Monday, 4 November 2019

When I first knew

When I was told I had diabetes 
I obviously was very surprised, 
I felt uncertain in many ways 
And the confusion of the aftermath made me feel demised.

Judged by having a hypo or hyper
Yes...these frequent moments of attacks,
My heart often sunk 
Especially when  a hypo persistently stuck.

And yes, there is that thing called life..
And others say “others live with diabetes, what’s your problem!”
You try balancing, insulin, carb counting, diet, temperament and that other thing called life,
Actually with positivity to learning in what we do
Frequently comes with an empathetic clue.

A little regard 
A little concern
A little help shouldn’t go astray 
One thing for certain, Type 1 diabetes we look to beat
As none of us want it to stay. 

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