Wednesday, 27 November 2019

That bitter pill

Speak as you find 
“Lord why me.?.” 
that’s what we all say 
“Please dear lord, take the pain away.”

So many souls out there,
Let down by people they truly love,
Building a calcium deposit of hurt 
Trying to destroy you embittered soul
“I Pray dear lord, please manage the blow”.

You never understand  how you arrived to that place
A place of neglect and where others judge 
Move away from the demons in which the devil depends 
Break, cry and move forward, that’s where the spirit transcends.

You may say nothing to that person, yes protection is key
Looking for a humble place to arrive 
This is your life, the aim is simply feel free and stay alive.

I have been there and sometimes face the demons with bitterness and angst,
Wanting to hit and hurt, dangerous places from which I arrive 
The only thing holding it together is the father, who loves me and encourages me to continue to thrive,

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