Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Fall into a well. To love

To love the well 
Is to fall into it 
To hold the seed of love 
Is to feel the ultimate dream
Fantasy is now a reality and continual theme.

To hold back is not the right way
To say those three special words 
Is a devotion in itself
The morale fibre to love with all your heart 
Is a humble perch from where it starts.

To hold true to your heart 
Is to say those words “I love you”
This encapsulates the glory from the kingdom of god,
Learning to strive forward as two to work as one 
This is the beauty which arrives from the sun.

Great times comes with god fearing love 
Holding onto your heart with true passion, joy and victory 
The moral high ground delivered to the spirit 
and reach the pinnacle love high
The essence where soulmates entwine 
Is a balance where love is so divine. 

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