Sunday, 30 June 2019

We have all been hurt

Sorry a deep message to follow 
You may feel good right now, 
So please do not continue to read
It may feel a little ripe, indeed.

I have been judged 
Disliked, and also loved 
The ones who despise me need to meet the ones that love me 
Connection is the word which needs to be understood 
Otherwise the word ‘despised’ is where it should. 

May the lord hold you together 
May the prayers flourish within 
God almighty the peacemaker 
The forgiver to all those that have misplaced 
He will accept you, and he doesn’t mind the chase.

I write because others may feel the same 
Helpless, no faith 
And need a place to turn,
There is s father in heaven 
Who will guide you to thrive and discern. 

Only he knows

Trying to control what you do?
Gods methods is a gift for you to pursue.
The humbleness and love of him reigns
The journey you will follow could never wane.

Only god know the entire picture
The fate belongs to him
The goodness of good souls
Beckons a calling, avoiding the devils blows.

Called bad things 
We have been apart 
Good or bad parents
Bad or good children 
This world has it fractured works 
A prayer can never be overt. 

I prefer to stay with the father
Despite the trials we may face,
If I follow in obedience 
There will be no haste.

Leave it to him

I don’t understand why we feel fractured from time to time 
When we love a god that holds us together?
The fact the devil will attack 
You need to leave this angst with him and try not to slack. 

God bless our father 
He is the only one that can,
Hold it together when feeling frail
God our saviour is the only one that can bail.

I cried through idolatry 
Not the way to look..
Pray and look to the father 
Be still and pray
It’s the lords word that has the final say.

When others dam your name 
Remember how wrong they are,
there is always a father in heaven that loves you and proves hope
Despite the tears that replenish the soul 
Keep your heart with the lord 
The journey you are about to face, you shall never get bored.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

This is life x

Aims and objectives
Peoples perception and judgement of you,
Sad really when none of us live a perfect life
Yet through the mists, there is no strife.

I dislike judging 
As those thoughts hurt me too,
What satisfaction do you gain?
Politeness is the area we need to sustain.

Emotional intelligence 
An area many do not “get” 
You can come across like you have an answer for all that’s said,
I rather drink a glass of  wine 🍷 and head off to bed.

Gods loves 
And he has  the final say,
And for that is said and done 
It’s my life, Now you go off and have some fun!

“Not about us though 🤣🤣 x

Friday, 28 June 2019

If I told you

You never know what’s around the corner.
Even you have a correct premonition,
Look towards the heavens, which are on earth 
God keeps us together 
And he knows your total worth.

My words are message from the lord
No intelligence attached,
The best meaning is to work it through 
Love to the father 
Shall see the best in you.

When the light hits you 
You will never look back,
Of course you may find it hard to believe 
Yet through prayer and the Holy Spirit, stay open minded and true
This is the passage you shall imbue.

I can’t help loving god
Neither should you,
Arguments is believe shall always be there,
Yet through the passage of Christ, there is always a time to see. 

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Gods protection

There is always loving protection from the highest of high
Gods patterns never wavers 
It’s for his child to embrace and saviour.

There is protection
There is a never ending love
There is that spiritual growth within
From the goodness god brings. 

Our lord father 
Your protector 
Your shining light 
God has the remedy 
Please hold within humble sight. 

Follow, and god will shine 
May god be your beginning and end 
As he is the almighty 
A father as well as a friend. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Diabetes... fashionable 🤣

It was 2003
I just turned 30 years of age
Over a course of a month my body started to change
Losing a little sight 
And coming across as a little deranged.

Time went by and I decided the doctor beckons
What’s going on???
Constantly going to the loo
Not even having a slight medical clue.

Doctor sent me to A&E
Staying on the fence, saying I may have diabetes,
Perplexed and unsure what to do
Losing weight, feeling weak and blue.

My brother went with me 
And finally that ‘D’ word was said 
Brother belched in his flamboyant high pitched way
“You have diabetes, it’s fashionable”
That calmed my thoughts and growing fears 
All through that remark, I no longer have tears..

