Monday, 28 February 2022

In our hearts

You believe 
You acknowledge the light that portrays,
The Father instills calmness and from there you will receive a welcoming stay.

Angry turned into calm
A blessing shown each and every day,
I believe in the hope when he shines
And the goodness in you, for what you refines.

Humbleness, kindness and grace
Mercy in you, through the sin you’ve faced;
He is always appearing sprinkling his love
It’s your freewill that he gave 
Go to him, you are no longer a slave. 

Stay with the greatness champion you’ll ever meet
You are never defeated, and he protects you from the devils deceit.

So have a blesseth day
Pray before you begin,
Better judgements loom in the fight to overcome sin.

“Leave it in his hands… he’s got this.”

1st March 2022

That’s all they talk about

Why don’t adults talk about fun?
Nah, it’s politics, debate which is rather glum.

 Perhaps it’s the good nature which has gone away 
All we see is propaganda and negativity to lead us astray.

Can’t it be about music 
And reminiscing the past
The good times we once enjoyed
Not now, like a farce.

We spoke about Eddie Grant, electric avenue 
Or superman 1, 2 or 3
Now it’s politics and social media, ain’t we meant to be liberatingly free?

Read these words 
Provoking if you enjoy the debacle theme
I prefer to reminisce about Brazil’s win in 1970
Rather than this nonsense that delves in its longevity.

28th February 2022

Sunday, 27 February 2022

You’ve got this

It’s Monday
So what, just another day…
Caught in the rat race?
Don’t worry you shall be okay.

This isn’t a poem which does not care?
This is about encouragement, so much for you to bare;
Keep trying 
Keep moving
Keep praying, in the latter is forever soothing.

Ignore vexatious souls 
They too have their story to tell,
There is peace in God 
And the angst you constantly yelled.  

Remember this is just a day
A day that now belongs to you,
The going forward is where you reach 
And humility you often receive from the Father to preach.

“Monday is just a day… but this is your life”
28th February 2022

When I walk alone

When I walk alone 
And then someone riling my mood,
My Yiayia then appears 
And wipes away any forthcoming fears.

When others try to mother
And they don’t really reach the mark,
Now passed away for a lifetime which I still recall
I know the Father reminds me of her, then I do not fall.

I really miss her 
Called me “Angelo” when I was young,
She humoured my heart and made sure I had that bit of fun.

I look forward to the day when we next meet 
My present from the heaven’s, the Angel I thought I lost then retreats.

”love you Yiayia… your Jason”

27th February 2022

Bless a new week

Wake up rise and shine 
You are HIS greatest creation
Wonderful, like a wonderful affirmation.

You look at the week ahead
Stay strong and powerful and hone into God,
He has your back each and every second 
Your mind is brilliant and in him which truly beckons.

The eyes widen 
The work flows through the heart,
There is a spirit inside that have given you a beautiful start.

Kick negativity to curb
It has no place in your lives,
Start the week with love coming your way
There is a perfect creator that has the final say….

“Jason.. bless

27th February 2022”

To your beautiful family 🙏🏽❤️

An importance which you show 
Is an example in itself,
You have humbled my heart when I didn’t believe 
You are all amazing, each of you shall receive.

Your time with God exudes 
It brings out the very best,
Through the trials and tribulations 
Your example is an exemplary rest.

You are four magnificent people 
Four beautifully souls, created by the utmost high
The kindness that you show is never what I want to see as a goodbye.

I can’t praise you higher 
I can’t praise you enough,
This is a world of God’s great warrior,
And believe me you’ve come out of the rough.

“To the Barrett Family, Love Jason”

27th February 2022

Saturday, 26 February 2022

I belong to you

I belong to thee
The passage of love is a continuity.

You rise my soul, especially when broken 
You lift my mood when others have no time to help me to repair,
You provide angels with an uplifting glare.

I never been anyone else’s 
I knew that when that epiphany hit,
You made me yours for protection 
Beautifully humbled with adulation .

Be good to my heart 
And be good to my soul, 
Becoming beautified with these eyes
There nothing in you that can deliver a surprise.

26th February 2022

Holding it together

One minute you think you’ve sussed it out
Then something happens, not sure where to turn?
This is always a lesson when faith begins to discern.

Love is exceptional 
And tests lead to that great place, 
Don’t judge what is on the outside…
That person looks healthy and goes to the gym
It’s the journey to restore comes from the battle within.

