Sunday, 21 January 2018

Keep going

Never the Twain shall meet
Times have changed and not always for the best,
Hostility is there, rudeness is shown
I rather wave and smile politely 
To step above anger... ever so slightly. 

We move with the tide 
And we learn to regroup,
We learn to accept the arrogance people throw
I too have my hiccups, they can sometimes deliver a blow.

Be humble to your heart 
Be humble in your peace 
Love your spirit dearly 
Let others learn from you in your quest 
That’s why balance doesn’t need to be a chaotic mess.

Never claim to be perfect 
And never claim you are always right,
Of course, step your game up to reach the roof
And try to avoid the feeling of a niggling and more often painful tooth. 

Workout your humbleness 
Workout your glory,
This life we leading is only based from your story.

Go placidly, be kind to your dreams
Despite the worlds flaws 
Turn around and hold guile
There shall always be wind up merchants out there 
Yet that only lasts for a while....

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
21st January 2018

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