Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year, New Beginnings and new Chapter



A turn of a new dawn
A turn for a new light,
A turn for a new happiness,
Forgiveness and love shall see light.
When the clock strikes 12 at midnight
And love to one and all shall reaps its delights.
We all have something to fight for.
We all have something to gain,
Try, and if you fail try harder…
Endure the time you face
And learn to be in a better and stronger place.
When I cry and, when I shed a wry smile
The release is for all to share.
Something so wholly
Something so divine,
Learn to live in a place which introduces a test,
Therefore coming through an enticing rest.
Love, respect, happiness, fear and light
I wish one and all the best for the aims and pursuits.
When I release these words they deliver equilibrium to centre the mind
And ensure we find peace from the kindness we aim to find.
*Happy New Year to one and all. One life, one love, one tear and many smiles.
© Copyright
Jason Andrews
29th December 2014

New Pastures


New Pastures
Wishing you well in captivating light
Moving forward with humble grass
Learning moments which has come from the past.
As we learn to move forward
Or touch onto moments new
All we are looking for is some type of clue,
May life bring us love, calm, chill and relaxation
As the majority of your working life took that fraction.
Philosophical and humble grace,
My thoughts wish you well
From all the stories you could write… or tell.
Be kind to yourself
And be kind to your dreams
Raise a smile with a glass raised with either champers, or juice
May this new opportunity deliver positive vibes from this new page
And the important thing is to provide you the best
As this is your time…. Which is no longer a test.
© Copyright
Jason Andrews
18th December 2014


Wishing you well and thank you

It’s been great arriving to work
And work for such great human beings,
You advice and guidance
Has offered me to work hard from all the seeings.
I came from a Trust where my boss never said hello
And I have met such wonderful managers
Who understand the issues we all face
And with strong leadership, try to make this NHS a better place.
Now it’s your time to thrive and follow further dreams.
With guile and grace and positive thought
You shall enter into adventures with clarity and glee….
Now you can be you…. And humbly be.
A page unfolds
And now this new open door is waiting for you,
The debates shall always be there in the NHS
To make patient care a more valued place… to come through the test!
Saying goodbye can be as hard or easy as you want it to be….
All I can say personally
I wish you good luck and hope you can remain in touch,
Especially if I need a reference
In which I would appreciate… so much!!!!
*It’s been an honor…. Now no more grovelling, now just go get em’
© Copyright
Jason Andrews
17th December 2014

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Christmas... Reflecting

Merry Christmas to one and all, may the day be restful and humble to thee... Remember the glowing lights on a Christmas tree...

If you question the past or question the place you are in right now, please listen to your heart for all the good which it holds.. And that  Christmas Day may be the start where answers unfold.

I send this to those I love and honestly adore. If you don't like these words.. Then that's cool, sending powerful humble meanings contains the beauty of you. 

So enjoy the remaining hours of this Christmas Day and let's hope the warmth of these words shall never shed away.. 

Merry Christmas to one and all. Jason xx

Sunday, 14 December 2014

New friendships

Lovely to have met you
And refreshing you feel the same
We can all learn from each other and positive thoughts shall remain.

So be to thyself and learn the good that you find. 
Remember we live just the once and capture what is kind. 

I do wear my heart on my sleeve and hope I did not scare you away.
I aim to be honest and genuine from the beauty which comes our way.

So as I end this verse with positives which could be surreal. I am so pleased to have met you, as that glass of wine or coffee will come with a lovely meal. 

Monday, 1 December 2014

Finding yourself.....

Need to leave
Need to learn
Need to act
And need to launch.

These are just words
I am scared to move forward
I am apprehensive to turn wrong into right
I need to flourish
I need to entice.
I need to be humble and need to be nice. 

Why have I left it long to answer these questions?
Why am I angry when I need to work this out without rage?
I must take it on board and act
I must react with a grace and atoned being
I need balance, as well as no longer seeing.

I am embracing my thoughts
But need to move ahead with this quest
I want to stop being scared
And come through this test. 

"Be kind to yourself Jason x"


Feeling sensitive is the Bain of my life
I do not want to hold these feelings when I get into strife
I am not very good with people that say arrogant things
I am a person who loves but should accept there are hurtful souls
Therefore, I need to feel strong and continue to flow.

I suppose I need to have a break 
I need to remove myself from those that are unhealthy 
I need to be strong for body heart and mind
Therefore, look for clarity and aim
And try not to feel so tame.

I am in such a low mind
I gym everyday and that picks my spirits galore
But that only lasts for a while 
As I look to become less sore.

Why am I like this?
And let others words hurt my mind?
I need escapism from these souls
I love the but loathe them as well
I need my life back... And avoid this hurtful hell.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Leave me be....

If you understand me
Then more likely I understand you,
If you anger me 
Then I would push you away
Love you will lead to loathe
I'll keep you at bay.

