Saturday, 16 June 2018


Confess with your mouth
From the body, heart and soul 
Breaking is not a bad thing 
Repair the heart and delve to be whole.

To move with grace
The humbleness from your heart
Judge and he shall be judged 
Yet the world has this opinions that feud
Why not encourage and feel less ensued 

The cloud surrounds 
Yet the water is there, 
Freshen the palette 
otherwise water the dry or oily face,
This world of speed 
Does not need to take place!!

We are not machines 
We need to learn patience, kindness and will,
I too have many faults 
None of them are in the category of surreal.

Yet if you learn 
And pick yourself off from the floor,
Flee from those who are negative and hurt 
They too have their story 
from which they need to learn from and eventually end up in glory. 

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