Stay close to the prayers
It’s the only way to work through the trials, 
And not long afterwards you shall overcome the wiles. 

The energy does need to be released 
The art is to carve it in the right way,
There is a heaven and earth for what we are aware
May the blesses be held close to you, from the challenges we avoid to stare.

26th February 2022


With love
Brings you this wonderful hope of joy
May the heavens open and hit their heart
Protection arrives here from the very start.

Bask with love
The joy of heaven always retains 
May the humbleness of goodness never stains.

They will lift you
Guide you
Pray for you everyday;
And may the great word of the Father gently keep your feet firmly at bay.

Love shall protect you
By his almighty grace,
Love to you and the family as the world opens up to you with no crossing… of haste.


26th February 2022

Fall in love with God

It’s bright and sunny
This is a bold message….Fall in love with God,
Why not, it’s the best move you’ll make
Willing to accept and free to take.

God is hope and he is your love
Stay with him, he shall never leave you
Powerful words, meant from within
No more arguments, no joy relishing in sin.

Back to this day, praying and working out the next step
Others will refuse and others will connect 
The goodness of God you shall profoundly detect.

The heart opens 
The tears run through,
He has let you in, and you felt you never deserved, 
You are in his kingdom you are now in , and he now you can graciously serve from the humbleness within.

26th February 2022

Friday, 25 February 2022


A moment to reflect 
The devil attacks 
That fear you are not good enough for this world
Trepidation enters the path
Your faith in God is more than a task.

Trepidation to be work through
Scaring others, especially when pride turns its ugly head,
You will overcome the difficulties brought by others..
Why..??? because you have sisters and brothers.

That moment of worthlessness 
Don’t ever face that coin of defeat, 
You are that good, where trepidation can take a seat.

Trepidation is the word 
Yet we need to turn that in its head,
I know with strong and the true worth that we are 
Humans do get it wrong, as God is never that far.

For my friend x and esteem colleague… Janice who inspired this poem.


Thursday, 24 February 2022

I Give it to God

Believe what you believe
It’s not always about debate;
Arguments are abstruse
I feel at home with the Father, that capturing balance of feeling loose.

I rather not argue
I rather relax and chill,
Yet learning brings out a can of worms
And moving forward is the art to learn.

Be humble 
Be open minded,
Try to be light with an answer, and make sure the statement reigns,
The part of god of light never feigns.

The hurt repairs
The art of love has always been the answer,
May the humility of hope may never be your light fingered dancer.

24th February 2022

Health… the one we own x

Health the thing we abuse or love
A body which belongs to us , and for all of us to learn 
And you can’t always relay on a doctor or nurse
The power of health can sometimes be treated as risk averse.

Smoking and drinking, is that what you are suppose to do?
Yet there are clear indications we aim to avoid any form of chronic stress,
And putting things into perspective shouldn’t be anything less.

It should be natural for others to think of others
It shouldn’t need to come when a crisis arises, 
This is why we are in immoralist state, which comes with NOW unexpected surprises. 

health our friend or foe?
We know we will face a troublesome time later on
But then again, we shouldn’t be getting it this wrong?

Yet mental health is hard to prevent 
The strain of life cannot always be circumvent. 

Choose life
Enjoy what you do.
Exercise daily, my friend in a wheelchair does
And I have diabetes and exercise each day 
Coming from a place which once was gloom
Going back from mental health destruction, which now no longer looms.

24th February 2022

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Patience within

It’s an art 
This thing called ‘patience’,
It’s to be studied, treating others how you want to be treated yourself
Humbleness with patience is a far greater wealth.

Patience comes with hope
Patience comes with grace,
Patience comes with mercy
An art so much wanting and worthy.

We would like others to treat us with a patience and respect
Yet speed has made us accelerate belong patient craving 
Looking onwards and upwards without the feel of yourself slaving.

Patience is a calmness 
A place which hones the true you,
Then these words are more significant in patience you shall learn to ensue.

23rd February 2022



You can’t bottle it
Or put it in a champagne glass,
Love is a gift from God, no matter how you feel, it shall forever last.

You can’t be angry with it
It drives the negative away,
It puts hate in its place, as the purpose of loving is a comforting bay.

You love your journey 
The love of hope does dry up the tears,
The work of love is insurmountable and rids any fears.

Anger doesn’t last long when love gets involved 
Love is a spiritual weapon and looks at negativity with the aim to dissolve.

Be humble
Be at peace with love
Embrace this most delightful of words 
Humbleness of love can never become disturbed.