I cannot be bothered with people in my life
They inflict negative emotion 
And I cannot see eye to eye
Leave me be as I say goodbye

I need to act
And maybe I need to act now
I am a bit sad as things need to change
I will move onward and make a stance
I will move forward as I need to lance.

I will do the right thing
And I will do what is right
If the people I love are no good for me
Then I need to move on... And humbly be.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Opening New Challenges.

One door closes 
and release new beginning which are to commence,
learning to move to pastures new
shall be exciting and deliver so many clues.
Hard work and dedication
Leads to humbleness and meditation.
With the fire and desire to aim high
As this isn’t always goodbye.
I have written another poem to brace
As new times await and, new skills enhanced
Live, life and prosper, and most importantly be good to thee
Thriving to a better place and humbly be.
The aim is to be positive and thank you for all your support
Your nature, aim and desire shall be the lost of NHS England
And gain to where you are about to go
Be nice to yourself and remember this…… Go with the flow.
© Jason Andrews 
28th November 2014
*You are lucky. I tend to write one poem for people that leave their job…Enjoy your new beginning.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Making a difference

We move forward and take a chance 
You have made a decision and grabbed it with both hands,
So we wish you well
For this new and exciting new beginning 
Looking for answers new and the aim to keep on winning.

Where change has this place
Your presence shall reign true to all,
And focus shall never allow you to fall.

You taught me 6 thinking hats
And those words have held me dear,
Therefore, moving forward and fighting for what you believe 
Holds true for what we look to grasp
And this new venture captures its new reign and glory for the right decision to be made,
Which shall delve into new beginnings which we avoid to fade. 

May this verse and path hold true to your body, heart and soul
And thank you for caring and leading nature.
And that your desire to do right hold constantly within. Humble nature... And 6 thinking hats we should all hold in. 

One door closes and a new one opens wide


Wishing you well and very best,

Especially for the new start you are ready to take.

So as you now capture a new NHS path

Taking you to a new glory which comes from an open mind,

Something so honest and so simple to find.


Lovely meeting you

And thank you for all your kind support

I am so sure your skills shall be transferred to this new career

Keep on trying, therefore, you shall keep on winning.


We respect you for moving forward

And hope this career path is the aim that you want,

Therefore, new beginnings to endure

Leading to relishing challenges….. forever more.


I end this verse by wishing you all the very best

And that you come through this prosperous test,

May this be the new journey you are ready to make,

And rise above it like a beautiful (yet wholehearted) bake.


© Copyright Jason Andrews

23rd November 2014

New beginnings






A new beginning

A new start waiting to emerge,

Relishing a new challenge waiting to face,

Yet there is an element which we need to trace.


Be kind to yourself

Therefore, be kind to your needs,

So one door closes

And a new exciting door wakes with new questions,

Therefore a new path to see

As you focus on the good and simply be.


The time has elapsed

And this fresh start will deliver new questions,

Your desire to look for answers

And revival for outcomes which are new, shall release all kinds of clues.


I personally wish you well and genuinely have faith

That you will enhance a new and fresh beginning

Now you will learn the new true in time

And may all your hard work deliver a brilliant new start

And that our friendship.. shall never part.



All the best my friend, may this new beginning is the start you are looking for, and if it’s not, then try, try and try again… I have faith.


© Copyright Jason Andrews

23rd November 2014

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Thoughts and peace...

Negative thoughts
Need to refrain, 
Want to remain strong
And avoid going insane.

I despise  being angry
I despise feeling this way,
I need to grow a pair
As my heart hurts today.

My mind feels cloudy
And I just want it to go away,
The aspect of constant chat can hurt the mind, 
I am aim to become blind
In the wanting to just find....(peace).

Peace is the aim
Peace is the saviour
Do I need to hear your words
As well as sorry for the person I am
Peace and quiet is my aim 
As I need to learn how to be a little tame.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Birthday Celebrations....

Birthday greetings
As I wish you a beautiful day.
Time moves on
And this day is to mark your way.

So embrace, thrive and see what new doors await.
Today there is happiness and lead to glorious fate.

Love and understanding
From friends and family that care and love for you dear,
The essence to celebrate this glorious day is to ensure a smile is open, humble and clear.

So as this sonnet ends
Love, prosperity and friendliness are kept
And birthday salutations are held in body heart and mind
A wonderful capture for all of us to find.#

"Happy Birthday"

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Love and its path x

I am here.. 
Thinking not very much blinking
I want to hug
Knowing I do not need to shrug.

I love you
And sure you love me
I am so blind at times 
That's to you and me.

I can't help the way I care, actually I am here, proud of who I am, and that's why I smile and cry. Never a sorry nor goodbye.

