Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Hard job

The job of a parent is varied in many ways 
Some look to their child
And seek for what they want,
Others are happy for their child’s dream
Whatever the fantasy, all will reveal what it seems.

Hard jobs and choices to start a family,
Positive and daunting at the same time
Looking to your beautiful child which arrived heaven above
As long as the calmness is instilled and humbly loved. 

Some people have children
And lose focus, as it’s all about them
The generation of today face many challenging woes
Wondering how to move forward 
Through a sparkle and glow. 

Everyday, a child is born
Your role as a parent is to provide and understanding 
If you don’t understand where they are coming from, find out why
A hug and kiss to say you are there
Loving eternal demonstrates you care.

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