23rd February 2022

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Letting it go….

A time to move forward
A time to ignore vexatious words,
A time to love thy neighbour
A time to rejoice and always savour.

A problem shared
And a problem to let go,
People you need to move on from
A humble place I prefer to swarm.

A place full of harmony
A place I rather be at rest,
The challenges the Lord requires
Is a testimony that shall not conspire.

Peace of mind..
That’s a challenge, especially when it comes to faith,
And when you surrender to his heart
The protection is evident… from the start.


22nd February 2022

Monday, 21 February 2022

Saying it as it is

We have all faced a struggle, either in the future or from the past
Now we have reached a place where we hope this shall continue to last.

Cultures congealing 
Relaxing and finally becoming one,
Togetherness for certain, let’s stop politics and have some fun.

The past few years we should have connected more and more
Despite the remoteness
Conversation did need to sore.

Love of a human beings is far more paramount than hate,
Then again, history will lead to a continual debate.

The world isn’t perfect 
But we can surround ourselves with people who “give it a go”
Despite the anger in others, my light is always waiting to show.

“Simple words… divide and rule can leave me well alone…”

22nd February 2022

A pray a day ❤️🙏🏽

The day starts 
so do what you need to do to get started,
As long as you remain prayerful you shall never feel departed.

Common sense isn’t that common when life hits a peak;
The speed of peoples’ actions brings excitement 
Yet the humbleness of the exhilaration lacks in-sightment.

So chill, take your time 
What is seen as urgent for those who need that level of intensity
I rather become prayerful and deliver that moment of serenity.

The day will become joyous
Others vexatious is their own,
Pray for the toxicity to leave their hearts 
And that God inside of you; is simply the start.

“Have a beautiful day….”

22nd February 2022

For those who live with it ((diabetes poem)

Each day is a struggle
But then again, isn’t that the case for us all?
Immunology deficiency does rile us, especially when we unexpectedly fall.

“Do you Inject insulin?” when hypos arrive
The word “o” says it all, in our quest to simply survive.

I think we are pretty awesome 
Especially the fights we face daily,
That awful feeling when feeling down
Strain to the body especially when you show that frown.

We fight and keep fighting 
People in our shoes are able to live to tell the tale,
Progression is leaping in utmost strides 
As prayers one day shall override the tides.

“Living with type 1 diabetes has it struggles, remain positive and keep believing one day (just one day) there shall be a cure for type 1s and 2s too. Xx”

21st February 2022

Sunday, 20 February 2022

That word

Keep moving 
Never stop,
Yes, people are can be more fortunate from the parents they are given
And you wonder how to just start and become driven.

 Nothing lasts forever, 
Nothing physically can…
If you keep believing and trying 
Something has to change, there shall be tears from your crying.

You keep going
Go to the gym and row,
Headphone put in, it’s you and the machine to get you fit
There’s a light inside of you that comes through the pain and grit.

Stay strong 
And if you feel weak, that’s okay too
Your energy shall burst no matter how you release 
There’s a God in heaven, and you shall eventually find that inner peace.

“Have a great week x x”

21st February 2022

Hold him close

You start this life praying to God
Don’t ever lose focus; he shall give you the nod.

He is their protecting and sculpting his greatest creation… yes you
He has more to perfect each and every day,
The others that attempt to knock your confidence, have no place to stay.

He is their, regardless what you think
He delves into your heart and humbled soul,
Loving you more than you can take 
He will save you, once he sees you finally break.

There’s no other path I rather be
I write in poetry, for not can relate to, nor be.
Be your greatest example, shining the light on God
There is a wonderful hope when we pray and reflect our feeds 
Scattered surroundings, from the son who died on the cross and knees.

20th February 2022 


We search for the right job?
The right place to live?
Often asking questions to places where you belong
There is harmony, you’ve done nothing wrong.

You are the kindest
Despite what the world may treat,
There is beauty in balance as the devil can take a seat.

You have your openings 
A place you never admit to me do,
The beauty of faith is for what you look to ensue.

The power is within
And yes, you possibly were weak,
Humbleness is your beauty, therefore prosperity is what you seek.

20th February 2022

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Go for it

Arguments will never lead for you to become perfect.

Stay strong 
And if weak, you will regain,
Moving forward with love
Is a path worth to sustain.

Power of love 
Power of joy,
If you want to step up
then there’s plenty to deploy.

