Monday, 29 January 2018

Diabetes challenge

Daily tests from a type 1 best
Having diabetes is a skill in itself, 
Knowing what you can or, cannot eat
You are the champion of your own dietary destiny
Hence you can find balance in your commonality .

To work out your sugars is maths on its own,
Calculating carbs in grams of 10, is what you initially need to remember 
Every unit lowers bloods by 2 to 3
Hence the magic of the equation simplifies from what I can see.

To hold back that treat is not always a bad thing 
I did struggle initially and sometimes have a lapse,
Yet that is my challenge, not to be too hard on the blood result 
As learning the skill to balance, food, exercise and the mind
Is generally what we all should manage, 
therefore an education is discovered from those who need to avoid their savage.

15 years of challenges which I have learned so much about my health,
Days where the insulin has not balanced right
And sometimes I often thought I was in some kind of plight.

Now the tables has turned
And the maths has arrived through guile and skill.
Do I like having the condition? No...
But at least I know more about a common condition and I can give advice,
Previously I would struggle with what to eat
Which now this isn’t so difficult to compete.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
29th January 2018

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Tears of a tennis champion

What can you say?
Life only get better
Swishing and swating, shot after shot,
This person is something special 
A champion who plays with guile and a strong vessel.

The final as expected went back and forth
The Swiss hit winners from all angles,
The Croatian too, wasn’t looking to be scold
As he had the armoury to make Federer fooled.

The aces, the passion, the glaring view to succeed,
Looking towards a goal 
As these two gladiators started to flow.

Victory could have gone either way, for the truth to be told, 
yet it was Federer’s victory and speech to release,
This great champion of 20 slams shed tears of glory, 
from this latest episode of Federer unfolded story.

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright
28th January 2018

“Moral if the story, never quit and never lose heart as the tears of success exudes a wonderful page” x x 🥇

Saturday, 27 January 2018

3 words

To say those 3 words can raise a pump to your heart,
A simple diacotomy for a holy brace 
Can take you to a better place.

Warm and friendly words 
To care and bring peace with your heart and mind,
This is aspiration in what we look to find.

Love is to care
Love is to share
Be joyous in harmony’s way
Goodness in strength come from the eyes 
which stay.

A hug, a look and a moment to discover yourself within, 
we all look to find a better view
And to  say those 3 words “I love you’ need no further clue.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright
26th January 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Difficulty to change

Patience in skill 
Change of the mind, 
Evolving for understanding 
Learn to fall on a kind landing..

Difficult to see with new eyes
Comprehending something new,
How do I process a new way
It’s difficult but then again it’s comes from what your heart and mind openly say.

Open understanding 
Encompassed with a point of view, 
Maybe it’s time for a change?
All you need to do is listen and, possibly give that person a chance 
It’s better than being impatient 
Like a knife digging lance.

The chance to move on or, a chance to remain still,
Both have there place in life 
And both have there good outcomes to touch,
That is why the world of change can mean so much. 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
25th January 2018 

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Walk in my shoes

So easy to judge
So easy to hold back 
So easy to have an opinion
But then again, so easy to follow a dominion.

We all have our thoughts 
And we all have our wants
Balance is the desired key, or is it?
Some want to give it all
Or focus on a percentage and have reserved it, if we box clever we shall obvious deserve it.

Peace and love
Anger and hate
Elements of an equation 
These all arrive from our traits.

When all is said and done 
We look at the trials we have faced and overcome,
Even when the place looks dark and scary
Don’t knock your abilities for they need to be used 
God bless one and all as these words are to make you think and be amused. xxxx

Jason Andrews
24th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

Greatest day of my life

Perplexed, angry and bemused
Not a good start to a poem you’ll find 
Actually I probably lose my motive to be kind. 

One day I was hit by bolt of a pray
I Didn’t understand what happened to I,
I then was wondering what to do.. maybe I should sign?

The speck of the eye and the log of your brothers eye came to the fore,
Glory to the almighty, hence I wanted to reach the spiritual core.

My aim was to find balance, humbleness and peace,
Now my perspective has changed
As I now know how to condem the evil beast. 

Like us all,  I have my good and times to face,
Yet with the almighty inside me 
There is spiritual direction and balanced to see.

Jason Andrews 
24th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Smile at the world

We look and can I see the world is a tired place
People rushing here and there
Stresses so much, it’s difficult to bear.

I smile with glorious faith and protection
Maybe it’s hard to understand,
As sometimes a smile can also have an affection.

Each day will pose a challenge
I push my body to a inner limit,
Releasing all those endorphins 
Will bin negativity within it.

