to stay in this ethos to feel honed.

We said we love each other
And didn’t play on many electronic games
Brains were often switched off, as we rested and regained.

We prayed to God
Loved the thought to stare into each other eyes
Now our heads are tilted down, even when we say to others: “goodbye”.

We played Atari games which you couldn’t be paused
And even if we recorded the ‘top of the pops’ we didn’t feel anyway flawed.

We had friends that loved us without a correspondence said through a whassup or text
And we opened our hearts, even when seething came from becoming vexed.

We used to love to speak
And didn’t mind the other persons voice,
And praying out loud, wasn’t about hearing noise.

1st December 2023

Here is my hand

I know you can’t take away my problems 
Only God can do that for you and me,
I am blinded by holding onto my struggles,  it now I look to become free.

I am holding onto you
Tears running down my face,
“Can I become more attained Lord?
There is an issue that’s lost its grace and now needs to be restored”.

I am no longer loved
But the Father says: “that’s not entirely true?”
It’s that people need to stop and contemplate the situation, without the aim to ever ensue.

Here is my hand
I shall hold it tight,
I am loving you forever my friend, no need to allow the Devil to ever aim, fire and continue the fight.

1st December 2023

Led put on your head

Struggling to fight
Mental health has that affect,
You are then tossing and turning 
Prayers are there to release any form of discerning.

You may ask for help,
“You a big person! Get on with it” often mentioned,
“Are you serious my friend” I retort
It’s fortunate it’s not for you my friend I need to sort.

Prayers are required
You are here to hold me for a bit,
Staying on track doesn’t always stay honestly lit.

My head is hurting 
I need to fight the biggest fight I’ve faced,
Staying humble with prayer my friend, 
Can help a mental health episode from the moment the Devil isn’t able to offend.

1st December 2023

Praying afar

You may not talk
You may not disagree,
Yet the Father is supporting you, can’t you see?

There shall be words exchanged
Despite what is said, you are not deranged,
Just stay humble and pray
You are his child after all, just stay at his heavenly hay.

You may lose a loved one
People fall out all the time, 
A stubbornness is a killer
Pray to God wholeheartedly, he is ultimately the distiller. 

People shall come and people may go
They even may be your family, 
Yet God’s love is humble and can never be slow.

1st December 2023

The tale of the story

I believe…
Do you?
Yes there shall be difficulties 
Yet from there I shall ensue.

So I believe in you Father
You keep me on the straight and narrow.
I now do not say: “he said, they said”, therefore I decline to fell at all shallow.

I am feeling balanced 
I am feeling light on my feet,
As the prayers do work,
That’s all you Father, no mean feat.

I am honoured I am saved
Yet the journey continued to be faced,
As long as I stay balanced with you Father, I belong in your place.

1st December 2023

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...