Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Greatest day of my life

Perplexed, angry and bemused
Not a good start to a poem you’ll find 
Actually I probably lose my motive to be kind. 

One day I was hit by bolt of a pray
I Didn’t understand what happened to I,
I then was wondering what to do.. maybe I should sign?

The speck of the eye and the log of your brothers eye came to the fore,
Glory to the almighty, hence I wanted to reach the spiritual core.

My aim was to find balance, humbleness and peace,
Now my perspective has changed
As I now know how to condem the evil beast. 

Like us all,  I have my good and times to face,
Yet with the almighty inside me 
There is spiritual direction and balanced to see.

Jason Andrews 
24th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

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