Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Left so soon (Matthew Perry Poem)

A genius 
A showman
A light who showed us the way
May the heavens touch his friends and family; as our tears shan’t leave today.

Dramatic and warm
Miss you Chandler, now the heavens have your wit which you have reformed.

You will be missed 
You are loved through those whose path you crossed,
It’s too soon for you to leave 
And even harder through this tragic news the world received.

So prayers to the family 
And prayers to Matthew’s friends,
May the laughing messages which he delivered touched our hearts and ears 
Release any doubts, and any other fears.

31st October 2023

Relax… how?

The world is already complex 
Costs are getting higher,
And the wages don’t meet the bills that match 
You are trying your best, but feel detached.

The aim is quite clear
Give people a chance,
Policy, politics and the lack of resource 
Can authorities invest into a little compassion to stop anything else getting worse. 

We are trying but the circle is so vicious
Nowhere to turn, local authorities are becoming blinded 
We only want you to support our children’s future, 
but these policies are becoming one-sided and looser.

Please someone help!!!!
The situation can’t get worse as it is,
A simple chance to ease the cost of bills, food and rent 
As this situation is simply hellbent.

31st October 2023

My Dad’s day

It’s only been 6 months and it still feels sore
People shall say ‘give it a chance to settle’, but my love is forevermore.

Yes he had faults
But then again who doesn’t?
His warmth and support to me was superfluous 
Now I hold his memory which isn’t at all worthless.

He was my champion 
My ultimate friend,
I have moved away and looking for my purpose, that’s my eager want 
I miss him so much, as that gap is my current taunt.

Love is there 
Love is the end game,
Despite the disputes and misunderstanding 
He was my ‘champion’ the one along with God has kept me standing.

“Miss you Dad… 6 months on”
31st October 2023

Looking at fault

We need to try and look good in others
This is today’s trend, especially when blaming our Sisters and Brothers.

We are keen to look at fault 
Is that what we are supposed to be politically taught?

So we aim to be kind, gentle and humble on this today 
An array of goodness which needs to pave the way.

Be kind, and simply do 
The world around us has plenty to ensue.

There is mercy and grace 
A humble and empowerful place;
Forever looking to be worthy through the gifts you possess
Leading towards an uplifting kindness of zest. 

31st October 2023 

Don’t be angry with God

There is free will
What does that exactly mean? 
It means you are judging and causing harm 
This isn’t God’s will, as there’s no such thing as a winning charm.

Think, and take your time,
If you do not, then you may look like a swine?

Be polite 
Be kind and humble through mercy and grace
Stop saying “OMG”, or your actions may fester onto an unmanageable pace. 

People blame God when things are not going right
Remember we are all here to give him the story …. And that’s for the spiritual fight and part of his glory.

31st October 2023

Monday, 30 October 2023

Pace of life (London)

The speed 
The unorganised chaos, 
The movement which once flowed 
Prayers to the Father to stem recklessness which needs to be showed.

We look to God
When we need him during turbulent times.
Humble your hearts when you sense the feeling of getting carried away
Wise words through prayer need to stay.

Eccentric behaviour, gregarious thoughts 
Humble beginnings from which we are taught,
And if you weren’t then I pray for you
The diligence of man is where I imbue.

The speed 
The light we see day to day,
If there is darkness, the light shall come our way.

Thank you Lord for keeping our feet on the ground 
As long as we pray for one another, the wise thoughts shall be found.

30th October 2023

Sunday, 29 October 2023

The gamely fight within

You need to keep going
What else can you do?
Looking this way and that, and exaggerating the litter trails of a few clues.

The fight is within
It comes with a prayer,
Looking up, down and all around 
Praying to God first, that’s the humble and solace ground.

The fight through procrastinating questions, serves no purpose to all
Gossip infiltrates a losing battle, where it stems towards its fickle fall.

The fight you see
The wise words relayed,
As long you keep fighting, the next step is to stay wise and never move away.

29th October 2023

Catford (A part of South East London)

Gentrified and full of potential
Lots going on, with the aim of becoming quintessential.

It’s a place there’s a lot going on
Where this is part of London faces a challenging guise 
There is often a moment of drama, always a surprise. 

The place is sad to see in its hurried buzz
There is moments you need to stay still and avoid anyones thriving thrust.

But I notice people are polite despite theirs mental strains
As this current climate of change can be seen as deranged. 

So I pray to God that Catford and places like these receive a peaceful burst
And that the chaos eases a little, as it sometimes can’t get any worse.

29th October 2023

Saturday, 28 October 2023

This life

This life is yours; created by God, who else?
Working through love and peace,
Eternal life and humility, which has never cease.

Tho life is yours 
This life is held by goodwill to achieve,
Trials and tribulations shall always be there 
God is the ultimate one who has always faired.

Others life’s matters 
Through culture and spiritual prowess, 
Faith in prayers is where you shall receive glory of any zest.

Your life is there to bring goodwill to mankind
There is a humility in your inner sanctum, as when you seek you shall find.

28th October 2023

Friday, 27 October 2023

Sometimes there’s nothing else to say

Yes, believe in God, pray afar
but there are people you have nothing in common with, 
yet it’s Faith where you do eventually meet
And stories of pain is where you are able to retreat.

