Sunday, 30 April 2017

Pray from afar

Let's face it 
Not everyone has something in common,
Doesn't mean we do not care
It's the fact the conversation isn't there.

We could try find a happy medium at somepoint in time
Or the fact we don't have a similar interest 
Which may cause harm to our attempts to be in our prime.

Goodness means we strive to be good for each other.
As hope and love remain intact
Pray from afar... that holds a sincere fact.

Yes, I am sensitive 
Yet I am who I am
Part of that attribute endears my nature 
Cannot avoid the love I hold
As sometimes I feel challenges, in the quest to become bold.

I wear my heart on my sleeve
And that encapsulates a heartily coo
Clearly we are all on a journey despite the hardships we choose.  

The drama from those who enforces a venemous infliction,
As this may enter an unnecessary war of attrition. 

Love only love is the powerful tool we embrace, 
Despite challenges faced we try to do right from wrong 
And despite mistakes we may lead towards,
I end it like this... Love conquers love, and from that we look towards a spiritual reward. 

x x

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Saturday, 29 April 2017

The past stays there

We can reminisce the past 
And hold with delicate thought
Some are good memories
And some are self taught.

How strong are you?
The answer we are all in a open sense,
None of us are truly weak
As life has no need to be bleak.

No doubt we will get lows 
As well as the highs
Life can be challenging 
Yet we are looking to have closure to ties.

Clearly I have done wrong
As long as I don't repeat the mistake
Looking positively to the future 
From opportunities we look to take.

Life is a balance
Sometimes we don't do right from wrong,
Yet with foresight to preclude
We can avoid attempting to delude.

21:22 hours
(C) Copyright

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


I pray to god
And worship the lords domain
Not sure what's going on
As I need to avoid  this stain..

I need to feel helped
And I try to do right
I have made many mistakes
Today??? I just don't feel bright.

I don't normally feel like this 
But yet again I am human 
I know one moment I would be okay
The next I am struggling with my emotions 
Which I conceal and do not stay.

I feel the world does not care 
And today this has got to me,
I try to be hopeful and aim to feel bright
Sadness will change to happiness
And anger moves to a smile, I suppose love shall conquer, especially for a while.. I am here.

20:45 hours
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Birthday smile

Happy birthday
Is the common greeting 
Yet this is a special day 
With those you are meeting.

Well done for exercising hard 
And continuing to make your dreams real
I hear a birthday ipad is heading your way
To cap a smile on this momentous of days.

Have a great day 
I am sure you will
Family, presents and friends 
All the ingredients from this message to send.

May the day be relaxed
And may the day shall be cool
Remember this, it's your birthday 
Despite needing to go to school.... 

Happy Birthday. Keep up the good work.

Sunday, 23 April 2017


Cycle is a free reign
Looking at nature nurture
And something to share
Become free and love you like you deserve
Cycling through Richmond Park
Without any reserve.

Focus.,, push the peddles with your heart and soul,
Get ready to excellirate 
And now flow, flow and flow.

So with your new found strength
And hold your freedom goals
This scenery from Richmond
Shall allow you to blow.

Our eyes widen
Our spirit released
You are the deserving 
That I'll say in the very least. 

16th April 2017
(C) copyright 

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Hand on Heart

The past is history
And that is where past love belongs
We worship icons of all genres 
The moments which are often put in songs.

If you believe in love 
You believe the power of your soul,
You are the kingdom to your universe
From this, you have somewhere to go.

Despite the anger people believe
This isn't a place that holds an emotional vault,
Love conquers all, we know that, however, if you believe 
Look to the skies and glow 
You are a child of this earth, please allow this to show.

Warmth to the heart
Chill to the spiritual grace 
We learn from each other 
Anytime and the spiritual place. 

19:00 hours
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Thursday, 20 April 2017

Love Does this

To say "I love you"
Hits a beat,  where nowhere else can describe, 
You look to that person 
And then immediately embrace the glory to survive.

We all know the feeling
It hurts and brings so much within
You feel one minute a saint, the next.. a unexplainable sin!

