Saturday, 31 August 2019

Spirit inside

You never lose it once you believe... and pray
You have that warm feeling 
What it what you will, I am just having my day.

I pray to god
I need him close
I pray for those who love me... and not
He sacrificed his begotten son, in the prayer that means a lot.

Jesus took so much on
These are not mere words 
Come from faith and from where we should all belong.

Freedom in Christ
Payment on the cross 
Pray each beautiful day 
He is there for you, no matter what 
The harmour from the lord is the way
Hence I constantly repeat these word in what I say....

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Lost and found

I am here Lord!!! Shouting for my very life, I am blaming…yet you gave me free will, that’s where I lay my strife. Think about it? I am hurt...