Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Back then

Years ago you had pen pal,
You had a HB pencil to craft a piece of work
Now there are computers on the phone
They dictate the way we live our lives 
Feels like entering into a bee hive.

We rely on our phone to provide us knowledge
Remembering information is stored on a device, which is meant to to give a friend a call
Now we have Spotify and Facebook on these handset device
Without them on us, we feel we cannot suffice. 

Once we had colouring pens and paper to create 
Please don’t let us lose focus on these two tools we possess,
Craving to thrive on past habits to move into the new 
A beautifully crafted letter eloquently written, from me to you.

Buck Rogers, Sapphire and Steele were programmes we watched
They brought us humour at all levels to attain our fear
Trying to make things happen rather than worship these phones, my dear.🙏🏽


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