It's all good when these words rely
Love only love can bring the choices to the mind,
Yet it's the heart it encaptivates
Hence why I know love isn't blind.

These words are true to my heart
I believe unconditionally we love with great depth
The purpose isn't logical, it brings great power
Not forgetting a fortitude to tower.. 

"For those who believe in Love"

J x
18:31 hours

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


You may believe in god
You may believe in love
You may believe in Allah
You may hold true for what is the meaning of life
You may be blind from all this strife.

I love you
Simple words to release the pain
As long there is an element of patience and understanding
Then a higher being shall always balance a landing..

Love conquers hate
And resentment kills
The meaning of freedom
Is that it contains a surreal.

Love is the answer 
And hate has no place
A knot can always build up 
Love shall release the pain
Nothibg immediately but, it shall sustain.

I leave it on this note
If love is the answer
So why do we refrain?
Is it because we are human and have flaws 
As I love my kingdom so much more.

"Spiritual or otherwise we know the world is going through a trying time. Set the example for you and maybe (maybe) others shall provide a calmer clue... 

18:34 hours
(C) copyright 

Monday, 17 April 2017

You've had your chance

No one needs to be put down
We need to embrace an encouraging word
Those who hurt our spirit do not deserve our gifts
Life can be difficult,  so let's welcome a lift.

Be nice to you
No one shall ever bemise your soul
You are beautiful inside and out
Learn to embrace your goodness 
And let the others workout their looseness.

You will always love
And I shall always care
If I am there 24/7 then that's because the spirit has moved me there.

When others attack
Use the words and foresight to respond 
For you are a wonderful person 
Hence why others take you beyond..

J to A
(C) copyright 

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Easter greetings

Enjoy your scrumptious chocolates eggs.
Enjoy the occasion, the sweetness.. which puts on a tum, unlike me, it goes on my bum.

So delicious to consume this succulent egg
Whatever you have done today, I have cycled at Richmond Park and then went to church 
So when I received the delicious chocolate cream egg 
I assure you, I undoubtedly wanted to beg.

So team DOP I wish each everyone of you a Easter Sunday treat,
As there be many Chocolate Eggs to consume...  and undoubtedly eat xxx

To the team I work with.  

20:38 Hours

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Arise a new day
Spiritual blessings arrive to stay,
A new start
A beginning of the end
Let's live our life's all over again.

Try harder
Try harder some more
Energies used with a balanced might
Do not over do it 
And never lose sight.

Our eyes well with humbleness and joy
Life's treat is no longer a ploy.
Do not let anyone put your mood down
Balance in spiritual growth to find
Allow your vision be for those that are not so blind.

Words said with depth
And wounds healed with prayer.
Remember the glory, the beauty 
And not forgetting flair.... 

16:59 hours
(C) Copyright  

Saturday, 15 April 2017

The Worlds Challenges

The world always faces challenges 
Through generations past and present jewel,
Learning what you can and cannot control
And accept things you need to let go.

My head overthinks 
And yes! I have made mistakes 
Yet moving on and learning 
To flow the correct way
Shall give sentiment from the glory you crave.

The love of your life may or, may not arrive
Keep being humble with the truth 
And be open with your heart 
Love, only live shall never leave the passion from which to start.

You may or may not like the journey you have faced
Energies rise and sometimes go low,
As long as you keep smiling and fighting for what you believe
Eyes wide open for what is a must
But then again you must move forward..., and trust x

20:44 hours 
(C) Copyright 

Friday, 14 April 2017

Rush of words

So the words flow 
As these need to be released from the soul
I am at a place where I have given god the right to 'get go'.

I have time for you, even if I do not show
I can pray from afar 
Not like a cigarette, which is made from tar.

Yes, We have all been hurt 
That is part of life's core,
I am not now hurting 
Yet a change may arrive to the table
A flurry of words may inhibit what is stable.

You can call me names and ignore my heart
I will initially feel hurt, that is natures cause 
Yet we find a way to release the pain
As our eyes will focus on the important domain.

