Monday, 31 August 2020

When he holds your heart

Stay with the Lord
The best thing you can do
Never look back
Forgiveness is inside of you.

Bold and prevalent 
Yes.. easier said than done
We all need the Father
The battle is virtually won.

Never lose Faith
Never lose hope,
We will be reminded of our sins
For the war Father has to wins.

Hope in kindness
Love in beautiful Faith,
Never look back for what the future hold,
You are beautiful from where the book has told.

Jason Andrews
30th August 2020

Sunday, 30 August 2020


Why do we have them?
Boundaries that is?
Are we scared of getting hurt
I prefer to have humbleness, and not overt.

I have faith in God
A far better place to go,
The devil shall constantly attack
That’s where I want to have Gods back.

 Boundaries are there when others want try to negate 
Pray to the heavens from what I state.

I want to keep praying
Even if it’s afar,
At least it’s relaxing the spirit of the mind
I have hope in the Father, that is hat is kind.

I care and love you
A place I do not want to be removed
Praise the heavens above to the Father
I prefer to arrive to that place which soothes.

Love and peace

We deserve happiness
All of us do
Yet the devils attacks 
A place you should never ensue.

Be at peace and love
For others, harder to do in a test
I love the Father in heaven, there should never be a test.

You are happy with Lord
Because it’s following a worthy faith,
No derogatory remarks 
For what I ever look to infest.

Thank you God for your love
Thank you especially when you bring others around 
My hope is in heaven and with Faith up high
I know when I cry to the Lord, it’s happiness I cry..

Saturday, 29 August 2020

My brother

Remember you listened to me when I was down
You are humbled in love and held my hand when you prevent me to drown.

You are my friend 
You are my bro 
You are humbled with love
That shall never ever throw..

You are beautiful 
You are humbled in light
You have the Father in heaven to back up your fight.

Brother you are my friend 
You were there when I thought there was no hope,
Thank my brilliant friend 
God is the highest power we should all depend. πŸ™πŸ½

When God receives an Angel

Sadness showing 
His presence glowing
A day that comes to past
A King forever last.

Lord he’s in heaven 
A place where he will duly rest,
In safe hands with the Father if peace
Family, friends loved by this superhero, in the least.

You believed in you
Gods love is received to ensue,
Holding out for hope with a classic movie
Gods Angel returning to the Kingdom, so truly.

Bye for now
We shall see your handsome face again,
Praise and strength for friends and family to hold
Always in Gods kingdom you shall be seen to be bold. 

“R.I.P. Chadwick Bose... Black Panther lives onπŸ™πŸ½“

Closer to the Father

Go to a place which lift’s you up
Have a run?
A humble prayer?
Closeness to the Father
I definitely prefer... rather.

I pray during my run
I prayer to get closer to the King,
Prayers of humility
That’s the story I bring.

Yes I have been broken 
Virtually destroyed, in fact..
People letting you burn and you have to fight to comeback 
Father believes in you, that’s why you shouldn’t lack.

I am strong now because the Father saved me when I was weak,
I cannot thank the Father enough
Especially on this spiritual journey that should never become bleak.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Calmness stills

The world as it stands, 
The tide, from the vigorous pace we have set,
Speed from programming behaviour 
Need to be abiding by our great Saviour.

There is always a time to react with speed,
Not this consistent speed of words 
Calmness needs to be humbly instilled 
The reason to reflect
Is where the Father humbly holds us together, and sets.

Praying is so important 
When belief is held inside,
We have all been fractured and tormented,
Through peer pressure withstanding 
Gods protection is forever landing. 

Love is hope
Love is action
Love should never be done with any fractions,
Yet if he is for us
Then who can be against us,
Praying is staying
Our Father who we love,  and forever we shall be obeying. πŸ™πŸ½

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Hope never dies

Simply believe 
Hatred is the devils angle
From where he wants to deceive.

Simply love,
Praying for those who hurt you
Letting go of the pain
The most difficult emotion that you hold inside 
Praying to God removes that difficult ride.

The sky is their to look at
Why? We know there is hope which constantly surrounds,
Never refuse the Father in heaven 
Your prayers will be answered, as life shall never stop
The Father in Heaven is who you’ve begot.

Simply love 
Simply pray
Simply remove the anger languishing inside
Prayers for humility, that’s where I derive. πŸ™πŸ½

Monday, 24 August 2020

Through the times

Love is such a gentle thing
It can also become powerful too
You not hear my voice now
The words I now say, will try to imbue.