Sometimes people have nothing to say
Or say too much which leads to a release of words,
Yet it may be emptiness through the trials from which they were once disturbed.

There is a silence
Not a bad thing,
People talking with no humour attached 
Yet it’s through the Father is where this joining comes with a match.

Stay with you, and pray from a distance
Human’s often struggle through words of remanence.

No more to say
I could say: ‘please go away’,
Leave on good terms that’s where the distance needs to remain.

28th October 2023


I’ll meet my loved one’s again

I’ll meet my loved one’s again one day
They have left now but through prayer and love of God I shall see a way.

I miss them dearly 
And occasionally shed a tear,
I know through God there’s nothing to fear.

I recall their presence 
I recall if it was like yesterday,
And during the time from these losses, I personally wanted God to go simply away.

Yet in my heart they always are
Not through sight, but they are never that far.

I thank God for protecting them dearly
The love we have for these souls shall ever leave
Until it’s our turn, that’s when Faith is what you should truly believe.

28th October 2023

Mental Health.. the patient’s poem

You think you have it sussed
Yet there’s a mental block in the way,
Being with God is the only thing that can make you okay.

You struggle with yourself and through those all around 
You are looking for answers but the agitation is creeping inside,
There’s hope somewhere, now! Whom do I confide?

There are loving people 
People who care for you 
People that love you, and hold you tight
Yet through your mental breakdown there is an internal fight.

I recall the pain in my head when I couldn’t sleep
People unaware of mental health, this isn’t a put on especially when I weeped.

The condition is hard to shake
But fight you must,
My prayers are in your direction, and through God I do go onto trust.

28th October 2023


It’s the feeling where you don’t always need the last word,
The moment you can get closer to God and stay reflective 
You are the Father’s child after all, which is very effective.

Humbleness is the light
Not taking everything personally and refusing to worry about the little things, 
God is the one with the ultimate answer
He relaxes you as you move like a gracious dancer.

Stay chilled 
Stop dramatising all that is said,
The world is full of wind up merchants 
Believe me, I used to be one before I head off to bed. 

Humbleness is key
It shows you gifts to defeat any negative feelings,
There is love for us all, 
We are human, with that chance we have all faced a fall.

27th October 2023

Look to God

Faith is like love, it can constantly grow
The father created it, to lift us when others feel low.

Love is a power 
Love is a humble gain,
Love is so simple, yet many blame God and do not regain.

Love is a weapon that reaches our soul
May the spirit within us shine and deliver a light which glows.

Thank you Lord despite the hardest times faced 
Living on a pray is more than good taste,
Where love shows it’s a strength from a time weakness was restored 
During austerity moments it’s God’s love we have endured.

27th October 2023

Why do we pray?

We pray because it’s solace and love
Also when desperation looms, man personally refuses to nudge.

It’s about kindness and joy
Yet through the trials we can deploy
Man’s will can’t achieve this journey alone
Pray to the Father, he says you are worthy as one day we shall look at his throne.

It’s never easy with the chaos we receive
Others’ manic behaviour you prefer to leave. 

It’s about praying and staying humble with God
That surge from a prayer, 
through the almighty, when he sees our erratic behaviour we should despair.

27th October 2023 

Thursday, 26 October 2023

If broken… pray

If you are broken? accept and say a prayer 
Your humility is prevalent, don’t just stop for ages and stare.

Ignore those who think you are not great 
It’s the Father in heaven who shall deal with them, they don’t know it all, so simply condemn.

Remember, you are humble
Loving and caring.. yes that kind of thing,
The stars in the sky is what the creation above gloriously brings.

It’s a hello
A positive set of words arrowed to you,
This is more than a question and answer session, this is the next avenue you could ensue..

27th October 2023

Next move

What’s the next move?
Stay in?
Move out?
Change is predictable in this audacious life
Stem the tide when it does arrive, avoiding any strife.

Look to your future
See what it may hold,
Focus on a brighter place which will eventually unfold.

So what do I do?
Can’t feel sorry for myself? That’s sadistic 
Perhaps l need to look to the Father, the spirit is far more realistic.

The light shall appear just pray and you shall find
The next love is waiting, where there is love there is a beautiful and sweet kind.

27th October 2023

Trying your best

That’s all you can do, is try your best
You are one minute pumped up from the moment you release some zest.

You look for answers once the questions are posed
You look to a higher source, through the man of God who eventually rose.

You look towards light 
When darkness is often there,
There needs to be a beckon of hope, through the discernment we look to share.

We need to find a solution 
When politics and destroying is so often expressed,
By the grace of God we are breathing, where the devil in others can be forcefully detest.

27th October 2023


It’s been a trying year
One I would rather forget,
Yet through the Father I am about to reset.

I am taking time out
With people I love; truly so,
I was broken not long ago, however, now I am about to simply ‘go’.

I don’t care what others say
I shall leave them behind, as my prayers shall refute harms way.

I am here to try
Forever humble and continue to write comforting words,
The next page of this chapter shall obviously turn
As prayers are there for a reason, for all of us to discern.

