Saturday, 23 December 2017

The reason why

We often ask that question
“Why is that person like that?”
Assuming you care for that answer or not
The moment we face challenges and others have their way,
Or is the answer adequate from which shall stay.

I have done things with regret
And others remind me for what I have done
Then moving forward, isn’t life delving into that place?
A place of solitude and rich mounted taste.

If I am patient, can’t you be patient too?
Then again I may lack in an area which belongs to you.

Learning life’s lessons is never ending
You have experience with sore pain galore,
Yet getting it right is not always easy
We are “all different” as people and the paths we take,
Hence this is why this world is so complex 
Yet we are here and embrace the flex. 

Be strong with life 
Don’t worry if you make a mistake 
Others control your actions which is meant in good intent
And the reason why gods given me this gift
From these words I have sent. 

“God bless you. We don’t always acknowledge through difficult times people are different... losing focus is easily done” x

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