Love is key
Love is the will to strive,
This isn’t about you alone
It’s the grace he put upon his humble throne.

19th February 2022

A day starts

Go for a coffee and go to the gym 
Waking up and then starting with a prayer
A good art form, and one I’ll openly share.

Love is part of growth
Hatred has no place on this earth,
I can push a heavy weight by connecting with the highest
I am no longer scared, and neither am I biased.

They call me a “fairy”:because I love a champion of love,
Refuting anger engages a solace of your true being
And  moving forwards is where I want to be seeing.

Love and care holds your hand
Not letting go, the Father is always there
And the love he has for you is full of grace
The tears of love will always show on your humble and beautiful face.

“God fearing and loving… the only way.”

19th February 2022 

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Only one day

I miss you already
And not a full day has passed,
I want this feeling of loving you, forever to last.

You are loving
You are beautiful, generous and kind
You are my beautiful queen I am so pleased to have find.

You are my spirit maker
You are the loving peace in my heart
I love you more than words can express
God put us together, through this arduous test.

Love is too small a word to how I truly feel
As long I have my Divine, I know God has blessed us for real.


“Love you Divine ❤️🙏🏽“
18th February 2022

Pushed to a corner

You know that feeling when pushed to a corner
I pray to God, the heat from that discussion trying to put you at I’ll ease 
Those bullies confronted I shall feel be a breeze.

Praying for the perpetrator 
Ease your load to avoid hate,
Those who want to humiliate you, won’t lead to a turmoil state.

My time with God is always there
He comes first, always….
Confrontation can always flair
Pray, thank them, the anger refutes and does not stare.

Thank you for the lesson
Even though you pushed me to the corner in my attempt to struggle 
As long I have you my brother and sister, the Father will ease me with a cuddle.

“Praying for your foes does help.”

19th February 2022

Stay with Peace

Always looking for a way out 
So easy to pick a fight in what you see as a feeble person
Yet with angst, the Father shall make it less to worsen.

You pray
The best ticket in the house,
A moment of weakness turned strong
Looking towards favour and place you should belong.

Look at the stars, sun or the moon 
I love the spirit so much where there’s harmonic peace
Isn’t what we all deserve in the very least. 

Think about it…?
No more arguments 
Replaced with a conversation with maturity and alignment,
As long as you pray, there shall always be perennial enlightenment.

17th February 2022

Wednesday, 16 February 2022


A spiritual system which is slowly built
Humbled by Faith and gracious prayer 
The life we all lead never aims to be at all rare.

Confidence can be knocked and then retained
The latter is the passage from where a prayer is sustains. 

As long as you encourage 
Confidence is always great to see,
Some people are envious seeing it in others,
A shame, no need to go down that road
An self belief, is humble place, just like your abode.

Love with confidence 
Love with spiritual views, 
Confidence is a place we can all reach
Allow a simple prayer from God to where you can teach.

17th February 2022

I wouldn’t go back

You shall never slack
When the Father has your back.
You keep moving forward
Face up to this spiritual war
God has a priceless plan and do much in store.

The time is priceless
No point claiming it back,
Your drive is never ending
Prayers are constantly transcending.

You are a priceless creation
A perfect illustration, beautiful to look
Times to keep moving forward, just like an endless book.

You pray
You stay
You live and rise again,
He died for you, never forget 
You are his child forever, from that poignant start where you met.

16th February 2022

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

That’s all it takes…

The simple answer to this challenged world 
That four letter answer that steadies the swirl.

Culture, spirit and challenging political words
Inspiration, temptation and riling debates
Often treated as sport, but could lead to a mindless state.

We all know we are facing tempestuous times
Politeness lacking in commerce driven cities
There is hope for us all, less appreciate this more than others
Purely on the basis they don’t treat people like sisters and brothers.

Too deep?
Good… I pray to make you think,
If you disregard, then all I can say, it’s your free will no one is forcing you in a corner
At least if I write these words then the thought of hope gets that little bit more “warmer”.

16th February 2022


I am already there
And yes, I do pray to the perennial way up high.
Thank you for your encouragement but I do not require your sigh.

I do know you mean well
But empathy is the key,
You are blinded by sight
And now you tell me that I need to remain tight.

But you are a believer
I presume the reflection is about you,
You state a fact; especially when I am already there
I pray for you, and yes I know you do care.

Now listen hard
I am at that place and you are as well,
Allow me to go on this journey, praying to God every step I foresee 
I feel the Holy Spirit constantly lifting me.