27th October 2023

Listen… this is who I am

I am resilient 
Sometimes foreseeing and perceptive
I refute anyone to deliver anything others fickle or deceptive.

I am humble
But do often stumble,
I am a child of God
A person who's sensitively is high
I feel your thoughts, as I am emotionally high.

I am skilled and moving 
Forever evolving and yet sometimes losing,
Yet I DO eventually triumph through the Father’s name
Like an amazing man many years ago whose name I shan’t refrain.

I am trying and hopeful
And through trials can be doubtful,
Yet the gifts are in place and humility surrounds 
Never feeling awkward, or at all frowned.

27th October 2023

Life after

We need to move forward
We need to find a way,
Losing a loved one means you do need to pray.

Their legacy will continue
Despite the loss you feel inside,
I am praying for you right now
Humble thoughts in which I need to take a bow.

Today I hold you
Tomorrow you are not there,
I am staying loving in spirit as this journey can become too much to bear.

I know the line shall continue
Long before I am long gone,
Losing someone you love can sometimes endear you to venture into a life which we truly belong.

27th October 2023

Don’t you worry

I pray to ‘feel’ these words to never worry
It’s like saying: ‘I live on this earth to say sorry’.

To be open
And to remain clear,
God holds you together, so do not fear,

Yes we are human
But prayers drive us to believe,
Believe in ourselves through the Father’s free will to receive.

Try not to be too concerned 
Yes, easier said than done,
Provide us all hope through a prayer
And powerful as it seems; we still remain here.

27th October 2023


Up and down
The hypos from diabetes can make you want to drown,
But you pick yourself up
And say what needs to be said,
Sweats and blinking 
You feel you are forever sinking.

I personally like to recite this saying
I pray to God day that my insulin will be secreted inside of me
And that the heavens do release the key.

These hypos are a temperamental burst 
They only make me feel draining, clearly for the worse.

So goodbye hypos, once a cure is found
As I pray for balance inside myself, which makes me feel ground.

26th October 2023

Road to recovery

We walk this path
Where does it lead?
Looking for answers, or issues we avoid to feed.

Thank you Lord
I pray for my friends and family alike,
You Father? never tells me to get on my bike!

We do find a method to our craziness 
And yet it’s not through prayer,
Prayer has the humility to lift you spirituality, it’s the Father who has always cared.

We start 
We may fall down
We pick ourselves up from the ground.

We reach this road 
And wondered how we got there first?
As long as we pray, the humbleness inside never does disperse.

26th October 2023

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Peace of kind

That’s all we want….’peace of mind’
Yes, when you are young you may cause mischief…. Yes, that sort of thing 
Then when you get older it’s harmony you want to bring.

You may be ambitious 
You may thrive towards the biggest accolade to achieve ,
You then start to chill out and start finding solutions that’s up your sleeve.

You need that calmness in your head
That inner peace, just like when you lay on your bed.

You aim to thrive and therefore showing yourself, God and the world what you can do
There is balance in harmony in the passage God’s has for you.

Peace of mind
A symbol towards what is kind,
Stay close to God, you’ll find quiet for your gain
And that peace on earth is what we all eventually sustain.

25th October 2023

It may not have turned out..

It may not have turned out as you want
But you are still here, so keep on trying
Yes you face the ‘nay sayers’, which may have caused an intense sense of crying.

So it’s not the picture you’ve wanted?.
So please keep going on,
I am here facing woes and not sure what to do next
I want to leap towards God first and avoid feeling further vexed.

Praying with your heart,
For you and many more that face similar struggles,
Remember you are first a child of God, and shall encounter a multitude of troubles.

Here is my hug as my hand holding will soon arrive,
I don’t know how we shall get out of this mess, but I do know praying keeps us all alive.

25th October 2023

That moment

That moment you breathe that sigh of relief
Hostile times when all be need to do is have belief.

People’s social awkwardness
A simple test of time,
Looking to God eventually 
And praying he arrives expediently.

You look towards love
And refute the world that poses hate,
Yes I believe in God ultimately, and sometimes a discussion towards a healthy debate.

That time we need to turn the corner
Make that difference when all is said and done,
I know in truth I need faith in God, the ultimate… and the spiritual one.

25th October 2023

Hello again

You can lose focus
You can also lose the drive,
You pray to God, and ask the question “why?”
Often leading to a gasp or a cry.

Things do change
Nothing stays the same,
Looking to a new future with hopes and dreams
The future for now doesn’t appear what it seems.

You look towards hope
You look towards prayers, and that leads to wants,
These are time of change
A lunar cycle is often a place we re-arranged.

Hello to you again,
I left, and now have returned,
Inbetween jobs or a place I once was
All due to the fact I started this change through a simple “because”.

25th October 2023

Why would you take your life?

I tried to take my life, but God’s decision refused
I overdosed, but now I am a little demused.

I tried to take it 
But God had other ideas,
He said “you have more things for me to do”,
So I stayed around and pursued what I see as true.

The subject isn’t to be understood
This thing thing called taking your life, 
Especially when life takes its toil 
As this could make you feel feeble, as you eventually do foil.