“It only takes one thing to make a negative into a positive.. thanks bruv..” love ya J

How do you solve a problem like type 1

That word that starts with a ‘D’
And the journey is never ending 
People know your condition better than you
Please!! Live with it, you need more than a clue. 

Free will 
Can’t be too complacent 
Yet others understand.. that. you are for real?

Then there that’s thing called life
That other dimension you for what is it...
Picking to snack 
Food that’s on your plate 
Then there are the calculations 
And yeah. That other thing called debate!

People saying “you can’t do this 
And you can’t do that!”
Surely I am human from all of this 
Not a robot who has an injection to miss.

You will make mistakes 
You will face many a challenge 
It’s an art and others arrogance shall always be there
There is a person in me, yes, I do care..

Monday, 24 June 2019

Those who think they know you

Their people with knowledge
Their are people with intellectual depth,
Yet emotional intelligence 
Is an area I stage, and set. .

People will judge me 
I know that they do
This is my way to say my peace
Focus the time on you, at the very least.

It grates me when Judgement is coming my way 
People say “Let them have their opinion”
The fact is, they cannot accept the retort from words that I say.

Merlins mirtor 
Looking at one side to the next 
I have a long term condition
Yet they shall see the external healthy soul
“Not married yet?”
“Why Dont you just go..”
Opinions and judgement shall always be there
The sign of the times need to focus on the nice
And treat how you would like to be treated yourself 
It’s a simple analogy, yet difficult though self consumed wealth.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

When you really believe

You find that moment 
When the tears run down,
You despair,
You are broken
Yet the lord restores and believes
Only he can be the one that ever sees.

Those moments when the spirit in the sky reigns
Those touching moments only the almighty can release 
You are his child, warts, tears and smiles
The journey you are about to enter is for gods’ child.

The hope the lord shows 
The glory pours into your veins,
The judgement from those that need the light
Showing your blessing, their is humbleness in sight.

The answers are with him...
And him alone, 
Yet with free will and a passage to explore
One thing for certain, your lord loves you forevermore.. 

Saturday, 22 June 2019

How can you judge someone?

How can you judge a person 
When you don’t know what there journey is,
You may have expectations
But you need let them to live.

Controlling types need to let be 
Or should I say find a balance? 
Otherwise you lose them as they shall flee. .

Hold my hand 
Hold my heart 
Want you for life my lord
Better you have me now 
As the flesh can become so bored. 

When my tears well
When my heart is filled
And the rest is poured with joy
As long as focus on openness and free will 
Praying to the all mighty is a balanced heart to heal. 

Call yourself....

And sometimes feel you have derailed.

The word in the title speaks for itself
“Call yourself a Christian...?”
I know I have flaws and done many wrongs
It’s says in the bible 70 times 7 
At least the father in heaven knows where I belong.

“You have done this, you have done that”
Haven’t we all failed in one way or another 
The heavens open and the shining appears 
The breaking of a new you shall start, and lead to a veneer. 

Look and listen 
Make this time work for you 
This is your life
A pray to the father in heaven is not only for you, 
it’s for others that do not understand 
You will always be challenged with those words: “Call yourself a Christian?”
“Yes.. I am, as from this day forward I will not have an issue.”


Nothing positive to say
Pray... those on the receiving end, or the instigator 
Moaning. Seems the sign if the times
Me? I endure exercise to release endorphins to steady the tide.

You can look at negatives 
And yes we can focus on that way
I suffered depression 
A place I thought i could never get out
The hardest fight of my life 
And took more than just a shout.

Praise the lord
Pray for people on the other side 
Love the glory of god 
He will continue to surprise. 

Yet when you believe
Especially through trying times 
God is your first and your last
Never ending walk on heaven and earth,
For those who ready to believe 
Open your heart, that’s a promise he shall never leave. 

Friday, 21 June 2019

Faith is great

When you believe 
God will deceive the devil 
He has your thoughts 
And entirety 
Never a day passes through god and me.

I never left your heart 
I never left your will
You are gods child
Through that, it’s surreal.