15th February 2022

Monday, 14 February 2022

Woke up this morning

Works up this morning feeling ready
I also prayed for you, and that your becoming is steady.

I pray for a God to hold you close
I am sure he does; and wakes up with you with tea and roast.

The eyes roll around 
God holds you closer,
Even if others don’t get it, that’s not there fault
Just be humble with them, ego is for not we are taught.

The blood flows and you get moving 
Praying is the release, where other methods cease.

So I wake up with love
Yes, I an human and at time I will struggle with that
Love of God is my power to start the day
And along with a warm drink, all shall be harmonious and at bay.

“Wake up Poem… x”

15th February 2022

The Love of God

Craving for the Love of God
Blessed in the eye which once did not see;
In his heart you shall become eternally free.

In a world full of turmoil
Others chaos becomes your sport 
Isn’t there suppose to be balance?
Not an immature dalliance.

Brewing to move forward
Wishing no one ever to be hurt,
And through love and prayer to the utmost high
The tears shall never flood through a releasing cry.

Kindness in heart
Never needs to depart
People capable showing their blessing 
And through God’s children there is no point in messing.

14th February 2022


Be my Valentines 
My beautiful Congolese queen,
You are my soulmate, my gift from his sight  
And something quite pristine and wonderfully bright.

You are my day and my calming night
You are my Christian wife, the one he chose
The light of the Father, lifted our spirits like a rose.

Love of God is held in us
My Valentines, my beautiful treat
He has brought us together 
Two souls where one shall meet.

Love you my Divine
I can’t express that enough,
There is a love language to learn 
Forever the beauty shall taste sweet. 

14th February 2022

Enjoy this life

We all know this is true….
It’s others who think they know what’s best for you,
Yes, learn from each other but the buck stops with yourself
Others think they know better
Actually it’s your question that comes through this humble letter.

People will advise 
Freely given, never requested 
Yet through prayer and hope, your opinion is truly invested.

Love thyself 
And if you don’t, start from today,
It’s a gradual process, an option you can never throw away.

You are that good,
God loves your heart and mind,
Including all of your perfect creation, where others may come across a tad blind.

14th January 2022

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Bless this week

The week starts with a coffee and rolling out of bed
Praying to God is so important 
Especially from these few words about to be said.

Pray for your neighbour 
Pray for family and friends,
Pray the glory to go to God
And that all people broken shall mend.

Pray for love 
Pray for hope to bring calm
Pray for the enemy who gives you harm
The prayers are a weapon, that are more than a charm.

I pray for a smile to light up the room,
I pray you know you are loved by God each second of the day
And the stern words from your boss, are mere petals that JUST go away.

“Have a beautifully blessed week ❤️🙏🏽“

14th February 2022


You hold him close
He is the almighty way up high,
No matter how strong you look
There is a Father who wipes the tears that you cry.

He is there from the beginning
And he shall reach the very end,
Faith is a powerful motive to drive
More than nesting into a hives.

Love is paramount 
Love is never ending
Love is your forgiveness to glide
The father in heaven has your love for best interests,  which you abide.

Love in-heralds deepness 
No more tears, and no more bleakness
Remember, love is kindness which we show
From once in a place you often bestow.

13th February 2022

Saturday, 12 February 2022

You called

You said I am here
How many times did I deny
Praying for love as you never once sighed.

You arrived
The tears pouring down the face,
Signs of weakness demonstrated
Not a chance, a sign of hope elevated.

Did you fight
Of course you did,! living without faith hurts,
Love of the father often coverts.

Bless this family 
Bless this time on earth,
Bless this hope perennially of kind
The balance of God always reaches the heart and mind.

12th February 2022



Things you don’t understand when you conform 
And paramount abnormality 
When you don’t understand the norm.

Genius comes with judgement 
And judgement needs to ignored,
How do you thrive to your full potential 
When morality is no longer torrential.

People won’t get you
Actually you will be judged in actual fact
Following regulation or protocols 
And personal beliefs which enters the soul.

Be you..
The beautiful person that you are,
Of others don’t get you
Then their judgement is not only distant? But actually quite far..

12th February 2022

What’s it all about?

What’s it all about?
People debating 
Bored or chaotically manic 
Other continents are closer to God
And less frantic.

Arguments because you can’t be bothered training at the gym,
Peace of mind is what we need 
Or profound balance which we interseed.

Calmness, chilling and holding it together
Especially when you get older
The tiredness of this journey becomes a little more bolder. 