To work through difficult people and difficult times
Is a challenge we all need to confront 
As we tend to say "why me" 
I too have said that, yet a story is waiting to be. 

I love who I love and, ignore those I love too
Yet the energy is to fight and remove away from subjective emotions
We need to delve into positive devotion.

(C) Copyright
18:09 hours 

Those who cannot see!

We enter the earth and take on a journey to explore,
Some paths entered are rocky, some smooth
Learning is the essence in order to choose.

"I didn't want to say I told you so" is often the attacking answer relayed
 I suppose the mistake has happened, so as long the lesson is learnt eventually in time
Then the next error will be embraced
Rather beat yourself up from the words others shall sake.

Some people won't get others
Does that mean we should dame them from our lives?
All you need is pray from a far 
Your journey is yours, like theirs is theirs 
The lack of physical presence, doesn't mean you care.

I have my lows and often I have my highs
Working through life to please others does not answer your sanity,
Controlling me is not the answer
Let me make error  and learn from what I see
Good sense may not enter the mind, 
I am of course human as those who cannot see ain't always blind.

(C) copyright 

Careers of the ground

Time to move on 

But not right now, 

Need to insert the effort 

Instead of raising our brow.


We have talents, gifts whatever you want to call it 

Our life’s can be stagnant, exuberant or stable 

Yet we need to take our talents onto the table. 


We can only do what we can 

And we can move the world just the once. 

We aspire by moving and grooving 

The end result will end up entirely soothing. 


The world never stops with or, aspiration goals

Are we in the right or wrong jobs? That’s not important at this time

We try our best for those we work for at this stage

Turning over another page. 

The important aspect is to make a start to capture our dream

As the futures doesn’t always appear as it seems. 


Have a great Easter. 



15:29 hours

13th April 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

If it was that simple

We see the world with a different shine or mist
Glaring at our future
And working through a list.

Make it happen
Even when the chips are down 
No need to worry
There is almost many ways,
Just regain focus and try not to sway.

Be kind to you
And avoid vexatious souls.
Brace a new start and remember the strength you possess
You shall prevail,
Despite a beaten test.

Work hard and try
Despite others thoughts 
Ultimately the decision is yours.
No going back, try your best and look at the fight,
With these attributes 
You shall see all that is bright. 


(C) copyright 

Monday, 10 April 2017

Do not blame yourself

Made mistakes?
Haven't we all?
I am now getting stronger
As I prevent to fall.

Live my life
And I love my soul,
I love my spiritual growth
I love the time I moved in strength
Strong and diligent in a massive length.

People shall say nice and hurtful things
Your courage and faith shall beat the swamp of pain
Your openness shall accept the domain. 

Go forth and don't let anything hold you back
You are still a child of the earth 
And humaility you do not lack. 

(C) Copyright 
J Andrews
20:53 hours

To feel loved

I was once helpless, confused and nowhere to turn
Then a person amidst the pain and sorrow gave me hope
I felt I was sliding on one help of a slippery slope.

That person saved me 
She looked me in the eyes and said "stay with me and be safe"
I thought it was a parents job to secure that time
Yet my journey arrived to a new parental stake 
They gave me hope, they gave me a break.

That person knows who they are 
They are beautiful inside and out
"Hold my hand, I may not be a god but you shall be ok"
I now have a place to look with fondness and care
Knowing a beautiful humanitarian is there..

The world is demanding and when all appears bleak
Look to the skies and pray for a new start.
It may arrive in a person, tear, poem or a simple verse
Yet your world will change for the better
Despite others opinion towards you
There is always someone looking, with a blanket of care
Love only love ensures the world shares its glare. 

(C) copyright
J Andrews

Sunday, 9 April 2017

From afar

I can't promise I be there
I can promise that I care
Do I want to do what you do?
I can be open and in what I see as fair,

Pray from afar
And yes you will not like my thoughts
I am bracing in the word of God 
Working to find answers from the spirit above
Flying beautifully like a blossoming dove.