Mental health is real
The brain and heart can only take so much, 
Empathy is required in these situations through the challenges we feel we are unable to touch.

24th October 2023

Don’t take it for granted

Don’t take it for granted
This lifted mood which you now hold,
You were perhaps were in a low spirit, which needs to be reminded and told.

Recovering is part of the lift
Outcome can be part of the gift,
So hold it close, these moments which you now rein-quaint 
And that the past doesn’t become at all faint.

Remember the good times shall return
And you shall be fully rested
And through these times you shall become tested.

Keep yourself humble
Find your way through the foggy mist,
This does come through prayer, and moments you shouldn’t at all dismiss.

24th October 2023

Monday, 23 October 2023

I Pray to God for THANKS 🙏🏽❤️

I pray to God for ultimate thanks,
When friends call to see if I am alright, as they are praying I for the brightness remains insight.

I thank you God for the Angels which protect my humble being 
I am praying for hope to the world through angst we are often seeing.

Thank you God, you love us so much
You bring us hope through an air full touch.

I thank you God, for you do not forsake 
As often I think I would often break;
And if I’ve done so? thank you for the repair
The free will through yourself shall get us all there.

22nd October 2023

It’s nice to be nice

It’s nice to be nice
Or words of that effect which often entice.

We should look to be nice to others, and show tremendous care
And sometimes our actions are not always fair.

So when there’s a heated debate, stop and reset
Is this leading on the side of encaptivating? 
Or on the other side of caution which can become debilitating?

So be nice, and pray for those who are in need of a rant
We need to encourage one another and take a stance.

The prayers are for you
Rejoice in the kindness you bring,
Loving each other through niceties are often what we sing.

22nd October 2023

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Why a prayer?

Why a prayer?
It gives you a chance to look and care
And there are friends who turn into family to love
A deliverance when these feels hone like a glove.

You may not have the answers,
But these prayers provides a source to find,
We ought to be considerate and become that little more kind.

Sitting here finding my way
Family feuds and money that shall arrive or be spent away.

Love for prayer 
No point suppressing the cause, 
The eternal saviour wher me these words shall never pause.

22nd October 2023

Look to the future

Look to the future 
What can you see?
A great vision just waiting for you to be.

There is a beginning 
And clearly there is an end,
 There is a Father in heaven, the one who ultimately defends.

You have your time 
When you are up and down,
The important thing is torture to drown.

Grow, but grow with one’s God’s choose
The giving of your heart, means you shall never lose.

Thank you Father for the kindness and mercy
Even though I don’t feel it, you do eventually make me feel worthy.

22nd October 2023

Saturday, 21 October 2023


You leave to forgive 
It’s part of the cause,
You learn to evolve and you shall not pause.

You learn to move forward 
There’s no reason to hold back,
You are figuring out the next move, as there’s no time to slack.

You maybe hurting 
There’s a Father inside,
Try to keep praying, through the testing concepts that derive. 

You look to mend 
And you look to stay in a prayer,
As long you remain humble, there’s hope anywhere.

21st October 2023

Birthday Blessings…. to you

Today..  your birthday 
Embrace it and love those around,
You are humbled by a prayer 
As others are so grateful for the presence you often share.

You are blessed by great family members 
Along with friends who love you dearly, 
Katherine this is your day, I say that in all sincerely.

So today you are blessed 
Enjoy the banter and fun which comes along,
Through prayer and blessing you shall imbue all that is strong.

So feel delighted 
And humble your heart, despite how you may be excited.
Today is your day
Now this poem ends as I shall go away.❤️🙏🏽

“Happy birthday Katherine”
21st October 2023

Despite what life throws

Despite the rain
The day does need to progress,
Others have their opinion, for you it can be more or even less. 

If you feel a prayer? embrace the words said
They can grant you calm and a lift,
The Father has always provided us with many gifts.

The day is there… ‘carp dieme’
Stay still and feel the presence from the Lord
These words signify the pen is mightier than the sword.

Today is your day
Today is yours to achieve,
The noise others throw in your direction 
Can be prayed for and ultimately face deflection.

21st October 2023

Friday, 20 October 2023

Tomorrow.. tomorrow

Yes, you are likely to see tomorrow…
Yet with prayer you won’t see any other sorrow.

so I repeat, you shall embrace God’s love each and every day
You are never disappointed in prayer, from each step that leads your way.

So you may question what you have done?
You may question how you have got this far,
You are a child of God’s ultimately, and in truth you are one of his stars.

“Don’t leave me God?” I yelp
I know inside he won’t,
As long as we keep trying, and focus on his presence each day
Our minds in faith shall never attempt to lead astray.

20th October 2023

Thursday, 19 October 2023

I can’t walk away

Trust me I want to, never to go away that is?
Focus on God first and never ever dismiss.

He is always waiting for you
Restoring and making things right,
Yes, we are in a spiritual warfare as we are prepared to see the light.

I can never move away
I need to make this work,
My rationale has removed from myself and entered into a desert.

Take your time 
Never leave what is there,
As long as you focus on the Father, it’s more than to grin and bear.

19th October 2023

We sit and ponder

We sit and ponder
We don’t know what to do next,
We sometimes do nothing and end up feeling vexed.

