Sunday, 25 August 2019

Time with god

Nothing so beautiful
Nothing so surreal 
Time with god is the ultimate deal. 

With light 
Or nothing to see
Your time with the father should be embraced... and set free. 

You cannot compare
You cannot lose touch
Once god finds you
Your new life shall release many a clue. 

Once God finds a way through your free will
The art is to love, forgive and move on
Holding a grudge contains a bitter pill,
Once you have that relationship with the father of perennial hope
There is no better feeling when you reach the next stage
You will be set free, removed from the devils cage....

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Lost and found

I am here Lord!!! Shouting for my very life, I am blaming…yet you gave me free will, that’s where I lay my strife. Think about it? I am hurt...