Thursday, 25 January 2018

Difficulty to change

Patience in skill 
Change of the mind, 
Evolving for understanding 
Learn to fall on a kind landing..

Difficult to see with new eyes
Comprehending something new,
How do I process a new way
It’s difficult but then again it’s comes from what your heart and mind openly say.

Open understanding 
Encompassed with a point of view, 
Maybe it’s time for a change?
All you need to do is listen and, possibly give that person a chance 
It’s better than being impatient 
Like a knife digging lance.

The chance to move on or, a chance to remain still,
Both have there place in life 
And both have there good outcomes to touch,
That is why the world of change can mean so much. 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
25th January 2018 

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