I verse my heart 
I hold onto my story
I love the story of love
We are flourishing with a tear in my eye..always here.. Never goodbye x

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Me... Moving forward x

I have so many bad faults
I have so many good traits too
I am feeling sad 
Because someone I love I did say something bad... Boo.

I am sad for what I said and for what I said I can't move forward with this person, especially If they see me in this way
I am so sad but I will be ok, eventually at the end of the day.

If you care for someone but can only be remembered for the negative signs
Then I am sorry I need to go away. 
Maybe (just maybe) one day we can meet for a drink... Now I need to move forward... What do you think?

I only want to be there for this special soul that I truly care
Yet for the words I said... I am truly sorry, however those words don't  always reflect me. 
We all say things in the sper of the moment, at anytime. 
Once again, sorry for being me and I only want to provide you with the best...
Yet moving forward, and what I said... Seems to be the test..

I wish you well. Yes I have said things..but I can only move on...I just thought that would be for you.. You know my number? X x

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Wants and hugs.....

can't be anyone else
And neither can you. 
I said some inward things
Sorry... But they needed to be directed to you.

I don't know what to do?
But sure the words and emotions will swell up,
And learning and acceptance is the key
As you are you and I am me...

I want acceptance for the person I am. 
I can't help my feelings for thee
Yet in this moment in time I am contemplating to flee. 

I care and love
And I know you care and love.
I don't always need a hug
But you are often right, this affection cannot be deemed as a bug!!!

Peace and harmony 
Love, acceptance and respect. 
These are the emotions we often detect.
Yes. I am different from the person which refrains from a hug. I am just working out what I needed to do. As all I wanted was to find a clue. 

Be kind to yourself and I promise I shall do the same... People should at least be marginally embraced... In a world which isn't a bad place x

Sunday, 19 October 2014

I wonder

As I wonder what will be will be. 
I am not blind, nor unable to see. 

I won't use my energy 
On aggressive souls... 
And if they are unhappy the feelings is theirs to own, as I refrain to enter into their zone. 

I don't like this feeling,
But what can I do?
What they own is theirs
And my maturity shall remain intact...
All this is a matter of fact. 

No anger, just surrealism I wish not to lose focus of
My zest towards life, and avoid bad and negative souls, therefore remain true to humble me. 

Luckily I can write these words ... The skills? The guile and temperament to remain focus on me...  

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Don't push me away

want to be there for you
No question. And no doubt,
Love you more than words can say
I want to be there always, forever and a day.

I want to hug you
Even if your company may not be great,
Love your body heart and soul and all those places which they go.

I am there... Like a rock
Despite what you may think of I.
Yes I don't care about certain things
But you bring a warmth to my heart
That I know shall never part...

I want to hold you
I want to love you
I want to be there for you
I want to see the light, which cares for you..,

May the dreams lighten your goals and may our relationship enter into a more accepting sphere.
What can I say? I love you more than the moon and the stars
As I rather take you to a place where we both can chill. Love you... That's the deal xxx

*From the heart. Jx

Monday, 13 October 2014

Playing games

I don’t like this.
This emotion where others play games,
Am I being paranoid
Or am I being sensitive again.

I want to go to my room
I don’t like the vibe I feel.
I am only being honest.
And hope I am wrong….. that’s for real!!!!

I will soon go to sleep
And look forward to going to the gym after work,
Where I burn the pace within my blood
And elevate to a new level above.

I want to be kind to myself
And want others to just get along.
Why are friends and family that you adore like this??
Maybe you want the world
Be humble.. and not so much a blitz
The honest truth the world is like this..
Like my family and friends.
Nice people but like us all have their demons and beliefs
Somewhere we can be open and honestly release.

Jason Andrews
Copyright ©
14th October 2014

From the heart

Don't push me away
I want to be there
Take your own advice
Is the case we all need to share.

Loving you is something I wholeheartedly believe.
Let love conquer all
As we face the elements to seeth.

Be kind to yourself
And allow the one you love be their
Nothing wrong with that
I want us to both grow strong and bare.

I hold your hand
And your body warms closely to mind.
Yes! We may have difference of opinions
But please erase the blindness we might find.

I love you and this remains within, if you ever need a hug or passionate kiss..,loving you is something I miss xxx

Sunday, 28 September 2014

20 Years of the NHS


Well done for lasting this long, 

I am sure you are passionate about patient care…. 

What can I say… That’s nothing wrong?


So thank you for sharing this occasion 

Especially, the 20 years you’ve been with various NHS Trusts.

By making a difference… is always a must. 


240 months on…  you have clearly done your bit,

And whereby, NHS changes have  come and gone.

Like I previously said… that is nothing wrong?


So well done for tolerating this NHS path

I am sure you have had to endure many a wrath.

So keep positive and keep it real,

The essence of this journey is that everyone’s health is important

But more importantly is that you make a difference.. by making sure the contract is a done deal…..


Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...