I want to do right 
And sometimes I stay safe from what I say 
If only my physical strength could match my spiritual path...
Yet gods plan may not be what I want 
Yet the final decision arrives from him
Guiding me to touch any unlawful sin.

I cannot always be there
That's the truth in what I say
You have done right for me
Yet that's your persecution 
For your want to be there.
In my heart if hearts, you follow gods will 
That guidance is the greatest deal...,

Amen and stay blessed

(C) copyright 

Friday, 7 April 2017

Free from your thoughts

Be free with your thoughts
Be free with those you love 
Those who care let you free
Those you love you want to be.

Don't lose focus 
And don't lose heart 
Be you and no one else
Cut the strings as nothing always last.

It's hard
Never easy
You want someone to accept 
Your vision and views in what you set.

Please be kind to your opinion
Even when others don't understand 
Be kind to your wants 
You understand the person that you are
Never lose focus, as the truth is never far...

(C) copyright 
J Andrews 

Health in the Game

Health in the name
Health to obtain
Working out a pathway to a recovered life
Brace the cycle to hold
Learn to bring it on... so bold.

Workout your strength 
And workout your weakness in health
The factor to bring out the best
Shall illuminate an encaptivating test.

We are all working out our healthy needs
And sometimes demands cause a strain
That's where we come from and look to attain.

Bring it on
There are ways and means 
Yet the health economy has its place
Five years to move forward... 
As we learn to raise the bar
A change to for the better can never be far.....

Resident poet 
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Birthday message

Birthday message


Blessings of gods will on this most special of days.

Praise the lord in the worship which arrives your way.


Stay blessed and merciful in the grace of the king

The day of your birthday is an enchanted sing.


Birthday greetings may become humble and filled

The joy of this occasion is to entitled you to be thrilled.


Be at peace and serve the lords word as one

As you are his child, which therefore you have become.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

This walk we walk xxx

The day we start this journey 
We do not entirely know the walk of fate 
We aspire to do right and use basic sense
Yet sometimes our bodies can go into a state.

We try to do right from wrong 
Yet sometimes the path we face delivers a different result,
Good, bad or indifferent the result tends to be the same,
Meaning? A light is delivered and learning is the name of the game.

One day a question will loom from nowhere to be seen
We do our best, that's all we can ask
The outcome, regardless what it is.. never lasts.

As I listen to soothe music
My fingers flow with these words that I say
Basically, at the end of the day.., it's all going to be ok.

J Andrews
6:08 hours

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Birthday Joy

What can I say
This day belongs to you
You are humble in spirit
As my sight is delighted to have known you.

May your day we braced with love
And that's these words have been composed for you
I have leRnt so much in this quest 
As you are beautiful through and through.

This day is yours
And this time reflects the great person you are
You are loyal, loving and give the greatest hug 
Hence these words at you... which encourage a cheeky tug...

I love you, as this day has your name written from the stairs
You.. yes you will always have a special place in all our hearts
Therefore, decide a day I'll take you to a quality feast,
You deserve that... in the very least. 

J x x
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Saturday, 1 April 2017


The world can be such a turmoil place
Through judgement and condemning 
People will need to move on
Humble learning and forward belief 
There are decisions which can make you look wrong
Yet the bigger picture shall break a new kind of strong.

Calmness and perspective  
Two words which strive to an open pledge 
Love and hope shall deliver a goal you shall see
Illuminating truth, or learning from a lie which has it delays 
People need to start as many times as they crave
As the past can cause harm as you do not need to feel a slave.

Tell me the person who has not made a mistake 
And I'll nail jelly to the ceiling
Shouldn't your yearning become a positive feeling?

I love you and even if you do not feel the same
I want you to be at peace inside and out
Isn't what life challenges when people's tension hit the core.
Love your life and remove people you love with a far away prayer.
You are the most important person.
Do you know why? It's because I care xxx

(C) Copyright 
19:46 hours

Through the eyes of love

Love is judgement  Love is joyful Love can be fun and embracing when feeling cool. Love in inspiration  Love is God, Love is exceptionally h...