I crave a want 
Which is a crave to hold and love
I crave a hold when drinking a glass of wine
Love you entirely through comfort and divine. 

Peace on earth 
Is what we look to strive 
Hold my body, hold my will
Saying the words of love 
Gods humbled mercy from the heavens above 



I see you
There is light 
There has been no darkness 
The beauty of the lord has no starkness.

The risen one from the heavens 
The lords almighty prayer
Looking towards a new beginning 
Which is shared through god, openness and willing.

Bondage of haste 
Those who will never let you forget
The lord our saviour 
Shall lead you to an ultimate set.

Sin? the debt is paid 
Leave your past behind 
As others shall remind
It’s like that old saying 
“Those who cannot see, are no less than blind”

Thursday, 20 June 2019

That spectacular day

I have said this story in a number of ways
But nothing compares to this beautiful day,
I cried and cried, never knew I was about to be touched
God is here now, that means so... so much.

I was embittered
And sad 
yet there was a father who wasn’t at all mad.

I cried 
Going through something so so special 
I never really appreciated what was going on in my head 
Gods calling 
The tears of Jesus inside me calling
I have a place to stay, nothing stalling..,

God called me 
It was my time to be with him
Never looking back
As he forgave me for my sins..


You made your bed....

Negative words 
Which need to be erased 
Diction may states you are bad 
Scaring tissue leads for it to become sad.

Forgiveness and hope 
Is the way forward in life 
God the almighty
The perennial protecter,
Those who hold a grudge need to leave 
There is a comeback to be wary 
As the devil shall deceive.

Stay in gods heart
People hurt, that’s the devils attack... 
You are good in gods eyes 
And there is nothing you do not lack.

We keep trying 
Nullify those who DO NOT like you,
Pray afar, it’s not you or theirs fault,
You are a child of god 
Hold onto the word, for which you have been taught. 

Spec of the eye

A vibe to disappoint 
Believe in the lord
That’s where you shall get anoint.

Praise through your anger
Manage your life through him 
Moving forward is a question 
Becomes less wim.

Lord almighty 
He refuted you to fight
Of angered within 
Don’t be haste and hurt someone whose done no wrong 
The calmness of the lord is where you belong.

We have all hurt 
We have all suffered 
Some say “get on with it .”
Some face a lull and cannot get out
As long as you pray
You are in with a shout x

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

What others may think?

I write this because I am sensitive 
I write this because it’s true
I write this because this is how I am feeling 
Yes you have your opinion, 
Yet I refute your thoughts to avoid me reeling.

I have perceptions
I have beliefs 
I have a open view 
If I am not clear about something 
Then I happy to listen without feeling blue.

We all have motives and wants 
We all have loves and cravings 
We all need to live our life’s 
And yes, put a little away for savings.

Yet whatever you choose to do 
Do it ultimately for you first, 
Others shall have there say, stay strong 
You are a child of gods 
From this is where you belong. 


One of life’s struggles and woes
Looking if you have money coming in
Trying your best to make things work
Then there is the concern if others judge and condon
You will keep trying like a warrior Sloane.

You are good 
And you are worthy 
Keep on trying and know that god is on your side
He is the master of all things and if you have concerns, he is there to confide.

I worry what others thought of me 
Now through gods love, the journey is there 
You are the leading master of your own destiny 
Through gods love, you work through your own testimony.

The devils attack.
It’s good to show concern and a helping hand
Gods love is to fight any negativity and take a stand.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

The more I breathe...

Each time I breathe 
You give me sense and purpose 
You love me and I to you
No wondering what’s going on or where there are clues.

You make me want to love
You give me joy and hope
I can’t stop thinking of you
I forbid this going down a devilish slope.

We refute the issues to slope  
We understand where there is joy, there is pain
Yet we are one 
And that’s where we attain.

God is our vessel
And our gifts will stay true 
As long as I am breathing
Then I continue to be love with you x  

Monday, 17 June 2019

When tears fill up

The challenges are there
Love is held to take action 
You are faced with nasty words 
Forever a uphill reaction.

