Tuesday, 20 August 2019


I pray for those whose life is there 
I pray for those who love you lord, more than I could ever know
I hope and cherish the essence where you are great 
Therefore exalt and capture the passage of fate.

Love and pray
The simplest thing you can ever do,
Close your eyes and capture
Shout to the heavens in a glorious rapture.

Hold on 
God is kind and he is merciful,
Timing to stay gracious when up against 
You have the best person building up your defence.

Love is glorious 
In the lords most ultimate high
Jesus our saviour 
As tears from the heart never lie.   

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Lost and found

I am here Lord!!! Shouting for my very life, I am blaming…yet you gave me free will, that’s where I lay my strife. Think about it? I am hurt...