Saturday, 10 August 2019

Never been to me

Blame others 
Blame yourself 
Blame life 
Blame those around
There is an element from where you surround.

People may encourage 
People may put you down
Expletives relayed
Have your chapter and verse from what you say.

You are important 
Once I never thought I was
I had those difficult conversations where I could be kicked out 
My life is important 
And worth a godly shout.

“What will others says”
So what? They don’t live my life
Self reflection is so important 
Not the opposite end who want you to feel concerned 
Pray for you and those all around 
Gods word comes first, that’s the important sound. 

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Lost and found

I am here Lord!!! Shouting for my very life, I am blaming…yet you gave me free will, that’s where I lay my strife. Think about it? I am hurt...