Miss you
Love you
Holding you
Gods angel will forever show you.

Here are my tears
I would like to see a smile,
Gods now calling 
This humility comes with guile.

I am not here now
And yes, we shall meet again, 
Looking up, so so high,
angels constantly priding, 
I am always here, forever gliding. x

Friday, 21 August 2020

You are

You are smart
You are gifted
You are worthy
You will be lifted.

You are humble
Integrity and all,
Believe in God
You shall never fall.

You are articulate 
You are wise with quest 
You love others 
You have the zest.

You embrace grace 
You endure faith,
There is hope with the Father
He provides you with gifts and time to progress
You are so beautiful 
As you are worthy, nothing less xπŸ™πŸ½❤️

We can all be hard on ourselves...πŸ™πŸ½

Is t it true when demands from others hit the nerves,
Expecting because others have their wants,
But all you need to do is be happy within 
The other parenting style makes us rebel, and sin.

Prevalent words 
Hard words, yes I say it as it is, 
Encouragement is needed 
And yes prayers to God needs to felt, and feeded.

You put your guard up
And boundaries are there to be relayed
Can you blame that person?
Not at all, they felt they have been slayed.

People wanting kids, and they cannot understand or later connect,
Hurting that child. Don’t you know what you’ve done? Or affect?

I now have the Father, 
The greatest protector of them all,
As when I start to pray
The enemies names I humble, and then recall..

“Stay with the Lord, he shall never relinquish or deny you x ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“

What is it like?

What’s it like to look after a condition like mine?
Yes.. Diabetes? the condition that has its ups and downs 
and there is the question of people who can cause harm to my cause,
Yet you need to balance life through the mists even looking towards a pause. 

You need to remain calm
You need to remain alert
You need to avoid negativity
Especially when blood sugars struggle with longevity.

Yes? We all have a conditions to face
Yet this one effects all organs of the body, mind and soul,
The health concerns need to be regarded 
And there are emotions from others that need to be disregarded.

Those who like stress, this condition I wouldn’t wish on you,
Imagine falling off a building or arguing for a length of time
And these enzyme episodes you struggle through the tide.

I suppose a little empathy wouldn’t go astray
Just to consider what I go through when facing hypos and hyper attacks..
A human touch, when all appears strong at the front of the fore.
A little prayer humbled, that little bit more.

“Diabetes prayer/poem for those who have Diabetes!!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½“

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

It’s a great belief

The question is in the answer
No conundrum to confuse the question posed,
God the loving power
For the son of God continues, there is no suppose.

The beauty of believing 
Is the path we should look to face,
Yet there is free will to allow
A humble presence is where we stow.

Love is kindness 
It’s there for of us to gain,
His words are captivating and true
There is a time to come forth, for both me and you.

An uplift
A fight when negativity deprives,
His presence is the ultimate way
Love in Gods eyes shall always stay.πŸ™πŸ½❤️

There is a time to chill... and time to...

Work, rest and play
All have there place 
And all have there stay.

We gave the power of Love 
And love comes from the highest of high,
His movements of humbleness 
Never comes with an un-wanting sigh.

Love is action as well as a cause to defeat the foe
Rebuking horrid act of torment
Is prayed to make that movement dormant. 

Love your peace 
Love your victories 
Learn from your defeats, 
don’t let others grind you to a halt 
You are loved by the Father
Remember this is the devils fault. 

The last six months

The last six months 
Who would have imagined??
People staying at home and living a new normal
Is it like this now, working from home is the new formal? 

We have learned so much
A time no more rushing took place,
Chaotic surroundings were lurking in the past
Social media where: “he says she said” 
what is the point of this constant judging 
I rather be civilised rather this superficial fudging.

Systems have changed 
And many others look to evolve,
Looking towards solutions 
You know, messy things we all need to solve.

The words I say are true
And yes, I’ve been part of the cause
As long Gods calling you
There is time for silence and the pause. 

Jason Andrews
19th August 2020

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Gods wonderful gem

Humbled and love, 
Debs, desire to meet the Father has always been here
Nothing better and nothing to fear.

There is strength in your heart
And there is strength through eternal joy,
The gifts of talents with prolific words
These are to be celebrated, understood and embraced
You are entering into Gods beautiful place.