The lord loves you
He does not care how you look
People that cast expersions and fickle in mind 
Judging other people 
Yet god knows you are kind.

The humbleness of prayer 
And that god loves your soul 
He wants all of you 
That’s where you should arrow your bow.

The world belongs to the lord 
The world/universe has a strong father 
When you believe there is faith that holds you close
The way forward, the place you hold the most.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

This song

The world we live in
Is about me me me 
Out for number one
Others may say “isn’t that what it suppose to be”??

Not at all!!  it about hope 
Growing in faith
Learning and encouraging one another 
You are my family
My sister and brother. 

The fractures will appear if we continue like this 
Humble stability 
Continuous gravity and the flow with change 
Making a difference through life’s turning page.

We strive 
We empower 
We ensue 
And delve into the bibles factual clue.

Understand the meaning 
Judgement only comes from the highest and mightiest
The alpha and the omega 
The start and the end
Loving the spirit within the depths of the soul
Captivating the depths we appreciate, and show. 


The brother and friend

You are the humble friend I truly care
You are a brother who’s loyal and there,
You are the kindest person I’ve met 
You have the humility to  detect. 

I pray for your life 
As you have a brother in me 
You have qualities for the world to see.

You listen and always care
You are not subjective 
And has experiences to share.

You are a friend that I ultimately respect 
You have the humility that is warmly and has an effect. 
Stay as you are, I am ever so proud 
You have a vision which shall be chanted in a heavenly cloud.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Get me or not

When we pray 
There is a bible passage to say,
Humble words 
Lost and broken souls 
Looking left and then right
Open heart, always in sight.

You love your life 
You love your soul
God stays with us 
Now let it wholeheartedly blow. 

You are my start and finish 
Gods place remains open and allows you in
He even welcomes those who have delved into a little  sin.

When there is no where to turn
There is a god in heaven who almightly loves
Rejoice to capture the essence 
Where there is love, there is us.

When life is loving god

Not in a phase
God is great 
The best ever fate 

Actually father in heaven
The beginning and the end
We know no different 
Until gods works into you and transcend 

No love like it 
A place to excite it, 
A time like no other 
Acceptance breeze like the almighty 
A journey that is so brightly.  

When you blame life for what has happened to you
Yes, I have blamed people who I thought would be there,
Yet with prayer to the lord 
You know that you love, and start to care. 

Sensitive? Yes I am 
I am in touch with my emotional brightness 
As long there is love 
There is always insightness. 

Friday, 14 June 2019

Art of prayer

Sometimes I am high 
Sometime I am low
Sometimes I am erratic 
Sometimes I just blow

Sometimes I can be over sensitive 
And sometimes I feel hurt from unnecessary remarks
I know I need to work on this
Areas I need to fathom and embark,

Sometimes I get vexed
Sometimes I simply want to be understood 
Sometimes I need to cover myself under a unkept hood.

But I know that I am kind 
And I know I have purpose through faith 
If it wasn’t for the holy father through grace 
I know I would be in a more challenging place. 

Amen 🙏🏽

Thursday, 13 June 2019


How can you solve societies problems? 
When we are angry with it ourselves,
You may have your house in order 
Others are work in progress 
Look to your future, and tidy up the mess.

Faith is a driver 
A place where you can be with god,
Put your hands together 
Pour your heart out when things look like they are failing 
Honest feelings, a sea of humbled prevailing. 

Bring us together 
Focus on the days ahead 
Working to achieve a great life,
Even when life doesn’t appear that way
Pray with all your heart and rejoice through the lords grace 
You shall endeavour to consume the spirit and deflect any haste. 

I say these words 
As love is the consumate action 
Love to the almighty 
Is the sheer hope of merciful satisfaction x

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Reaching out

Hope springs 
People may ignore you,
We have all made mistakes 
And reminded by others,
Believe me, you are loved by a god
Who holds you true 
Look to the stars, he is there for you.

