Thursday, 4 June 2020

We all matter

There is no denying this has been done
a sadness of events causing hurt and pain, 
making others hurting, and would never do such a thing
leaving an embittered hurtful sting. 

Sad to think what that officer did to that poor gentleman
a man called 'George Floyd' 
a person crushed and he never did anything to make those fools annoyed. 

It hurts saying these words,
A person attributing towards racial hate,
this isn't the way we should live
we are humans, we should pray and want to give. 

I pray for his family as well as his friends,
people demonstrating the hurt this has caused, 
no more destruction
no more woe
we were entering into a time of cultural and racial blend,
this insane act is delaying what we love to transcend. 

R.I.P. George Floyd. love to you in heaven🎔

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