Saturday, 15 April 2017

The Worlds Challenges

The world always faces challenges 
Through generations past and present jewel,
Learning what you can and cannot control
And accept things you need to let go.

My head overthinks 
And yes! I have made mistakes 
Yet moving on and learning 
To flow the correct way
Shall give sentiment from the glory you crave.

The love of your life may or, may not arrive
Keep being humble with the truth 
And be open with your heart 
Love, only live shall never leave the passion from which to start.

You may or may not like the journey you have faced
Energies rise and sometimes go low,
As long as you keep smiling and fighting for what you believe
Eyes wide open for what is a must
But then again you must move forward..., and trust x

20:44 hours 
(C) Copyright 

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