Sometimes we procrastinate 
Sometimes we work out our next move , 
I really need to pray right now as there’s plenty to soothe. 

I have my friends and family to hold my hand 
I am often working out and looking to take a stand. 

I try not to be too assertive or too aggressed
I know I stay in God’s heart, the place I know that I feel is best.

19th October 2023 

Can’t runaway from God

You can’t run away
He is always there, 
When the chips are down, he has plenty to share.

He mends our broken hearts 
Protects us from the devil,
And touches our inner spirit when we feel very dishevelled.

He is there when we feel weak
He is there when we feel strong 
There is something amazing when he is bright and never wrong.

In a world that struggles what you are
Through the far you are never too far,
Pray and stay with the Father 
There is eternal hope, you’ll never need to go farther.

19th October 2023

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

I miss you Dad

No matter what happens 
You are there in my heart and head,
I know you love us, words that shall be constantly fed.

I love you Dad
As I know I can’t see you today,
I pray to God for your comfort and that feeling shall never go away.

I miss you so much 
You were my friend and my protector,
I know you moaned a little 
But your presence avoided myself to become brittle.

I love you Dad
You are always in my heart,
Today and tomorrow I shall miss you, and the humbleness shall never depart.

18th October 2023

I said this today

I miss you 
I love you
I just want to vouch God shall always be there, 
and through determined prayer we can learn to share.

Today my loyalty is held
Through God anything shall avoid anything to become felled.

Yes, I declare I am not perfect 
Yet through love I hope you do care 
Today we know nothing is straight forward, as in hope all shall become that little more faired.

I pray for you 
I pray for your life to lead from darkness to light,
Thank you Lord for your guidance, I am sure all things eventually shall be bright.

18th October 2023

Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Take your time 
Don’t rush at anyone’s accord,
Pray to God profusely, as the pen is mightier than the sword.

You take your time 
Live for you and stay with God, 
I am not chasing after anyone, just staying with hope where I shall never become bored.

Remember, I am here 
I’ll do my best, 
I know I am not perfect especially through these words I have written down instead.

Please take your time 
I am holding onto hope with the Father’s word inside, 
Holding onto cherished forthcomings from which I rather abide. 

17th October 2023

Monday, 16 October 2023

Birthday morning

Happy birthday Flora 
Blessings you shall receive,
Loving messages sent your way as great memories shan’t leave.

You have been a rock
You have also shown tremendous care,
So please stay as you are, treating others with ultimate care.

Thank you
As I say that from the bottom of my heart,
Distance is a heart beat away, 
yet the history you bring has brought us a birthday chant to sing.

Have a great day
From one friend to another,
And where prayers are heading in your direction 
As birthday memories are humble, and needs to be rested on. 

“Happy birthday Flora xxx”
17th October 2023

The world

We need to push on 
But how do we do that when struggles are around?
Brush it off? Or Ignore it through this passage we have learned to surround.

We use to be polite to each other…
A stare to simply say ‘hello’,
Now there’s an ulterior motive.. step back and take it slow. 

The world is a clearly a tired place
All need is do is simply pray and just learn to be nice,
Now it’s all about politics, nothing I embrace nor entice. 

Take your time, stop and reflect
No contradicting words further mentioned, as we balance our hearts to avoid any deflect.

16th October 2023

Sunday, 15 October 2023


It’s not your fault
It’s not their’s too,
Connection is often craved 
But your can’t enforce in order for you to feel braved.

Remember people who don’t get you do need to leave 
They are no longer worth it through the melee of words you have received. 

You can only connect with a pray
It protects an enemy that you don’t really get, 
God is protecting you through attacks you are unable to forget. 

Remember the good times and hold them close 
It’s through the Father I devour the most. 

15th October 2023

Deciding what to do next

Time evolves 
The path of life appears to turn a page,
Here is a poem to humble your heart and enter onto the next stage. 

Rest and find your feet again
Stress can be overwhelming to your physical side,
Some things are too arduous as you wish for them to subside. 

I am tired of stressing out 
I am tired to put my mind through this pain, 
Calm down with a prayer, a moment of reflection you shall always stare. 

I want to relax, soar and then go off to fly 
I want the old spirit to leave me, as the new one when I pray is the one I want to rely. 

15th October 2023

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Impatient people

Impatient people, I pray for you
Everything done yesterday, when the speed can sometimes give a clue.

Impatient people
You want everything done ‘right now’,
During times of the ‘hear and now’, do uou really need that sweat on your brow?

Basically taking your time serves a spiritual place 
Staying humble through patience cab lead to a calmer embrace.

So chill, relax and take your time 
The moral of this story, the impatience of others can impact others and does become an almighty bind.

14th October 2023

What happens when you take your time?

When you take your time, you do get things right
You don’t need to replace with speed which can lead to a fight.

You pray with calm
You pray to rejoice
You pray for kindness, especially from other’s voice.

You look and reflect
Speed doesn’t always detect,
So take a step back that’s where you can’t go wrong 
The Father’s prayer we all ought to belong.

Be kind to you
Your speed leads to blindness 
Trickery of pace doesn’t always lead to kindness.

