Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Healths Birthday

70 years of blood, sweat and tears
Facing millions of challenges 
through the public purse tiers.

A system involving thousands of characters
A skill mix of many staff who are patient focused,
Pathway towards a caring goal
It’s not about a person, it’s about a team
The NHS desire is to remain consistent through the efforts, and esteem.

Never give up hope despite the demands we constantly face
Cost saving here, and cost saving there 
The essence of health is to show that we all care.

We try to apply logic 
We try to apply basic sense
The sign of the times are now fast
Challenges await as we aim to make the health service last.

Keep on trying 
Keep on staying focus on the goal.
We moan and groan about the work we hold
We need to feel human 
That’s what the patients heart must feel, a deal.

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