Monday, 10 April 2017

To feel loved

I was once helpless, confused and nowhere to turn
Then a person amidst the pain and sorrow gave me hope
I felt I was sliding on one help of a slippery slope.

That person saved me 
She looked me in the eyes and said "stay with me and be safe"
I thought it was a parents job to secure that time
Yet my journey arrived to a new parental stake 
They gave me hope, they gave me a break.

That person knows who they are 
They are beautiful inside and out
"Hold my hand, I may not be a god but you shall be ok"
I now have a place to look with fondness and care
Knowing a beautiful humanitarian is there..

The world is demanding and when all appears bleak
Look to the skies and pray for a new start.
It may arrive in a person, tear, poem or a simple verse
Yet your world will change for the better
Despite others opinion towards you
There is always someone looking, with a blanket of care
Love only love ensures the world shares its glare. 

(C) copyright
J Andrews

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