14th October 2023

Friday, 13 October 2023

Pray….and the source shall tell you leave it or that it should stay

Pray.. and the source shall tell you leave it, or it should remain,
so when you ask that question 
You feel it’s more than a moment, rather than a profession.

Prayer gives you a sight
Its humbles your soul and stems the plight.

The world we now see has been exposed
The politeness we once noticed in others is virtually banished
Now we are looking to restore humanity, where has it vanished.

Pray and leave it to God
His love for us is the final nod.

Praying is bright and full
And on occasions humble and delightful,
Stay with God, the one who keeps you well
Pray to the source, it’s your life, so go ahead and tell.

13th October 2023

Can’t take it with you

You are born 
And you do eventually leave,
God is around us, are we suppose to deceive?

You can’t take things you buy to the grave!
You are blessed and definitely not enslaved. 

I am here to live my life
Yes save a little, but don’t be imprisoned towards strife.

You look to do your best
Don’t be reckless, there’s always a test.

Stay here today 
Tomorrow may not come,
As long as you say your prayers to the ultimate power.. yes that’s right…. the three-in-one.

13th October 2023

Learning to take the next prayerful step

The next step is never easy
You take your time and think before you reset 
And you pray to God and then allow yourself to set.

You take your time 
Remember you haven’t anything to the planet here,
It’s only God we all ought to fear. 

You learn to move forward 
You learn to continue to try,
Leave it in God's hands, despite the aftermath of a moan or cry. 

Today you are here
You may not be in the best place, 
As long you surround yourself with positive people
then wisdom shall cause no harm or haste.

13th October 2023

Thursday, 12 October 2023

When you digress

God is your path
He will lead you to a new way,
No matter how low you are feeling, the Father has the final say.

Prayers are needed through struggles inside
You look to the ‘hope’ and you shall eventually arrive.

Saying goodbye isn’t a slap on the face
The struggles face within can’t always lead up to go to others place?

You keep trying 
You keep going strong,
You keep finding your time with God, the eventual place you can’t go wrong.

12th October 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Time and time again

The world said ‘hello’ time and time again
And so you are now here,
a child of God, plenty to love… and also plenty to fear.

But remember their shall be people praying for you 
Perhaps blessing you all the time,
Do the same back, through words conjured through this rhyme,

Take your time 
Don’t rush, and take a stand
Do not ever indulge into and fickleness or any contraband.

There will be times of joy and laughter too
There shall be interesting moments, where you do not have a clue.

But remember you are loved by the highest of high
Workout your next move, as you need not to cry.
But if you do, do not worry, there’s nothing to be ashamed 
You can try time and time again, words we should feel never to be refrained.

12th October 2023

Thank you for today

Thank you for today
It was like old times that never went away.

We had a lovely chat
And heard what we had to say,
We respected each other’s opinion through the obstacles that weren’t in the way.

It was pleasant, actually very nice
I just pray we hang out again, times I rather foreseeably entice.

This is a simple message
Words of niceties and depth
Looking forward to the next encounter, like this occasion.. nothing perplex.

11th October 2023


Learning about you

So you think you have this thing called ‘life’ sussed?
Well good for you!!
This isn’t an insult, this is what a prayer can ensue.

Be kind to your feelings 
And be kind to your hopes and dreams,
Be caring towards others who don’t get you, as nothing can appear as simple as it seems.

You lead a path you think could be right,
You can fight the anger that’s you think which is clear and not so bright.

I can only thank God for the time you are here
And the decisions you make won’t need to show any fear.

So as you learn each passing day, 
no matter how small, or big
God is there to see you through, 
So just say a pray for people that love you.. and that isn’t a clue!

11th October 2023

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Rest and then sleep

My friend please rest and sleep
Do not worry about tomorrow, for any possibility you may weep.

Pray for hope
Pray for a looming light,
Pray for a new dawn, which brings you humbleness within a glorious fight.

Rest… which your body, heart and soul needs,
There is an opening for you to restore and intercede.

Tomorrow you see hope
But let it arrive first,
Don’t make up the future, as your aspirations needs to remain there 
Stay with God first, he is the one who shall always be able to care.

10th October 2023

So you have messed up?

So you have messed up?
What is the drill,
Listen to those who remind you, or you learn to remain surreal? 

So you have messed up
No stone goes unturned,
Yes, other's have messed up before?
Yes they have suffered consequences perhaps that bit more.

You learn to move forward 
Avoid those who say “I told you so”
They are just suppressing your mood 
You have the right to make mistakes, this isn’t poor food?

So you will make mistakes 
Time and time again,
Stop making the obvious ones time and time again
So be kind to yourself, that’s where the father is your humbleness friend.

10th October 2023

Monday, 9 October 2023

The biggest eye opener

The biggest eye opener is to keep this alive
The flame does eventually dim down, but there is movement to thrive. 

So tomorrow brings you news
You struggle to make as each step counts,
And where the mind becomes extremely foggy 
This doesn’t mean you have failed or you are at all groggy.

You are restarting 
Leave those behind to safeguard your thoughts,
God is holding you together, but may not accept that fact
God is guiding you forward, so you have no time to slack.