We try hard to deflect negative souls
Personally I pray for them even when it’s hard
As their story may be reflective on I,
Yet when all is said and done I rather raise the world a smile..., instead of an
Unhappy cry xx

Amen 🙏🏾 

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
24th January 2018

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Keep going

Never the Twain shall meet
Times have changed and not always for the best,
Hostility is there, rudeness is shown
I rather wave and smile politely 
To step above anger... ever so slightly. 

We move with the tide 
And we learn to regroup,
We learn to accept the arrogance people throw
I too have my hiccups, they can sometimes deliver a blow.

Be humble to your heart 
Be humble in your peace 
Love your spirit dearly 
Let others learn from you in your quest 
That’s why balance doesn’t need to be a chaotic mess.

Never claim to be perfect 
And never claim you are always right,
Of course, step your game up to reach the roof
And try to avoid the feeling of a niggling and more often painful tooth. 

Workout your humbleness 
Workout your glory,
This life we leading is only based from your story.

Go placidly, be kind to your dreams
Despite the worlds flaws 
Turn around and hold guile
There shall always be wind up merchants out there 
Yet that only lasts for a while....

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
21st January 2018

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Powerful laughter

Laughter is powerful 
Laughter can be sweet
Laughter can hurt
Laughter brings on the heat.

Totally unexpected when a chuckle hits the fore
Learn to hold containment... sod that!! it’s hurting forevermore.

The boost of a laugh can set your pulse to race
You can laugh at anything 
Even that spot on your face...

To laugh or otherwise cry
The work that happy muscle is cool
It’s better than seeing that miserable git look a fool xxxx


Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
20th January 2018

Friday, 19 January 2018

Contain a healthy balance

We live our life’s looking for a healthy balance
We look to recapture health because it’s the shell that keeps us alive
We don’t only want to exist in this world that we survive.

We need peace, balance and calm
A place to deliver good 
A place to look to the heavens and find peace
We look to the righteous one, that in the very least.

We care, we brace, we look to what is right
Sometimes we need to find resolve 
And pull through a challenging fight.

Love to your family and cherish your dear member we pray for at this time 
Holding onto all that is positive and good.
Life is our beginning and eternal end
We hold the truth and stay focused in mind 
Thinking of you, that’s the world I belong.... kind x

Jason Andrews
19th January 2018
(C) Copyright 

Hang in there

We live our lives to find a path
We learn to become healthy when we turn unwell,
Capturing the good moments to repair ourselves, in our moments to tell.

Our hearts need to pump fuel to survive 
We can lose focus when things aren’t going right,
The fact of the matter we need to hold onto sight.

A positive vibe 
A balanced and mindful walk,
We aim to regain the old you and me
But the fact is, we are new, even when we are tired
We learn to regroup and then start to get fired.

We aim for strength 
And look to recapture balance to spring the mind,
The essence of these words is:
“Do not worry when posed with health as an issue, 
embrace your inner strength 
As you shall always continue to live a healthy durable length.”

Written on behalf of a friend 😉

Jason Andrews 
19th January 2018
(C) Copyright  

Thursday, 18 January 2018


If those ignore you 
Pray for them, for they do not know 
A Bizarre request this may sound,
But when forgiveness is tested we often found.

I was angry once for the act I have just said
To be angry doesn’t solve
The bitterness heads to a different direction therefore... scold.

Tell me off and try putting me right,
I look to the ceiling and try to chill 
The balance of life is precious
We all know this,  
yet more often or not we tend to hiss.

Love is a powerful act
It halts many bad things to the core,
We believe and strive to a better place
Hence these words are spiritually written, 
As attainment refuses you to become bitten. xx

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
18th January 2018

Speaking from the heart

Speak from the heart 
And hold what’s in the mind,
Learn to be patient and still
And embrace what you humbly feel.

Hold true to your feelings 
And love the life that you live,
If something isn’t right
Learn to simplify the problem and contain all you sight.

Touch the world with your voice 
Hold onto the good times and release the sad,
Pray for the needy who do not know how to deal,
Love and pray as these feelings are surreal. 

Capture the glory and give it to the almighty of High,
There shall always be love
There isn’t always need to cry. 

Learn the walk of life 
Even though you do not know where it may lead, 
Flourish with with will and grace 
And believe you’ll  enter into a better place. 

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
18th January 2018

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Not to lose focus

It’s  easy to lose the important focus of life
Where life brings challenges 
Life continues to become fast 
Work demands never ease up, and simply last.

