Tuesday, 19 December 2017

My Diabetes Prayer

2003 I found out a result that changed my life forever
I started to lose weight and  my eyes were getting blurry,
And my sometimes clear voice started to get a little slurry.

I went to the GP and  that ’D’ word was said,
I thought “ooops, not sure what to do here”
What can I eat? What can I do?
Need more answers, rather than prolonged political clues...

A Mate said “get on with it”
And I confess that’s the best advice I heard 
I faced a tricky couple of months not knowing what to do, 
Yet this curve ball made me strong in dealing with life’s equation, and clues.

I went to D.A.F.N.E. 
Meaning dose, adjust, for, normal eating
A great philosophy to work myself out
As I was heading towards an organ beating!!!

The condition had taught me how to embrace 
What seems a difficult condition that involves   Maths.
“What do you mean?” You night say
Well it’s all about discipline and control
As I learn to pivot forward and demonstrate a sugar contained soul.

The condition isn’t easy but it’s a good challenge to learn, 
You are never alone, I have been where you now face.
Amen dear father I am in such a better dietary place.

“I have Type 1 Diabetes and I just get on with it..”

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
19th December 2017

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