Thursday, 21 December 2017


Over thinking..  a good or bad attribute?
I rather say indifferent, as the world needs people that constantly thinks,
Yet a balanced view avoids uncertainty and blinks.

Don’t over think, try to hold back
Even the greatest philosophers are deep in thought 
Yet a balanced view point is something we can be taught. 

Clearly you are calm 
And balanced in view, 
Look at it like this 
If you look at an answer in many ways 
It’s a solitary point which ultimately stays.

Be strong in mood and kind to your mind
Yet it needs to be challenged from what you think
Yet having a clear view point
Prevents you to stop and blink.

Aim to your left and follow your right
Yet the only way is to move forward and stay strong,
My opinion? A plethora view has its place
But overthinking does not lead up a final trace.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
21st December 2017

“I am bias as I am a linear thinker.”

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