Wednesday, 19 April 2017


You may believe in god
You may believe in love
You may believe in Allah
You may hold true for what is the meaning of life
You may be blind from all this strife.

I love you
Simple words to release the pain
As long there is an element of patience and understanding
Then a higher being shall always balance a landing..

Love conquers hate
And resentment kills
The meaning of freedom
Is that it contains a surreal.

Love is the answer 
And hate has no place
A knot can always build up 
Love shall release the pain
Nothibg immediately but, it shall sustain.

I leave it on this note
If love is the answer
So why do we refrain?
Is it because we are human and have flaws 
As I love my kingdom so much more.

"Spiritual or otherwise we know the world is going through a trying time. Set the example for you and maybe (maybe) others shall provide a calmer clue... 

18:34 hours
(C) copyright 

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