Sunday, 20 May 2018

Diabetes.. the maths

Type 1 is mathematical fun 
You need to workout the food you are ready to eat 
Then test your sugars, to balance the feat.

Say you have 30 grams of carbs in a portion
That’s 3 units of insulin to inject, 
One unit, lowers blood by 2 to 3 millimoles,
And you need to regard the correction if sugars are high
They need to be accounted for, to maintain the sign. 

So if your reading is 6.5 
All you need to regard is the food you digest
And induce an appropriate amount of insulin so sugars don’t go high, or low
The art of the condition is to be analytical yet human in spirit
The condition is manageable if maths is the key 
Allow the mind work logically as the outcome sets free. 

The key to a successful diabetes diet is to know your numbers, 
And what they truly do,
Allow the condition be your friend with the art it possess 
The ultimate understanding is to try your very best...

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