Sunday, 14 January 2018


Paths are to be learnt from
And not always boosted,
Yes an achievement is an achievement 
And on reflection needs to be toasted.

Learn from your failures
As they are the hold towards success
Be nice to your demands
And don’t wind up in a place of mess.

Mind you the failure of the goal 
can wry a smile and bring to a level keel 
Philosophy from the test
Shouldnt make you feel any less!!

You need a pen and paper 
And no electronic reference toys,
Relay your thoughts into aims 
As reflection shall bat back any depleted energy which you are capable to tame.

Basically hold the positive and release the negative past, 
Your time on this earth is to embrace 
And for the goodness in your heart.... you are able to face..

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
14th January 2018

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