These are words from the Father
He sings these words into of me to you,
You are gifted, talented and encouraging to the fore
May joyful bliss arrive your way
You have faith in the Father to have the final say.

Remember you are not only good, but great
You have talents to move the earth,
You are courageous, resilient with mercy and grace 
There are family and friends that celebrate this day
The blessing of this birthday shall come your way.

“Debs have an amazing day... love your brother like no other” x
23rd August 2020

Didi I love you

You are my world
You are my wife
You are my calmer 
You avoid any drama. 

You are my beauty 
You are the person I want to hold
You are the boss for me
I love you Didi
That’s where I want to be.

You are my darling 
You are my champion of all that stands infront,
You have the love in your heart
Where Jesus love you and never part.

You are my glory 
You are my queen
You are the most important person behind God
From a love that’s holy grace
And take us to they almighty place 

“2 become 1. Love you Didi” 

Saturday, 15 August 2020

You (and we) have faith Ronnie

Hey Ronnie, you are here
You have nothing to overcome, nor fear
The great fact is that you are in gear. 

You struggle, and you do not confront, 
Nevertheless you face the truth
Your presence is powerful 
Your belief is more than merely aloof.

You are a genius, one of a kind 
You are magnetic,
And you most definitely thrive.

Stay firm and keep it with God 
You are mature and kind,
The essence of your artistry is surreal
This is another chapter that is a deal.

The smoothness of your art is held 
And the beauty of your tapestry has never felled,
Believe in you, yes you 
As you continue with faith through the heart
The title beckons, proudness never parts. 

“ Ronnie, a genius with a heart” 

You can’t hurt me

The profanity dies not exist 
You will get others to penetrate a blow
You are loved by him
You are now slow.

He loves you
He loves you all the time,
If you question then question what is said
I am sleeping, Gods does not go to bed.

I will one day be fit one 
and the next day I will become weaker
He’s beauty in me is no longer bleaker.

He lifts my spirit higher 
He lifts my hope with mercy and grace
Empowered through humbleness 
Now that’s the place. 

“Don’t lose your, don’t lose faith, his essence is pure and is loved x x x”

Friday, 14 August 2020

You are...

You are my love
You hold my sight,
You hold eternal beauty
When prayers delve in foresight. 

Love is my hope for us both
Prayers are perennial, and just so worthy 
Longing to stay hopeful and loving to is all
Never lose sight, you shall never ever fall.

No matter how we live 
No matter how we die,
As long there is faith in the Father to behold
You never will drown, or at all fold.

We believe 
We will never deceive, 
Here is my life and here is yours, 
Loving each other every single day
Prayers for one another, hope in the Father we need to stay. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

The love you never lose

Grace to us all
Never shall we fall,
Constant battles lay
God the Father shall stay.

Hold you peace with the Father
That is more beneficial, and rather,
Love of Christ within
Rebukes the battles from sin.

Pray to the highest power
You will never lose him, nor scowler .
Prayers for you all each and everyday
Never lose faith or become dismayed.

Hope and eternal love
That is all it takes regardless what you believe
His grace, mercy and hope for us all shall remain
Live in the Father despite these times we look to contain.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

He is here

You can only TRULY love when God holds you within
His power of love enters the depth of the soul,
He never removes the programme of faith
Hence a bible passage ends with the words of “saith”.

The power of love is Gods to give
His love for you is like no other,
Passing it on with great hope and glee
You are entering into the passage of faith, you’ll be set free.

You can never leave his side when the Father is there
He is humbled with love and the path you can learn and embrace
The story from the Father is what you need to truly face.

No more self righteous minds 
No more anger which corrodes the soul,
He is the protector, the redeemer the champion for all to see 
So capture the belief, it’s so, so great 
Your mind shall enter into a glorifying state. ❤️

Two souls as one

A time to rejoice 
To be at peace to see these two beautiful souls meet as one,
The joy to see them together is held on our hearts
Witnessing a moment that shall never part.

From the time of the proposal on a beautiful day in Bordeaux,
A day that led these two to reach this me surmising stage
With many great times ahead, starting at this page.

Encourage, celebrate and simply be happy for these delightful souls on this day
There gleeful smiles so evident to see 
They are taking this beautiful step forward; for what is now to become we.

We all know love is the source of hope 
Love is the source to bring these gorgeous two to smile,
This is simply the start of an exciting chapter, 
An applause, which I now urge on this day that clearly belongs to Tah and Shane
Blessings, happiness, hard work and joy, 
Words of positivity to rejoice, speaking from a big heart as well as a voice.

