Friday, 19 January 2018

Hang in there

We live our lives to find a path
We learn to become healthy when we turn unwell,
Capturing the good moments to repair ourselves, in our moments to tell.

Our hearts need to pump fuel to survive 
We can lose focus when things aren’t going right,
The fact of the matter we need to hold onto sight.

A positive vibe 
A balanced and mindful walk,
We aim to regain the old you and me
But the fact is, we are new, even when we are tired
We learn to regroup and then start to get fired.

We aim for strength 
And look to recapture balance to spring the mind,
The essence of these words is:
“Do not worry when posed with health as an issue, 
embrace your inner strength 
As you shall always continue to live a healthy durable length.”

Written on behalf of a friend 😉

Jason Andrews 
19th January 2018
(C) Copyright  

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