The hope has always been there
Where we focus on God, you can only humbly stare.

Today you are here working out that next step
where we pray perennially, that’s where we put in another rep. 

9th October 2023

Start and a end

We start with a beginning 
Full of zest, and full of guile,
Open to explore new things that doesn’t take a long while.

You have good parents who are there when a child needs,
And there are others who are too abrupt, and difficult to be open minded, or feed.

There is love of God
A place we all pray to see,
People questioning the great news, through the son of man who was nailed on the cross to bleed.

There is everyone’s end 
A place you know you shall all one day see,
Thank you for this journey Father which you have always felt, and has to lead.

9th October 2023

You see it

The strain you receive from others 
The struggle and the situations that arise,
For them, this at all a big surprise.

Actually it’s about someone caring 
Supporting the cause which has autonomously hit,
We all need caring, and sometimes there is tantamount of grit. 

There is support 
There is love and guidance through prayer,
Sorry isn’t always necessary, you just need to know the Father is there. 

There is a composed message 
A grace which no man or woman can relay,
Stay with the source through the almighty, and the mental absorption that will eventually go away.

9th October 2023

Sunday, 8 October 2023

My time in health

My time in health 
Has been a story in itself.

Half of it is politics and pride,
And holding back the decision, where there’s too many people who can’t override.

To say it was a joy? Yes it was before
Struggling to do bits of work for a patient or a provider cause,
The politics is phenomenal, and the bureaucracy delivers the pause. 

Health story is over 
It’s finally the end, 
Now I stay with the Father where I humble and mend.

21 years.. NHS
8th October 2023

Take your time

You are in no rush 
Simply take your time,
You need fro fathom your next move
Pray… you will eventually hold it together with a words like these that rhyme. 

yes, there are people who do like to argue
There are people who want to have balanced speech,
There is hope in suggestion, but do practice what you preach. 

Some like to talk for talk sake
A chat is better than going to the gym!
But I need to keep strong in body, mind and spirit 
Staying with God is where you keep within it.

A time to move 
A time to grow from a break we have all suffered,
I time to grow with love released inside 
Thank you Father, for it’s you I choose to confide.

8th October 2023

Saturday, 7 October 2023

New page

Sometimes you need closure 
The best place you ever need to reach,
There is a humble place from which no one else could ever teach.

Tomorrow’s win
Tomorrow’s loss
There’s one victory through God, and that’s through his son crucified on the cross.

You need to move forward 
No matter what others think, or say,
Pray to the heavens for this new beginning, others need to be kept at arm’s length.. at bay.

Love is your height to reach
God is the ultimate guide from where you teach,
Keep you eyes on the next page 
This is your time… as well as your ‘new’ stage.

7th October 2023


Time does move forward
Sometimes we feel we are often held back,
God’s presence is evident, just pray.. there’s nothing to where you can slack.

People will come and there will be ones that leave, 
Pray to the heavens from that place we truly want to believe. 

No more anger 
And no more endureth pain, 
Wouldn’t that be nice during times we look to sustain.

No more fear 
And no looking back
As long as you pray, there’s a humbleness which mounts and shall never ever lack. 

7th October 2023

Friday, 6 October 2023

Mental openness

Let’s allow us be open in what we have got
We are not shouting from the bellows from where we are not.

We keep our distance 
Through the times we try our best,
Yet sometimes breakdown is there, 
what else do you want us to share?

We are humbled in God, and our position or status is not considered just 
We are his children, where our hearts are protected and therefore an ultimate must.

Help me Lord, I know you give us your all
Despite the number of sins we delve into, and the countless times we do fall.

You hold us together 
With love during the darkest times, 
And you challenge our delusions, where your humility is beautifully sublime.

Today you keep it real,
And the day after you do the same,
Thank you Lord Jesus, you do allow us to maintain.

6th October 2023

It takes someone special

Hello there, thank you for being you
Listening, housing me and doing no one else truly wanted to ensue.

Thank you for your prayers
Your light, especially when others were guarded
And you allowing me in, when many disregarded.

You said to me “I am only doing what I hope someone would do for me”
I suppose you never know what the future holds in front of you, which only God can see.

There was a cry for help
A wanting for a hug 
When I needed God’s presence, from the issue that only he can shrug.

“Thank you Matthew and Nikki”
6th October 2023

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Love has already won

Think about it?
Love has already won,
The prayers always overcome the attacks 
They have nothing over God’s children, for whom we back.

This means your are a child too
A child of God,  who is never foreseen,
You are his to cherish, and so, so pristine.

Love has already won
Don’t you understand that fact?
Your are the one with love inside your heart, and that God you pray to in the ultimate discerning pact.

It’s more than being nice, earning money or thinking you are better 
There is a journey we all need to encounter, more than following any other letter.

Love has already won
Love puts the pieces together,
Calmness is my bolt whole, which is worthy and very much altogether.

5th October 2023

Breaking and restoring

You may not see it at the time but you are on the road to mending 
After all you are a child of God from where your heart he is truly defending.

You will face attacks 
You shall face trials and tribulations,
People taking their time to heal
Yes, this restoration is a big deal!