Saturday, 8 August 2020


Guarded... a profound word
Holding back with argument or standing on the fence
Can cause people to become offence or on the defence.

I used to be surrounded controlling people 
I now tell them I pray from afar
There objective views can lead to confrontational views 
My muscles do not demuse.

Arguments are often faced by me to leave 
Yet it’s dispute that leads to us to deceive.

What do I mean? Argument for the sake
 Yet I a,  stroke, I refuse the argument and I too refuse to break.
I was brought up with a tut tut and tut.
So free speak never meant so much. πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Friday, 7 August 2020

Holding onto peace x

 A day at a time

that's all that you can ask, 

the way forward is praying 

no need to hide , whereby with god you are peacefully staying

Peace is kindness

and kindness brings peace,

the elements of chaos is favored in the least. 

Taking you time appears a novelty

we train and put ourselves through much, much more

there is constant message with email, plus that social media vibe

the peace of stillness, withstands the tide. 

Days are now bright and sunny

others do not want to be at peace, 

Am I being rude when I say this?

Speak as I find, at least there is no lie, through the mist.

"Thank you brothers and sisters. be at peace with god.."

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Our hope our release

Good to question things you have done
Yet it’s the prayer to the Father means the devils has not won.

Glancing on social media, where information is not necessary true
Yet it’s posts like these, which come from prayers 
Are lightening to reflect, through the open stares.

There is a Father looking out for you each and every day
Positive thinking is essential 
And loving the Father is not just preferential.

Gossip and chit chat are frequent at these times,
Leading to words which are often misunderstood,
The hope from a  prayer means we do care
Do not talk about others... pointless, just appreciate he is always there.

We know it’s not a perfect world but this “he said she said marlarky... can be so challenging to others.” 
Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 
4th August 2020


Monday, 3 August 2020

We are one

Those who believe 
need to stay together and become strong,
The father in heaven is where all of us should be
Hence why he holds onto us.. you know prolongs?

The start of a new week
The sun is shining bright,
Even if it wasn’t 
Exercise your faith with the Father do high
With everything poured from the spirit there is a happy tear.. no sigh.

Never speak negativity
No point doing that at all. 
Those who do not speak if vexatious mind, good for you
For the others, well let them come to the King
His humbleness and kindness has no caveat what he slings. 

Start the week with prayers and love
Easier said than done, for most,
Once a prayer comes out from mouth with genuine signs 
There is a Heavenly Father who loves you, 
This message is so divine. 

“Praise you all for a great start of the week.
3rd August 2020 πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Praise the lord

Yes.. I praise the Lord each and everyday 
Yes. I will belch those words, we all have a right to say.

May you receive peace
 At you receive wholeness
May you kind to yourself in any form of boldness.

You can praise any single time 
I need you Father, hence this rhyme.

You provide me hope
You provide me love,
You have the right to judge 
As well as giving me a nudge.

You have the right to be praised
You have this beauty we all crave,
You love us all, as faith never falls. 

“Praise you Lord Jesus...❤️πŸ™πŸ½“

Gift from GodπŸ™πŸ½❤️

I want you in my life,
Not only as my wife; 
But as your genius to see
1 plus 1 is 2 but when we ignite (enflammer) we shall become 3 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

You are my world 
And hope of the Lord brings us together 
Never a bad word said from your heart,
Gods loving child.. shall never part.

Your my hope
You are my gain,
A delight I relish (goΓ»t) to see. 
My Angel, my heaven. My two in 1 where I’ll feel free πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½❤️

One step closer and one step back

In this new normal we face together
We look towards a new beginning
To remove the stormy weather.

I love the fact there is faith in God
A hope to keep our hearts at peace,
Yes, this is a message of love.. don’t we deserve that in the very least?

Believe in yourself 
Believe there is faith
We all face trials and tribulations
Yet there is faith in a God in adulation.

I’ll pray for the state to make the right decisions
Yet holding back does have its premonitions.
Never easy to protect others and angling at partisan views
I rather pray to the Father, from there I am no longer bemused x x

“Have faith.. the only way forward during these changing times xπŸ™πŸ½❤️“

Bottom of a cold glass….and the next line

Close to destruction  Almost end of the line, 1, 2, 3 and then the 12th step The journey awaits for you to reset. A line of coke Or a glass ...