Tuesday, 5 December 2017

New year, new start

Looking at the past 12 months,
Learning to face the future 
Learning to move towards a new path
Learn to capture the glory, forever that shall last.

May the world be at peace 
May the world turn the right corner, 
May the hostility of current times leave 
And that people on this planet see the goodness from what they breathe.

May the new year bring you joy
May the new year bring perspective and sight 
May the new year release that moment to evolve
May the new year bring many clues to give you that chance to solve.

Look to the future 
And look at your peace 
Look at the chaos that surrounds
May the new year remove anything that gets you down.

2018 could be your year? 
Or maybe it won’t 
Just remain humble from what you see
Lets life’s eternity allow you to see next year with glee.

“Have a great welcome to 2018, love to one and all”

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
5th December 2017

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