You may think you have it all sussed
It’s all in a balance, where praying to God is all about trust.

Live to see
Love to embrace,
You are repairing from a place you once were lost
Ultimately Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross. 

5th October 2023

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

A season to find

Looking for ways to look towards a new path
There is an attack from the devil, who revels in this kind of wrath.

Find me for who I am
If you can’t accept, then step away
There are reasons for a new season… ‘Lord can I see you today?’

Today there’s a victory 
One only the Father could achieve, 
The hope is in the Holy Spirit where the truth I want to retrieve.

Thank you Father 
You have found me today and others days before,
I was too foolish by ignoring as I imbue forevermore.

4th October 2023

Find a balance

There is initially your testing 
And finding what you do want to eat,
Then there’s calculating  the insulin, which you need to truly meet.

So you have no choice, there’s a need to manage this day to day 
Overcoming obstacles that others do not need to face,
Pray to God for a cure, and ensure you do not enter into that hypoglycaemia place.

You are simply finding the balance
Something endured each and everyday,
God has got this covered, the evil tap of insulin has decided to go astray.

One day there will be a balance 
You will be able to eat without adding the carbs and sugars tested,
Pray to God for humility and that you do what needs to be invested.

4th October 2023

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Don’t you worry

Don’t you worry
God is right here,
Others will speak ill of you, there’s nothing else to fear.

You have good sources and there are indifferent ones which you find
God is holding this together, you may feel that’s the course that it is kind.

You will find a way
You may not see it now,
There are cowards who think they have your back, they simply do nothing, just talk and cowl.

As you look into the night, try not to be scared
The Father is holding you together, he needs nothing to be dared.

3rd October 2023

You are trying

Succumb, not a chance 
I am not here not to dwell, nor prance.

I am trying 
Actually trying to restore,
Can’t see the woods through the trees anymore

I want to fight but don’t have the direction
God is my guide, and my ultimate perfection.

Today I sleep 
Tomorrow I awake,
Help me through the challenges , that I know you shan't forsake.

3rd October 2023

Monday, 2 October 2023

Just takes a prayer

You say a prayer 
And the hurt is slowly removed,
Care is there in abundance to hold 
Yet its faith through God that often unfolds.

Time to see
Time to relax and not worry,
And if you worry, there is a path to go
There’s a source so loving you simply couldn’t say ‘no’.

Today is a new day
Tomorrow takes care of its own light,
Thank you Father for your humbleness and never ending insight.

All you need is a humble prayer
A place that is so transient it shall whisk you away to a fountain of words we truly immerse
Thank you Father, as my mind fills you shall allow it to disperse.

2nd October 2023

Sunday, 1 October 2023

It needs to be done

Let them go
It needs to be done,
It isn’t pleasant nor even fun.

But the act of ‘goodbye’ is what it is
A final verse I need to feel and say,
The demons are coming from them, they need to go away.

I am shall be free eventually 
I shall be free for better and for worse,
These are damning of words, possibly a lead towards a curse?

I say goodbye 
I say need to relax,
Please pray to God for the hope you have inside 
And the blessings from God that you shall eventually thrive.

1st October 2023

Holding on

You are doing your best
You are fighting the fight when nothing is there,
Please God hold onto me when there is nothing else to spare.

I love you brother and sister 
I have always known who you are,
My pain does not belong to you 
But yours does belong to me,
One day we shall embrace and become free.

I want you to be held 
I want you to be set free,
Praise to the Father, the three in one and the one I chose to want to be.

I cried because I want to take it all away
I know you have to ‘get on with it’ as I say goodbye, 
But loving you is my hope as the final tears eventually cry.

1st October 2023


I am contemplating, working it out 
Yet it others who try to pull you down,
Refute them, as they shall only see you drown.

There are good people around
They shall pull you through,
You may acknowledge them now, as there is plenty for you to do.

Don’t put yourself down
Others will do that on your behalf,
They think they are doing you right
They are indeed not part of your spiritual fight.

Your eyes tired 
Yet you are awake,
Hold me together Lord, as your son did the ultimate and faced the stake.

1st October 2023

As I stare and work it through

We go through moments not knowing what to do next
Need you Father, what else can I pursue in any context?

I am working out my next move, pouring a Guinness down my throat,
I am chilling aimlessly 
As I am relaxing with my mind totally relaxed
I am letting go, my brace has not yet thatched.

I am saying ‘no’
No more rejection,
I am holding on, as the Father contains perfection.

I am not negating myself
I am saying goodbye for good,
My body weary, eyes blurred and mind tired,
Pray to the Father, this spirit shall not be retired.

1st October 2023

Praying for an answer

It’s a time and season
There is always a struggle for that reason,
You look for justice
And you’ll look for hope
as you are aiming to hold onto a frayed rope.

Remove yourself from others
Nothing is perfect in the amidst of the setting,
You are only judged by the Lord, through his vetting.

We look towards hope
We look towards the light,
Lord please remove this foggy head with all your might.

We keep trying
We keep focusing on the light,
Father, dear father there shall be something bright.

Some get involved
Some remove from what they see,
Just pray for forgiveness to the Father, as one day you’ll simply be.

1st October 2023

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...