No more beating yourselves up
Clean up, pray to god and start to move on
We all hope we can become connected and understood,
Look to the heavens and pour out your heart 
This is just the beginning as we look towards our faith... for a new start.

God bless you 
God bless us
God is my start and will be my end 
I am proud of my father, why can’t I send?

Boundaries are built for protection
God is there to hold you close 
When desperation is looming 
There is a father in heaven constantly there for your improving.

When I feel.....

When I am low 
And people remind you that you are bad
Moving towards a new you 
Erasing those negatives that you once pursued.

People not getting you 
Not at your emotional level 
Frustration why they don’t understand 
But they want to converse 
But lack the patience to stand.

Very sensitive 
Leave me me if you harm 
My punches are powerful 
But I rather walk away and pray 
Longing for forgiveness as god has the final say.

Wanting to be understood 
And you need to refute those who bring you down 
You are good and worthy 
Try your best and treat each day as it may be your last 
Glory goes the almighty, as this existence is an open cast.  

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Urgent care

Urgent care 
Challenges always faced,
Tackling constant changes of instanious care
Reacting and constantly looking to become aware.

Specialists.. thinking on your feet
Making sure the patient is treated 
Correct pathways, no evolving patterns are to be defeated.

Moving at a rate of knots 
Making sure the patient is fairly treated,
Meaningful discussions 
Acting quickly and focusing on care 
Treatment pathways and the aims to share.

Looking towards the bigger picture  
Triaging and making systems work 
The challenges faced shall always be there
Working together through a wide demographic aim
Aims, objectives and working collaboratively to excel and sustain.

God will hold together

The lord
The saviour
The almighty healer 
Please do not worry
Following god never warrants a sorry.

God heals
God has a much bigger plan
Look towards the heavens,
And holding faith is key
The lord almighty 
We pray, therefore accept the healing to see.

Humble hugs
Stay positive 
That’s your aim
Never easy to reflect when feeling low
Pray, your father will illuminate, and all shall glow.

There is a father in heaven 
A powerful dad who just wants what’s best 
You mum will be okay 
Basically allow god to do all the rest 

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Release of words

Listen to someone in need
The faith from the lord prevents others to bleed,
Scars hit those who are perplexed
The inflicting causes an unnecessary vexed.

We cannot take away the problem 
But listening will show others there is hope
There is nothing more tragic than falling down and unable to hold onto ‘life’s” deep frown.

We are working hard to move forward 
Yet others that you love you can hold you back
They want to control you, as there is no skill that you lack.

The art is to pray and move forward 
Some answers can cause the harm 
Love thyself, pray and embrace the heavens that throw in calm.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Pray and move on

Arguments for some people,  is their strive
I am the opposite.. yes!! I hold my own 
Yet I barely survive.

Don’t become like me
Hurting from something that came from your past
The person who you think will help
May be a deterrent and can cause you to yelp.

Fractured souls
Releasing peace 
We look to god for everything...
Believer or not 
With faith, the mechanisms are the spiritual tools,  you have humbly got.

Pray and pray more 
Ask for forgiveness 
Even if you have done nothing wrong,
Please do not fracture you soul
Otherwise you shall have nowhere to go.

Parent child

Times when we all act like children 
Or you never grew up in the first place,
Wind up merchant in the making
Then you are a parent to a child, no mistaking.

“When I was your age...” 
and those words came from the generation past
Working with your child will have it’s challenges, 
Please don’t go down the route where ego releases it’s damages.

“They won’t listen...”
Yes we have all heard those words before 
Yet you are not getting any closer to the happinest goal 
Now stop, reflect, deep breathe and flow.

Easier said than done 
No other way around it
Especially connecting with the child within 
Sometimes the child needs a parent... especially to kin?

There are moments....

There are moments in life you start to ponder
A friend, a lost one is no longer here
The eyes fill up
You just want to pick up a paper, and then start to tear.

You look towards god 
And if you believe you know they are in a better place,
Time to move forward, no guilt 
No obligation, you are gods creation, therefore spiritually built...