Remember it’s your life 
A life you think you’ve all things new.
No difference from the next generation 
And destiny which you eventually pursue. 

12th February 2022

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Connecting and Perfecting…..

Define your faith?
Blame it on God?
You have free will… have you prayed ? 
Or rather not have stayed?

I prayed for those who dislike me
They don’t walk my walk…
Sorry was that too deep?
Or would you prefer me to weep?

We all go our own way
That’s life as a whole,
Some receive good guidance where wisdom is retained
Some receive the toxic advice, which never should be contained.

Hold it together 
Never lose yourself,
If you connect with a wise source, then hold onto it
God’s children always come back strong
Through that simple prayer, you know you always have belonged.

11th February 2022

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Mixed bag

You have overcome guilt
Haven’t we all sinned?
Others preaching your flaws
You are now bettered through Faith open doors.

You are good
Never forget that fact,
If you are not into literacy and looking deeper into your soul,
Respectfully do not need to read this, as depth is for what I show.

We are worthy beings 
Encouraging and praying to the faith most high,
I know from the heavens we shall never say goodbye.

Some receive mixed guidance 
support from guardians may not have been there,
Look away and find the path which works for you
And say a little prayer, for you shall ensue.

10th February 2022

One love

Regardless of who you are 
Regardless what you despise 
You are his perfect creation
That’s never been a surprise.

Forget blaming others 
Show the deep bucket of endless love,
Blindness is greatly seen when letting go
Humbleness is the place I rather take slow.

You learn to love 
You learn to leave hate behind,
You learn to be guarded when a God loves you so much
Your humility is your priceless touch.

Argue, what’s the point in that?
A debate of open transparency or blaming others can be dismissed,
We are all loved by the Father, and going against each other wasn’t part of that list.

9th February 2022

Tuesday, 8 February 2022


You work through ups and downs 
Never accepting the latter,
Yet you learn from the losses 
Even though you feel tremendously flatter.

You are gifted 
but you can break, restore, break and restore again
Moving forward is your goal
Praise the heavens, from there you shall slow.

Mindful and beautiful 
Beautiful and learning to be kind,
Isn’t it that simple; yet greed sometimes is where you may find.

A defeat shall turn into a win
A loss, no matter how you see it shall be overturned 
Persevere and just say a prayer
Always in our hearts, there is always an Angel out there.

9th February 2022


You look towards the heavens 
Never looking back,
Some people love you more than you ever acknowledge 
As long you take on the positives, which negativity is abolished.

We are children of God
You can’t ignore those words,
These are words to embrace his time 
Not just a melee of phrases, therefore do not ignore this rhyme.

Recall your worse day as a believer 
And it’s 1000 times better than your best day without Faith,
Countless moments will move you forward in kind
Embrace the spirit, who wants you to find.

Love and understanding are times we look achieve 
Lack of kindness I rather not believe.
We all have the capacity to shine
Other Father guides you to him
Never losing the moment from the edge of what’s brim. 

8th February 2022

Monday, 7 February 2022

Love has no Color

Love is connection
Love is to be embraced
Love is never to be ignored
especially where sternest has no place.

Love is power
And gentle like a blossoming flower,
Yet some look at love with marginal views 
This is more than just the ‘rhymes and blues’.

Love is articulate 
Love is perennial hope,
Love defeats negativity, and avoids you going down a slope.

Love is a swirl
Where culture embraces and fall for each other 
Love is the power of ‘1’, a benchmark to do good for each other.

8th February 2022

Tough love

A sign of tough love 
No place for complacency which looms,
You are good enough to keep moving and finding a path
The presence of faith is to forever last.

Keep moving 
Keeping saying “i can”
Ignore vexatious negativity 
You are his creation, a wonder of productivity.

You never give up,
Yes you can cry, let that part out,
Now for the plan of action,
Ignore others authority, that is only part of the fraction.

You strive, keep going 
Humble your heart, for the Father cares
But at the end of the day, pray and keep it real
The passage of going forward is part of a bigger deal.

8th February 2022


Trust….that’s an open word
It’s either betrayed or held close to the chest
It’s a powerful word, that shouldn’t mean less.

Bless your mind when you look towards trust
Often you pray to the Father, that is often a must.

Most have been burnt, hurt or put to the stove
Lying, deceitful and vexatious to a fault 
Yet it’s Faith you need to look to, that is what we are taught.