You can only try your best 
And focus in the job in hand,
Understand your views 
Break down the tasks to avoid feeling mused.

Stay surreal and try to stay strong 
When the work piles up 
The end appears to feel so long.

Focus and show guile 
I have not always followed this path
Yet the light at the end of the tunnel is always there,
It’s for us to remain positive 
Rather than stay sedate to glare.

Jason Andrews
16th January 2018

Monday, 15 January 2018


Faith is a solid road
And none of us knows where it shall lead,
You can control so much
But the faith is a blossoming seed.

Sometimes you can let your guard down 
And sometimes that’s for the best,
Believe in faith and higher power
You soon will  evolve and eventually tower.

I look to the skies and pray for all to have a brighter day
Knowing there are trials and tribulations 
That will sometimes have there say.

Be strong with faith 
Be kind to those who struggle
Like they say “2 wrongs does not make it right”
A faithful light shall release a world so needing to make a little more bright. 

Jason Andrews
16th January 2018
(C) Copyright 


Gentle and contrary
Princesses won’t get this vibe
They play danty music 
Which is annoying and a bind.

The gentle nature is masked with a plastic smile
Don’t be fooled by the cunning disguise and wise traits
I rather make fun of them 
By wearing a too too and magic wand 
“Go away princess and learn a more masculine bond!”

To be a fairy in my opinion 
Is to look up and put your head in the clouds,
The nature of the these contrary’s  
Embues unecessary dramatic chant 
A question of a question which ends with a subjective “I can’t”. 

I rather ignore 
And refrain to engage. 
This airy fairy nature can go away 
As I prefer to be in an Ann Summers cage!!!

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
15th January 2018

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Patience with thyself

I don’t want to talk
I need to act,
Then again that comes with patience 
And especially in todays city
That attribute isn’t always there
“Push, push move” the limits of pace is everso rare.

“I need to do this! I need to do that!”
Reactive working has its place
Patience with thyself 
Is hard to find, in any trace. 

We look to the left 
And we look to the right 
Eager to find answers which may not be there 
Impatience with thyself 
Should we be nice to our needs
Ain’t we meant to be growing seeds?

Judgement and anger 
Pace and dislikes
Isn’t the world better than this?
Impatience with our hearts
Embues difficulties from the very start!

We say we need stress to function and move, 
Isn’t it a balance we need to attain? 
Quality with patience does need to be refrained.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
15th January 2018


Paths are to be learnt from
And not always boosted,
Yes an achievement is an achievement 
And on reflection needs to be toasted.

Learn from your failures
As they are the hold towards success
Be nice to your demands
And don’t wind up in a place of mess.

Mind you the failure of the goal 
can wry a smile and bring to a level keel 
Philosophy from the test
Shouldnt make you feel any less!!

You need a pen and paper 
And no electronic reference toys,
Relay your thoughts into aims 
As reflection shall bat back any depleted energy which you are capable to tame.

Basically hold the positive and release the negative past, 
Your time on this earth is to embrace 
And for the goodness in your heart.... you are able to face..

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright 
14th January 2018

Saturday, 13 January 2018

In my own words

What enters the mind can sometimes stay under lock and key,
Brace a new beginning or accept the words you say
May have consequences, but then again, you have done it your own way.

We aim to achieve 
We aim for inner peace 
We aim to cause chaos 
That’s the sign of the times 
Do I agree with mayhem and noise?
Not really, they are like mindless toys.

The world is angry 
But there is always space for love,
Waving hands in the air serves no purpose 
As harmony is something that is not at all worthless. 

Be nice to you
Be deserving as you are here
No need to be hellbent for pain 
Learn your significance 
As chaos can be tamed.

The world shall always face challenges and quests,
And  to worry in what you think may happen is a sign of unneeded control, 
That’s why life just needs that  moment to reflect..  and for you to flow.

Jason Andrews 
(C) Copyright
13th January 2018

Tuesday, 9 January 2018


Remember these words...
Or should you not?
“I may hold you to those words” 
Therefore, a standstill could be begot.

May the year bring you wealth, balance and joy,
May you hold strong through difficulties and challenged times, 
Love and pray conquers all
You may feel like you’ve struggled but in the longer run you be hit with a call.

There is always someone who cares 
even if it’s not the ones that you would expect,
A cry, a yelp a need for love
For I believe in him, therefore humbleness always leads to the righteous above.

I write a sonnet as words that are filled in my veins,
I cry and wish all to become well
These are stories or facts we encounter in Day to day life 
Small beginnings where it starts
The love of the King shall never part.

“1st poem of the year... “

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
10th January 2018

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...