Wednesday, 7 August 2019

The final journey

The earths journey through goodness and infliction 
And the challenges faced through arduous atriction.

The journey enjoyed
Or challenges faced
We have all hurt someone, or been on the  receiving end of fractured words
We pray to the lord and try to deflect a stampede hurd.

The following message I struggle with; 
How do you forgive someone who parents and deflects the words you have said?
A cause of aggression and a punch that boils through the veins...
It’s gods love and guidance which makes you refrain.

The quest..,the final journey 
Gods plan is their for you to leave in his hands 
Hold him, believe in him 
A simple theory, a wanting to love a god is the only way
Through his almighty power 
There is a glory and a time to stay. 

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Lost and found

I am here Lord!!! Shouting for my very life, I am blaming…yet you gave me free will, that’s where I lay my strife. Think about it? I am hurt...