Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Walk in my shoes

So easy to judge
So easy to hold back 
So easy to have an opinion
But then again, so easy to follow a dominion.

We all have our thoughts 
And we all have our wants
Balance is the desired key, or is it?
Some want to give it all
Or focus on a percentage and have reserved it, if we box clever we shall obvious deserve it.

Peace and love
Anger and hate
Elements of an equation 
These all arrive from our traits.

When all is said and done 
We look at the trials we have faced and overcome,
Even when the place looks dark and scary
Don’t knock your abilities for they need to be used 
God bless one and all as these words are to make you think and be amused. xxxx

Jason Andrews
24th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

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