Tears make you feel good after 
Tears wake up the heavens and the earth
It’s a cleansing that you desperately need 
You are humbled in Christ...that’s where we feed.

No reason why the crying started
It came from a bolt out of the blue
God almighty with us, therefore go and pursue.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

New start

Make this happen
Hone into your skills
Elevate and learn 
Moving forward, this is the reason to return.

I want the best for you bro
Stay still, concentrate and act
The fact it’s new, is the essence to think and then react. 

Leave politics alone 
Bring you best views forward 
You have a chance, never lose sight
Flourish, embrace and work on making this challenge light. 

Goodness towards deserving
Earning a solid days pay for a skill set you possess
Remember this my friend.... the NHS deserves the best...

“Yes you....”🙏🏽

Life and love

Some find love early
Some find love late
The tapestry of life 
Tends to come with timely wait.

Love you more than you know 
Loving you gives me purpose 
I now found my soulmate
As now I am no longer need to wait. 

I never thought I’ll feel like this 
Yes, I am charming and appear to say the right things 
But I, like you, believe in love 
Towering towards the heavens above 
I feel a little light headed ... 
and feel your love is ultimately embedded. 

I can’t explain it 
And I am sure you can’t too...
Let’s be positive together 
Like the warm dew and glorious weather. 

Monday, 3 June 2019

Pray for those afar

Moving closer to faith is possible 
Yet, look towards your faith 
Of course their will be people you don’t get!!!
Yet you need to look towards god.. that is your only bet.

I love you 
I may not like you,
But those three words say it all
You are destined to humilify 
And lead towards a humble sanctify.

Love you 
I may not get you 
Should I wish you bad?
Not at all...
That would only make me sad as I’ll rather avoid any fall.

Put your hands together and pray for those who struggle with you,
The spiritual uplift is like no other 
The hope of the almighty is to support those who open up and believe  
Connecting to those you do not understand is where prayer is the symbol to receive. 

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Rich in Spirit

We all know we need money to survive
Yet it’s the power of the spirit
Which keeps us alive. 

You may have money, yet their are still arguments with family and friends 
Emptiness inside, that’s when faith enters in
Blissful circumstances as pray, AIMS to prevent the sin.

Love is the power
Money belongs to god 
Can’t take it with you 
Yes there are gifts you are provided 
Yet sometimes money can make you feel detached, and that little more divided.

Give me the lord any time of the week
I am not contradicting myself my saying money is not needed 
Yet my faith with the lord, is my sanctum and very interceded.. 

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Don’t do it

I don’t know who you are 
I don’t know what you do 
I know you are in a bad place 
Yet these words arrive for you to pursue.

Don’t matter what happened 
Don’t matter what you have done 
Start your journey now, 
Work with you and have faith 
Balance to your soul is what you need to taste.

People will judge 
People will condemn 
It’s your life, not yours 
Their vision has no relevance and is close 
Wash away your sins with a prayer and a hoes.

You maynot  understand this power
Of the highest power.
You are you and worthy 
Anger has no place to uplift 
God is the passage through any rifts. 

No matter how...

People’s dramas 
Peoples chaos awakes 
Times of constant moving 
This is a message to send out soothing.

Calm in the heart
Peace and quiet instilled 
Sometimes its the only way to be filled.

Harmony and warmth should be all our friends 
I am speaking from one perspective 
For this works for me as temperament is key 
The praying to the almighty is your bread and butter 
Nothing better, from these words that I mutter

Avoid remarks “he said this and they said that” 
Can’t you see you are falling into a deluge of meaningless remarks 
Look to the heavens as gods calling which you need to embark. 

Never stop

A common word said 
Moving forward with love 
Never ending and trying to stay above.

You are not better than anyone else
Our functions are all the same
Be nice when climbing up 
You never know when falling down 
You will pass them... try not to drown.

You acquire knowledge 
You acquire peace of mind 
You hear chaos 
You will hear trouble makers
You know their kind?

Love is never ending 
Hope is joyous and fulfilling 
Yet it comes with discipline and strong will
Gods heaven is serenity for all eternity.  

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...