Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Cousins treat

Birthday message
Greetings to a friend and a relation
Today is a great day for you cuz
Another year younger in mind 
21 years of age? Well that’s what the driving license mimed. 

Another day to capture 
Another day to celebrate these minor years since you arrived
You have been a great friend 
As god knows from this family, you survived.

I cannot give you too many compliments 
Yet it’s you I write these words for 
As I love the taste where you are a Woody Allen, Prince and Stevie Wonder fan 
Great taste from cool cat... man.

Your heart is big 
And yes, you are on a great journey 
In growing in spiritual faith.
One thing we love about your humble being 
Along with profound serenity 
This shall always illuminate your humanity. 

“Happy birthday cuz” x x
2nd June 2018 
Stemming from 1965 đŸ˜‰

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