Saturday, 16 December 2017


Why argue? Sparks fly
A melli of words can lead to people falling out 
As the term “agree to disagree” can lead to a boxing bout.

Debate can be good and debate can be a fine line
Yet the world we live in has peoples perspections 
which can inflict a cause to the debate,
If you know how to throw a punch or cannot come to a conclusion
 then the heat won’t have a solution.

The world needs to fight to get itself out of the place it’s in,
Unnecessary arguments is the place where you start 
Develop an understanding to erode this word art.

Half my life I avoid vexatious souls
Not scared, I’ll tell them straight 
I gym seven times a week
My arms and my words can erode those avoidable words on a plate.

Peace and love 
Calm and silence 
All moments we look to attain.
I was broken once through a breakdown of words,
Now I am rejoice with healthy living and harness to avoid sin 
The fact is... I love you, and that comes from within.

“Pointless to argue over nothing”

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
17th December 2017  

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