Tuesday, 29 May 2018

He said she said

We have all said this
“She said”, ”they said” 
A habit I find so difficult to understand
The cause of arguments which I find needs to be band. 

We do need conversation 
And we all need to share each other’s good ideas
It’s when a situation turns complex 
Those words ”they said”, ”he said” hits the rafts
Are we not meant to be adults, forever that should last.

The conversation can entice an adjective 
Therefore requires a noun that allows the conversion to flow,
I suppose it depends what you wish for in a discussion  
Some People like politics, others are into sport
Other revels into the sake of argument, a pet hate of mine
Often Riles my spirit, as fights are often the outcome  and sign.

To hear they said this and they said that 
Blind to the mercy that surrounds 
I prefer praying and act kind
The waffle of gossip causes anxiety whereby  something i prefer to avoid, 
let's embrace a positive from talking 
Otherwise the angst to others results with many walking.


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