I like to trust each person I meet
Refutes me to be guarded but the fact we are open, can often lead to deceit.

Guarding your heart is not a bad thing
Yet be kind when others are negative in spirit,
They have no place in your discovering mind
The openness of trust is what we all look to find.

7th February 2022


Point of view 
It takes courage to come up and say what you feel,
As words can cause offence!
Depending what you say. of course?
Live to tell the tale and no longer feel remorse.

Opinions caused by an agenda
Politics, the root to deliver harm,
A person once said: “policies weren’t for every soul, hence the complexity which often show”

Perhaps tap into your faith 
Looking to the Holy Spirit, through a prayer?
A moment of joy without alcohol attained
Whereby an evolving love which through God is sustained.

Views are important 
Views do provoke 
Views can be dangerous when fallen on vulnerable ears
Be mindful with love, whereby aggression does not need to be veneered.”

7th February 2022

Sunday, 6 February 2022


You never give up
It’s your time to thrive 
Stay in touch with Faith
There isn’t a moment you want encounter the devils wrath.

Simple things to hold close to you…
This is chapter and verse..  negativity shall never pursue.

The fight is yours to give God the glory
There is hope for us all, not at all falling down a storey.

Prayers are the hope 
Prayers are your light
Prayers are manifestation
With all your Godly hope and no retaliation..

Be at peace with God
He will give you your peace you fought against 
There is no intelligence attached to standing on the fence.

6th February 2022

Saturday, 5 February 2022

With what we have.. (type 1 diabetes poem)

Diabetes, type 1 is a mindful in its own
Often you face challenges 
Followed by a groan.

You become a maths expert to calculate food,
An analytical worker who gets into the mood,
Injection and carbs manifest it’s own cause
You can’t stay still with this condition, there isn’t a pause.

People pray for this horrid condition to be removed
And by his Faith of God this shall one day elude.

One day there be no diseases like this
But now this condition is taking the piss😂😂
So pray and exercise
Not the routine of medication 
Learning to overcome this level of abrasion.

5th February 2022

Tired and woken

Tired and woken 
Broken and never forsaken,
God holding us closely
Feeling hope everso mostly.

My eyes are tired
Time not always on our side,
I believe in my God so much 
From there I shall always feel his touch.

I love to love
And be loved back,
Some fall into this pattern with no worry 
Pray with hope; this is the eternal love story.

Be held touched and loved
Be humbled, aspiring and never shoved.
There is a prayer with your name
Believe is ultimately, he shall never make you feel ashamed.

5th February 2022

Blessed with gifts

Embracing art
Shall never part,
Kindness shown for what we all bring
Definitely eliminates any vexatious sin.

Beautiful, kindness and love do mesh
Hatred doesn’t work and  wants so much less.

Love of kindness 
And the Love of peace 
Acknowledging your gifts… welcomes all
Humility of faith, shall prevent you to fall.

I stay guarded
I could stay humbled and still,
I don’t let chaos dictate
There is solace in guarding your fate.

5th February 2022

Thursday, 3 February 2022

End of the week

You’ve reached that place 
A defining surrounding,
The end has arrived
despite the stresses you face 
You look to find balance in a working place.

Then again there’s are others who don’t have a job
And talk a lot to reach that financial security,
Yet it’s us with a job, that need to find a little maturity.

We are all kind
We all have a place to reach,
We are all different, where others are closer to their spiritual goal
Others are more aggress, and put on that act to show.

We do our best 
That’s all we can ask?
Others in a place of mourn 
And others are on the next step …. Torn.

We are humble and we are great
Never forget, regardless what the others state.
So enjoy your weekend regardless what you do,
As long as you have that moment of prayer
The Father who has your best interests… shall show you.

“Friday poem….”

4th February 2022

You inspire

You inspire my desire to love
You inspire the tainted rose petal flow,
You inspire the mildew glistening in the spring fall mist 
You inspire my heart to write with gratuitous kiss.

You show heart when speaking as a child of God
You demonstrate the ability to love when God cries,
You bring love to the pattern amidst the sighs.

Thank you for being you 
You have impacted my heart each and every day,
Even when there is nothing for us to say….

I end this note with never ending love 
A hope of passion that raises above.
You inspire and you elevate the Lords cries
May humbleness hold you close through the strength of this storm
One day we shall look back and say this was the norm?…

X Divine

3rd February 2022

Unique Love for you ❤️

You are beautiful… and kind
You are God’s immaculate creation; not difficult to find.

