Monday, 14 May 2018


I need to get away 
And I just booked the flight,
Took some doing 
Now I have transferred the funds 
Now the reality is in sight.

People in my distant circle shall  Say “be careful, save for a rainy day”
This time I need to release, I work hard 
And this token has given me a new least of life
Follow your heart and dreams 
And one day your rewards will miraculously beam.

We don’t always have the answers 
and you will get elders who think they know best,
Follow your heart with faith and make and pivot leap
9 years ago I didn’t want to be here,
Look how life has changed 
You spend a thousand pound to make the travel real
This is life, this is the deal. 

God will look over you and hold your hand 
Remember, follow your dreams for what ever they are,
Believe it or not, they might not be too far. 

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