He found you and loved…
He held you like fluttering dove.
He appreciates you believing his 3 in 1
He will hold you for the victory his son has won.

He loves your heart
He loves your soul,
He knows what you are always feeling 
He stops the tide when you pray, and then no longer reeling.

He’s heart is yours
You are inside of it,
He loves your passion to cherish his gifts 
And the passage of hope where he constantly lifts. 

Love to Divine x

3rd February 2022

I rather have God in my corner

Why would you refuse?
A prayer?
A feeling of hope…?
That time with humbleness
That avoidance of numbness.

He is always there to talk too
Others tend to release, especially when others ignore,
The hope in the Father is strong 
And the guidance provided is never wrong.

I would have been gone if he never arrived;
The heavens he brought Angel’s for us to survive.

He never promised it would be easy when I was saved
And the guidance in his love, is like a crest of a wave.

He is in my corner when I feel inspired
Running through humbleness he gives you to hold
The parting of God isn’t what you called BOLD.

3rd February 2022

Birthday Praise

Praise you Dixon
God the almighty loves you so,
The cornerstone to perfect you
And humbled your heart with a glow.

A good person 
Fearful of the Lord,
Never lose your spirit from the almighty, way up high
His greeting for you is a moment of happiness, ,which you shall never say goodbye.

A great soul
The spirit keeps you strong,
The Father is in you, and refute for doing wrong.

Praise you in Jesus 
Enjoy this day which belongs to you,
May the heavens touch your heart with gifts to rejoice 
Happy birthday my brother as we enchant your voice.

“Happy birthday Dixon
Divine and Hadessah”

What matters most

We live in a world full of judgements, which stain
People not getting others, so pick on them, rather than be educated in that domain.

Where others are hasten
Patience has lost its way,
People being light-minded rather fall into that toxic trap
The latter can lead to an almighty slap.

People look at politics to get there real kicks
I prefer to play a game of pool, write a poem or perhaps eat a twix.

I prefer to love be kind and have a light minded joke
Rather than be vexatious and avoid someone’s blinded poke.

As long as you pray to start the day 
Avoid self consumption and be guided by faith,
The world will be a better position if we were patient.. rather endure any debris of haste.

3rd February 2022

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

In his name

Be praised
Be blessed
There is hope for all that pray
As well as the chapters for when we stay.

Pray for those who persecute;
They have there story too, 
They need vexatious words to be moved 
And their hearts humbled and perennially soothed.

Love is more than being ‘just’ nice 
It’s a power that conquers all,
Whatever turbulence you face
The Father shall stem that fall.

These words hold credence
They say one size doesn’t always fit all,
As long as you pray for you and others, all shall be well
There is hope starting with the first prayer
At least you are helping and expressing God’s care.

3rd February 2022.



Working through issues in a desperate need
Encouraging one another in a prayful feed.

You wake up
It then suddenly hits…
This isn’t a coffee moment to wake you started…
This is your spiritual mission, where you shall never be parted.

You are fearful of him
His light, and his teachings,
Yet it’s for the great of good, especially through callings from he’s preaching.

Never say no when it comes to a prayer
You will feel better and strength doesn’t stop there.
This is my gift through the Father, writing words, to spread his love
The day of his calling shall leap so high above.

2nd February 2022 

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

That love of God

There’s no feeling like it
It’s the essence of all things he made,
The beauty of his kindness 
Removes anything close to a merciful shade.

He gets you closer to prepare for the battle
Blind faith is a place I prefer to sit,
Love of Jesus Christ the son you go through to see the height
He is your passion for goodness, and where you deflect any sordid fight.

You hold my hand 
Thank you Father; I need you right away
I never stopped loving you, as I knew you would stay.

Kindness is a place we can all reach
It’s healthy, kind and eruditely loving to the highest spirit of all
In the name of the father, you shall always receive his call.

1st February 2022

Mind in the clouds

Sometimes bad news makes you react
You ponder on this feeling that hits the heart
And crave a quick fix that never depart. 

You hold yourself together and pray to God
Sometimes I feel self righteous and need the Father’s approving nod.

In a world of struggles
Every person for themselves,
Showing care and kindness 
Is warm, comforting and removes anything height-less.

The world is fairly simple
Yet we blame God when greed and mindless games enter the core,
Thank the Father for kind and thoughtful prayers, today I need it a little bit more when dampness makes you feel bare..

“Sad day but it will be okay❤️😉”

1st February 2022

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...